Chapter 72 Accidental Help

After the simple greetings, Shen Lin sat down and chatted with Zhong Tianyang.Just as the two of them were talking, Zhong Qing came out holding Xiaodong in her arms.

"Xiaodong, see if you recognize this uncle?" Zhong Qing pointed at Shen Lin and said with a light smile.

Children's memories are usually very weak, but this time, when Zhong Qing pointed at Shen Lin, Xiaodong stretched out his hand to Shen Lin full of excitement, and his appearance seemed extremely kind.


Hearing the milky voice, Shen Lin couldn't help but stretched out his hands towards Xiaodong, Zhong Qing hesitated for a moment, and let Xiaodong fall into Shen Lin's arms.

"It seems to be a little fatter." Before Shen Lin finished speaking, the chubby Xiaodong stretched out his mouth and kissed Shen Lin's face.

Facing the approach of a baby, Shen Lin hesitated a little, and let the baby kiss his face to slobber.

Lu Xiaorong didn't say much all the time, she was actually a little nervous following behind Shen Lin, but seeing Shen Lin's appearance now, she couldn't help showing a smile.

Shen Lin is still so close to a child from other people's family, so when he faces his own child, he will probably dote on him even more.

"Shen Lin wipe it quickly, this child seems to really like you, otherwise he wouldn't kiss your face." Zhong Tianyang smiled and handed Shen Lin a piece of toilet paper.

Shen Lin was not polite either, he wiped his face casually, and then said: "Xiaodong still remembers me for so long, he must be amazing in the future."

After the two talked a few words around the child, Zhong Tianyang felt that he seemed to have nothing to talk about. Most of his time was spent on work, so when talking and doing things, it was more about work.

If there is no topic, he starts to find a topic.

"Shen Lin, Zhong Qing has been asking me to treat you to a meal, but I have never had time. During this period, my main energy is on the construction site selection of the second smelting workshop. Now in the factory, because of this first The location of the second smelting workshop has been debated for several months."

When Zhong Tianyang said these things, he was actually looking for a topic, but when Shen Lin heard these words, it moved Shen Lin's heart.

The second smelting workshop!

He suddenly remembered that in his previous life, he had read a news about the relocation of the second workshop.

According to this news report, it seems that there are not small defects in the location of the second workshop, so that after the completion of the second workshop, the second workshop has not been used for too long, and a series of problems such as the tilting of the blast furnace have appeared.

He always felt that the second workshop had been built for a long time, but he never thought that the second workshop would only start construction now.

With each thought flashing, Shen Lin decided to tell Zhong Tianyang about the situation. After all, this not only helped Zhong Tianyang, but also recovered the loss caused by the relocation of the second workshop.

But just when he was about to speak, he suddenly thought of his educational background, and immediately changed what he wanted to say into: "I heard from my dad that the second workshop is the most important thing in our main factory. Do you know where to move?"

"There are two places, one is the east slope of Xiyun Mountain, and the other is an open space behind the main factory."

Zhong Tianyang didn't hide it either. After all, it wasn't a confidential matter. He picked up a cigarette and wanted to light it, but he looked at the child beside Shen Lin, and put the cigarette down again.

"However, after these days of debate, it has basically been confirmed that it is the open space behind the main factory."

"After all, no matter in terms of geographical location or production needs, it is extremely suitable for the construction of the second workshop."

Shen Lin pretended to be thinking and said, "I heard from my dad that there seems to be some problem with the geology of the land behind the main factory."

"By the way, it seems that the geology there is a bit loose. If you choose that place, will it cause the blast furnace to tilt?" Shen Lin's words made Zhong Tianyang stunned for a moment.

What he compares these days is mainly the traffic and cost of the two sites, and he doesn't care about geological issues.

After all, during the construction of their factory area, they had been surveyed by someone, and they said that this place was suitable for the construction of the main factory.

At this time, Shen Lin's question not only surprised him, but also surprised him even more.

He looked at Shen Lin in a daze and said, "Did your father really say that?"

"Yes, my father used to work in our main factory." Shen Lin smiled and said, "I don't know if what he said is right."

Zhong Tianyang couldn't sit still for a while, he pondered for a while and said: "What you said is a problem, I will ask someone to investigate it tomorrow."

Having said that, he picked up the phone and dialed out.

"Xiao Wang? I'm Zhong Tianyang, please contact a specialized geological survey organization to conduct a survey on the location of our second workshop."

After hanging up the phone, Zhong Tianyang took a deep breath. As a technical person, he knew very well what would happen if the problem Shen Lin mentioned really happened.

For him, it was simply a disaster.

"Shen Lin, what is your father doing now?" Zhong Tianyang took a breath and asked Shen Lin with concern.

After all, Shen Lin said this matter through his father's mouth, so he should pay attention to Shen Lin's father.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "My father used to be the director of the hardware machinery factory under our main factory. Some time ago, because of his health, he has now retired to the second line."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Zhong Tianyang felt that it was more likely that Shen Lin's words were reliable.He smiled and said: "If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, if things are really as your father said, then he will restore a lot of losses for our factory."

While the two were talking, Zhong Qing had already invited them to dinner.

The food is very rich, and the cooking skills of the cooks are also very good.Zhong Tianyang, who looked at Shen Lin with admiration, took out a bottle of wine from his cupboard.

"Shen Lin, my teacher gave me this wine when I graduated that year. I have been drinking it leisurely all these years, but there is only one bottle left."

"Come on, let's kill it."

Looking at the wine bottle that Zhong Tianyang took out, Shen Lin couldn't help but smacked his mouth, looking at this wine bottle, it will be a sky-high price in decades.

It's a shame to drink it now.

"Brother Zhong, I think we should..."

Before Shen Lin finished speaking, Zhong Tianyang directly unscrewed the wine.Looking at the opened wine lid, Shen Lin felt a little regretful that he didn't have a mobile phone now.

If you have a photo, you can definitely use it to make people worship in the future.

After eating a meal for more than an hour, Zhong Tianyang said to Shen Lin with a smile after both of them felt a little drunk: "Shen Lin, if you encounter any difficulties, just tell me, and I will give you advice."

(End of this chapter)

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