Chapter 75

"Hongying, have you eaten?" In the workshop of the Hardware Machinery Factory, a middle-aged woman who was familiar with Chen Hongying greeted Chen Hongying as soon as she came up.

Chen Hongying nodded and said, "I have eaten, how about you?"

"I just took a few bites of the leftovers. Hey, both of us work early morning shifts today, so we don't have time to cook at all." The middle-aged woman who spoke said with emotion on her face.

Chen Hongying also complained: "This production task is not heavy, I don't know what the old men in the factory think, let us work overtime."

"That's not true." The middle-aged woman looked around and said, "I heard from Lao Li yesterday that the old factory manager didn't go out all day yesterday."

For her in-laws, Chen Hongying no longer has any fear at this time, she smiled and said: "If you don't go out, there is nothing you can do."

"They don't have a phone at home now. If Shen Xingye wants to find someone to do something, at least he has to call the factory department."

"He doesn't even go out of the house now, heh, he probably can't find anyone to help them."

The middle-aged woman smacked her lips and said, "Hongying, if you ask me, you might as well think about it again. After all, you can demolish a temple, but not a marriage."

"Shen Lin wasn't very good before, but I think he's doing pretty well now."

Hearing what her companion said, Chen Hongying immediately stuck her waist in and said, "Why, you feel sorry for Shen Lin."

"I tell you, if you feel sorry for him, you will be his mother-in-law!"

"It's time for your Dafeng to look for her husband's family. I asked Xiaorong to let Shen Lin out. Aren't you two relatives?"

Chen Hongying's sarcasm made the middle-aged woman's face turn ugly. She was just trying to persuade her as a friend, but she didn't expect that Chen Hongying would be so annoying at this time.

The angry middle-aged woman wanted to quarrel with Chen Hongying now, but she thought that it was time for work, so she suppressed her anger and said, "Okay, pretend I didn't say these words."

"Chen Hongying, I will pretend that I don't have you as a friend now."

While speaking, the middle-aged woman turned her head and left.

For this friend's departure, Chen Hongying didn't feel any pity at all. She held her head up and said with a pooh: "What kind of person are you pretending to be, what kind of ideas are you planning? You can still hide it from me."

"Don't you just want to marry your daughter to Fang Boyuan? Don't you just want Boyuan to give up on our little Rong?"

"Hmph, after our little Rong and Bo Yuan get married, I'll see if you're going to die of anger."

While talking to herself, Chen Hongying walked towards the workshop with her head held high. Along the way, she could feel that many people were looking at her.

For this kind of treatment, Chen Hongying not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt a little complacent.

"Chen Hongying, are you going to work?" Just as Chen Hongying was about to turn a corner, she heard someone greet her.She turned her head and saw Chen Mingzhi, the director of the factory office, standing aside with a smile.

Although she usually looks down on Chen Mingzhi, the factory director's acquaintance, in fact, she often greets Chen Mingzhi on her own initiative.

"Director Chen, I'm going to work." Chen Hongying smiled and greeted Chen Mingzhi.

"Hongying, I went to see you yesterday, and you did a great job, but you're still not tough enough!" Chen Ming said with a grin, "You had to be tougher then, maybe even three days No need to."

While Chen Mingzhi was speaking, he gently stroked his hair parted in the middle and said, "But after Xiaorong goes to work in the boiler room, Hongying, you have to persevere."

Chen Hongying was very clear about the meaning of Chen Mingzhi's words. In her heart, she was very contemptuous of Chen Mingzhi's behavior. She thought that if you were good, why didn't you confront Shen Xingye earlier.

Now that Shen Xingye has retired, what are you doing here?
But on her lips, Chen Hongying smiled and said: "Director Chen, don't worry about this, I will definitely not let Xiao Rong suffer with that family." "When the time comes, please Director Chen give a nice word to the factory director, don't let Xiao Rong To the boiler room.”

"It's natural. Director Bai is very concerned about a good young comrade like Lu Xiaorong. As long as the conditions are met, he will definitely give priority to promotion."

Speaking of this, Chen Ming said with a heavy reproach: "If you fail the test, then you can only exercise more."

"You don't need to exercise, our Xiao Rong must be qualified." Chen Hongying looked around and said, "I heard that old man Shen Xingye didn't go out yesterday?"

"Director Chen, do you think he gave up?"

"So what if he doesn't give up? It's not like you don't know that the factory director has issued an order that no one is allowed to talk about personnel matters within a month."

"Who dares not to listen to the words of the factory manager? If he says not to discuss personnel matters, then personnel matters cannot be discussed."

Chen Ming laughed and said, "Do you think that people who have some friendship with Shen Xingye will offend the factory manager for Shen Xingye?"

While speaking, Chen Mingxi walked forward with square steps, and walked forward unsteadily, while walking, he also said: "As long as you don't stretch yourself, then other people will definitely not be able to do anything to you."

"Chen Hongying, you can do it for yourself!"

Chen Hongying's heart became more and more relaxed. Most of the time, Chen Ming blamed Bai Bin, the director of the factory.Director Bai didn't let Lu Xiaorong move his position, so the matter of Lu Xiaorong going to the boiler room couldn't be changed.

All she has to do now is wait.

As long as the three days are up, it's time for the handwriting to go to the Shen family to ask her daughter to divorce.

At that time, if Shen Xingye still procrastinates, he can only have a scolding at the door of his house, to see if he is shameless.

While Chen Hongying was triumphant, Lu Xiaorong's master He Chaoying and others also gathered together to talk about Lu Xiaorong and Shen Lin.

"Shen Lin is already doing it, and now Chen Hongying is forcing the two children to divorce, which is unreasonable!" Someone said angrily.

"You can't even see that Lu Xiaorong and Shen Lin divorced. Authority kills two birds with one stone."

"I just feel sorry for the two children, Xiao Rong and Shen Lin." He Chaoying said angrily: "The same goes for the other sub-factories in the factory. There were a few of them before, and they were all reused by Director Shen."


While several people were discussing, a white car had already arrived at the gate of the hardware machinery factory.

When the guard saw the license plate, he opened the factory door without any hindrance, and the white car went directly to the factory headquarters of the hardware machinery factory.

Chen Mingzhi, who was going upstairs, saw the car with the logo of the main factory on it, and quickly came up to meet him.But when he saw the people in the personnel department of the main factory, a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

I haven't heard of anyone moving!

Could it be because of Lu Xiaorong's affairs?
This idea appeared in Chen Mingzhi's mind, but was instantly thrown aside by Chen Mingzhi.

How could it be possible, how could Shen Xingye have such a big face.

Ps: The new book sets sail, please support

(End of this chapter)

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