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Chapter 73 Brother, You Are Too Enthusiastic

Chapter 73 Brother, You Are Too Enthusiastic

Lu Xiaorong has been thinking about how to talk about her own affairs, so although she is eating, her heart has not been very peaceful.

Now, when Zhong Tianyang finally mentioned his concern, he immediately put down his chopsticks and looked at Shen Lin.

Shen Lin put down his chopsticks and said, "Brother Zhong, I actually have nothing to do, so I have to ask you for help."

Zhong Tianyang didn't say a word, he had encountered too many such rhetoric.

Shen Lin didn't hide anything, so he told Zhong Tianyang everything about his family. Among them, there was even the grievance between his father and Bai Bin.

Zhong Tianyang's expression was calm, but Zhong Qing and Chen Juan's sister-in-law, who were sitting on the side, suddenly showed anger when they heard that Lu Xiaorong was assigned to the boiler room.

Especially Chen Juan, she had just talked with Lu Xiaorong, and she already felt that Lu Xiaorong was a good girl with a soft personality.

It was already too much to send such a good girl, and she was pregnant, to the workshop because of personal grievances, but now she even went so far as to send Lu Xiaorong to the boiler room.

"Tian Yang, this Bai Bin has gone too far. I think you should teach him a lesson." Chen Juan said angrily, "The main factory can't ignore this matter."

Zhong Tianyang nodded and said, "This matter must be carefully managed."

Having said that, he looked at Shen Lin and said, "Xiao Shen, do you want to appeal your situation?"

Lu Xiaorong's eyes lit up all of a sudden, although she was a girl, she also understood the meaning of Zhong Tianyang's words.

This is clearly to get Shen Lin to work again. As long as there is a complaint, Zhong Tianyang will correct Bai Bin's wrong decision and let Shen Lin set foot on the job again.

Although Shen Lin earns a lot of money, Lu Xiaorong still hopes that Shen Lin can have a formal job when he thinks of the hard work he has put in to earn money.

Be a worker who guarantees income in drought and flood.

Shen Lin didn't expect that when he was talking about Lu Xiaorong, this brother Zhong would actually care about him.

Complain and become a worker again!

How is this possible, now is such a good time, the money I earn in a day is more than I earn in a year at work, how can I go back to work.

Therefore, he ignored Lu Xiaorong's gaze and said directly: "Brother Zhong, I know you want to help me."

"But my matter has been in the past for too long, and it is very troublesome to handle, not to mention the matter of Xiaorong."

"So, don't bother you with my affairs, as long as you can keep Xiaorong from going to the boiler room, I will be satisfied."

Zhong Tianyang looked at Shen Lin who was full of sincerity, and nodded involuntarily.He offered to help himself, and Shen Lin was still able to think about himself. This young man is very good.

It seems that I was wrong to blame others before.

"Shen Lin, although this matter is somewhat difficult, it can be done." Zhong Tianyang looked at Shen Lin and said, "Although you don't have a high degree, I think as long as you are willing to do it and attend night school, you will have a bright future." some."

At this time, Shen Lin really felt like he didn't want to talk. He came here originally for Lu Xiaorong's affairs, but he didn't expect that this Zhong Tianyang would actually want to solve his problem.

Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but said at this time: "Shen Lin, Brother Zhong has already said it, I think you might as well think about it."

Shen Lin knew that Lu Xiaorong could not continue talking at this time. He waved his hand towards Lu Xiaorong and said: "Xiaorong, don't talk about this matter anymore." "Brother Zhong, I'm here to ask you to do a small business this time." I'm a little embarrassed about Rong's affairs. If I ask you to help me with my affairs again, then I, Shen Lin, will be too confused to advance or retreat."

"Here, I would like to thank Brother Zhong for his kindness, but I really can't bother you about the hardware machinery factory."

"Brother Zhong, if you treat me as your own, don't embarrass me anymore."

Zhong Tianyang looked at the persistent Shen Lin, sighed and said: "Okay, since you insist, then wait, but whenever you want to come back, just come to me."

Speaking of this, he turned to Lu Xiaorong and said, "Your brother and sister, you want to transfer out of the hardware machinery factory. This is easy to handle, but I don't know what specialties my brother and sister have, so I can arrange it."

Lu Xiaorong glanced at Shen Lin, and found that Shen Lin hadn't said a word, obviously he wanted to say it for himself.

If she hadn't been twitchy, she would have said right away: "Brother Zhong, I used to be in the factory and was mainly responsible for dispatching reports. In addition, I can also write some things. This is a novel I wrote, which was published by Science Fiction World. gone."

While Lu Xiaorong was talking, he took out the Science Fiction World magazine from his bag.

Zhong Tianyang took the magazine and opened it, and saw that the first page was the Wandering Earth marked with the authors Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong.He reads a lot of books, and he knows that the works that are put on the front page of magazines are basically recognized as good works.

"Wandering Earth, hearing this name, there is a desire for people to watch it."

Just as Zhong Tianyang was talking, Zhong Qing who was clearing the table suddenly said, "Lu Xiaorong, are the author of the article on Wandering Earth, Lu Xiaorong."

"Oh, I really didn't expect that the author is really the two of you." Zhong Qing patted herself on the head and said, "I always thought it was the same name?"

Speaking of this, she stopped clearing the table, and said to Lu Xiaorong: "I read so many articles in Science Fiction World, and I feel that this article you wrote is like real science fiction."

"Brother, what our broadcasting station needs most now is someone who can write like Xiaorong. These days, our station manager even said that he wants to ask for someone in the factory?"

"Why don't you let Xiaorong come to our radio station."

As the deputy in charge of logistics in the main factory, Zhong Tianyang has great decision-making power in this matter.Hearing what his sister said, he nodded and said: "Your younger brother and sister have the ability in this area, and you also lack such talents as your younger brother and sister. That's really great."

"In this way, I will arrange this matter tomorrow."

Having said that, Zhong Tianyang picked up the magazine and started reading it. After reading half a page, he was attracted by the story of The Wandering Earth.

On the other hand, Zhong Qing took Lu Xiaorong's hand and began to discuss the plot with her, and even asked a lot of strange questions, which made Lu Xiaorong a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Shen Lin stood by Lu Xiaorong's side, and when he encountered a question that Lu Xiaorong was difficult to answer, he quickly took up the topic.

After more than ten minutes, Zhong Tianyang put down the magazine with a touch of emotion and said: "You two wrote this article very well. Talents like Xiao Rong are exactly what the factory radio station needs."

After chatting for half an hour after the meal, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong proposed to leave.Zhong Tianyang sent the two of them tens of meters away before waving goodbye.

After walking out of the gate of the main factory affiliated courtyard, Lu Xiaorong turned to Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, I think it's better for you to go back to work in the factory."

"If you think it's too much trouble for Brother Zhong, you don't have to deal with my business."

Seeing Lu Xiaorong with a serious look, Shen Lin felt a headache for a while, and he secretly complained to Zhong Tianyang, "Brother, you can just help my wife once, so don't be too enthusiastic about my affairs."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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