Chapter 74 Butterfly Wings
Ye Feng Xixi, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong walked side by side!
After thinking for a while, Shen Lin decided to tell Lu Xiaorong the truth.He coughed and said, "Xiao Rong, do you know how much money we have?"

"More than 6000." Lu Xiaorong thought for a while, and finally said.

This number, Lu Xiaorong has always been a little unbelievable, but it is true, and now she and Shen Lin have so much money.

"Where is Brother Zhong, I am embarrassed to say that the money I earn in a day is more than I earn in a year at work. That will make Brother Zhong look bad."

Shen Lin said calmly: "Now is the best time to make a fortune. It is impossible for me to return to the hardware factory to be an ordinary worker."


Shen Lin's next words did not continue. After all, although the hardware factory will close down, it will be a few years later.

"And what?" At this time, Lu Xiaorong also understood Shen Lin's thoughts, but the idea of ​​an iron rice bowl that she had cultivated since she was a child made her unable to turn around for a while.

"And even if I go back, I will go back as the boss." Shen Lin smiled and said: "I don't think that day will be too far away."

Lu Xiaorong looked at the confident Shen Lin and didn't know what to say for a moment.

I felt that he had become more down-to-earth, but I didn't expect that some of his ideas were becoming more and more unreliable.

However, Lu Xiaorong didn't go on talking. She felt that since Shen Lin didn't like going back to the factory, let him let it go. Anyway, the family has their own wages. Even if Shen Lin's business loses in the future, the life of the family will be There will be no problem.

After Shen Lin and his wife left, Zhong Tianyang went back to his study to read.However, Zhong Tianyang, who used to be able to forget everything when he picked up a book, could not read the content of the book at all.

Is there really a problem with the geology of the land chosen by the second workshop?
Zhong Tianyang told himself in his heart, don't take it too seriously, but he thought that if there is really a problem with the geology of the second workshop, then the problem will be troublesome.

After taking out the materials of the second workshop and carefully reading them several times, Zhong Tianyang was still a little worried, so as soon as he went to work the next day, he called his secretary Xiao Wang over.

"How about the contact with the geological survey?"

Xiao Wang is more than 30 years old, smart and capable. Hearing what Zhong Tianyang said, he said in a deep voice: "Zhong Chang, I have already told Director Chen in the office. Director Chen said that there is news over there, and he will report it to you."

Zhong Tianyang frowned. He knew that according to the speed of the factory office, it would take at least a few days for this matter to be implemented.

"Go and talk to Director Chen, just tell me what I said, and tell him to contact the department that can conduct geological surveys today."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Tianyang picked up the drawings of the second workshop and looked at them.

"The clock factory, the office just informed that in half an hour, there will be a meeting with the factory manager, focusing on the second workshop." Xiao Wang helped Zhong Tianyang get the good tea, and said softly.

Zhong Tianyang nodded and said, "I see."

If it was before talking with Shen Lin, Zhong Tianyang would welcome this meeting very much, because this meeting will determine the start time of the second workshop.

But now, doubts arose in his heart, and he was unwilling to push forward the construction of the second workshop according to the originally fixed time.

After hesitating for a while, Zhong Tianyang still decided to tell what Shen Lin said at the office meeting.

Just as Zhong Tianyang thought, when he mentioned that someone reported that there were geological problems in the land behind the main factory and that problems were likely to arise, Deputy Director Cheng, who had always had some conflicts with him, smiled and said: "Old Zhong, you Isn’t this unfounded worry?” “When our main plant was being built, the surrounding geology had been surveyed, and it was very suitable for the construction of our main plant.”

"You listen to the wind like rain like this. If the construction period is delayed, there is no way to explain it to the superior!"

Most of the other deputy factory managers didn't speak, but from their looks, Zhong Tianyang felt that they didn't take their proposal too seriously.

"Director Li, I am responsible for our factory. Although it will take some time to conduct geological surveys, I think it is very necessary."

Zhong Tianyang took a breath and said, "No problem, everyone is happy, but if there is a problem, it will be troublesome."

Factory Manager Li is not tall, close to sixty years old, and has a loud voice. No matter how naughty workers in the factory meet him, they will be a little scared.

"Zhong Chang, who did you hear about the situation you mentioned?" As soon as Director Li opened his mouth, he asked directly about the source of the news.

Zhong Tianyang didn't hide it either: "It's Shen Xingye, the old director of our subordinate hardware machinery factory, I heard what he said."

Factory Manager Li frowned. Shen Xingye had dealt with him before. This is an old employee who had entered the factory when the main factory was first established.

"Are you sure it will take two or three days to carry out the geological survey?" Director Li tapped the pen in his hand and asked Zhong Tianyang.

Zhong Tianyang nodded and said, "I'm sure."

"Okay, let's do the geological survey now." Director Li waved his hand and said, "We will start construction after we confirm that there is no problem."

After Director Li made a decision on this matter, the agenda of the entire meeting was almost in progress. When the meeting was adjourned, Lao Qin, the deputy director of the factory who had a good relationship with Zhong Tianyang, came to Zhong Tianyang's side and said, "You, what are you doing?" It came out of nowhere."

"Director Li originally wanted to start construction as soon as possible so that he could achieve results as soon as possible. If you delay like this, he must be unhappy."

Zhong Tianyang smiled and said, "Old Qin, am I worried?"

"Brother, don't listen to the fact that the wind is the rain. There will be no problems with the geology of our area. This has been inspected before."

Old Qin said helplessly: "After the inspection, if there is no problem, you will feel uncomfortable."

Zhong Tianyang didn't say a word. Although there was no problem in the inspection and he would not receive any punishment, criticisms were inevitable.

But thinking of the need to reduce the risk, he finally smiled and said: "It's better to feel uncomfortable for a while than to regret in the future."

Lao Qin nodded to Tian Yang, but he didn't speak.

And Zhong Tianyang said to Lao Qin: "Old Qin, I have something that I need your help with..."

Under Zhong Tianyang's attention, the geological prospecting team quickly entered the open space behind the main factory.After a while of surveying by the instrument, a report was soon formed and sent to Zhong Tianyang.

Looking at the report in his hand, Zhong Tianyang felt a lot of cold sweat breaking out on his body. Impatiently, he walked towards Director Li's office with the report.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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