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Chapter 76 I'm Ready Anytime

Chapter 76 I'm Ready Anytime
"Haha, it's Director Lu. You're here. I'll go and tell Factory Director Bai." When Chen Mingzhi saw that it was Director Lu from the Human Resources Department of the main factory, he smiled all over his face. greeted him.

As far as Chen Mingyu was concerned, Director Lu couldn't afford to offend him, not even Bai Bin.

Lu Yuanpeng and Chen Mingxi shook hands, and then said with a smile: "Old Chen, I am here this time, following the instructions of the factory director, and transferred people from you."

Chen Mingzhi's heart skipped a beat. The director of the main factory wanted to transfer people, how could they stop him.

This is who has such a big face, it can't be Shen Xingye...

Thinking of Shen Xingye, Chen Mingzhi immediately vetoed it. If Shen Xingye had this ability, he would not have retreated so quickly.

It wasn't Shen Xingye, let alone Lu Xiaorong.There is no need for Lu Yuanpeng to deal with Lu Xiaorong's affairs.

Could it be that Bai Bin wants to be promoted.

For Chen Mingzhi, it would be a great thing if the factory manager he served was promoted.

After all, a rising tide lifts all boats, and the higher Bai Bin's status, the greater his benefits.

"Hahaha, our factory manager Bai, I don't know how much we look forward to you. I'll go and inform the factory manager right away and ask him to pick you up."

Lu Yuanpeng didn't appreciate Chen Mingzhi's enthusiasm at all. He waved his hand and said, "We are all from our own company, so there is no need to trouble yourself. You can just lead me to the office of your director Bai. decided, there are other things to do."

"Okay, okay, please come with me." While Chen Mingxi was speaking, he made a gesture of please.

Lu Yuanpeng and his party of three quickly went upstairs under the guidance of Chen Mingzhi.And their arrival can be said to have attracted a lot of attention.

After all, it was someone from the main factory. For the people in the hardware machinery factory, it was a big deal for the personnel department of the main factory to come.

Although not many people came out to welcome Lu Yuanpeng and others, there were already many discussions.

"You didn't say, who is Lu Yuanpeng here for? Is it because Lu Xiaorong's transfer has already come to fruition?"

"Where do you want to go? What is Director Lu's level? How could he make a special trip for Lu Xiaorong's affairs? The only ones who can get Director Lu to come here are a few factory directors in the factory."

"So, Lao Bai will be transferred away."

"I don't know, but it's more or less the same, hey, this is really a bad guy..."

Amid all the discussions, Chen Mingzhi had already led Lu Yuanpeng and others into Bai Bin's office. Bai Bin was not in the office, so Chen Mingzhi immediately said to Fang Boyuan who had rushed over: "Bo Yuan , you go to the factory manager and tell him that Director Lu is here."

Fang Boyuan agreed, "Okay, I'll go right away."

Chen Mingzhi didn't intend to introduce Fang Boyuan, but Fang Boyuan didn't leave immediately, but said to Lu Yuanpeng: "Hello Director Lu, I am Fang Bo, the deputy director of the factory office of the Hardware Machinery Factory. Yuan."

"When I went to the main factory to report a while ago, you met me."

Lu Yuanpeng was drinking tea at first, when he heard Fang Boyuan's words, he immediately smiled and said, "So it's Xiaofang, you have a diploma and ability, and now you're the deputy director of the office. From now on, you have to work hard."

The smile on Chen Mingzhi's face was still the same, but the way he looked at Fang Boyuan was a bit ugly.

While pouring good tea for Lu Yuanpeng, Chen Mingzhi chatted with Lu Yuanpeng.After saying a few words, Chen Mingzhi dared to say: "Director Lu, who is the person you are going to transfer this time, can you reveal it so that we can get ready?"

"Hey, you have a lot of information about him. This is someone you didn't expect." Lu Yuanpeng smiled, and just as he was about to continue talking, he saw Bai Bin striding in.

Seeing him say enthusiastically: "Haha, Lao Lu, your grand visit this time really caught me off guard!"

"Your brother too, come to me, and don't tell me in advance."

Lu Yuanpeng shook hands with Bai Bin and said: "Director Bai, I know you are busy. In addition, I have just received instructions from the factory leaders, so I came directly to you." "I came here mainly because of For the construction of the second workshop, I will transfer someone from you."

Bai Bin's eyes lit up when he heard the second workshop.Although he is the director of the branch factory, how can the hardware machinery factory of this subsidiary industry be as good as the second workshop of the main factory.

There is not only a huge investment in the main factory, but also more attention inside, if he goes somewhere, then...

"Hahaha, Lao Lu, I just want to say a word here. I firmly obey the decision of the main factory. I am always ready to devote every part of my strength to the construction of the second workshop."

After saying this, Bai Bin looked at Lu Yuanpeng excitedly. He felt that the person Lu Yuanpeng mentioned should be him.

But when he was full of expectations, he heard Lu Yuanpeng say: "Old Bai, I am very happy for your attitude."

"In that case, let's invite Shen Xingye, the factory manager, to come. The head of the main factory decided to let him be the deputy head of the preparatory team of the second workshop."

Bai Bin's head buzzed for a while, and he had a feeling that he had heard it wrong.what happened?Is there something wrong with my ears? Why do I think I heard Shen Xingye's name.

Shen Xingye has retreated to the second line!

These days, he is going to retire. How does this make him the deputy head of the preparatory team of the second workshop? Is this...

Not only Bai Bin, but also Chen Mingzhi was a little confused.He stared at Lu Yuanpeng with wide eyes, and really wanted to ask if you made a mistake.

But in the end, he still suppressed this sentence, he believed that Bai Bin would ask this question.

"Haha, so you wanted to invite the old factory manager out of the mountain, but why is that? The old factory manager has reached the age of retirement." Bai Bin said with a smile after taking a breath of attraction.

The old factory manager he said was very close.

Lu Yuanpeng said with a smile: "Although Shen Xingye is about to retire, after all, he is an old man who has been working in our main factory since its construction."

"Some of his experience is very valuable for the construction of the second workshop. So after research, it was decided to let him take on the important task of the second workshop."

Speaking of this, Lu Yuanpeng said: "Why, you are not going to let him go."

"Isn't it too late for me to be happy that the old factory manager can make use of his remaining heat?" Although Bai Bin said so, his face had become extremely ugly.

With Shen Xingye going, he might be in trouble.

At this moment, Lu Yuanpeng said casually: "Director Bai, the broadcasting station in the factory needs someone who can write."

"Lu Xiaorong from your factory can publish articles in big magazines like Science Fiction World, which is exactly what the radio station needs."

"Director Zhong said that she should report to the radio station today."

When Chen Mingzhi heard this, he was anxious to speak. After all, getting Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong to divorce was part of their plan.

Now that Lu Xiaorong has gone to the radio station, then...

But just as he was about to speak, Bai Bin nodded and said, "Okay, a talent like Lu Xiaorong is going to use her abilities in a better place."

"I'll let her report for duty now."

"Let's go, let's go and see the old factory manager Shen Xingye first." Lu Yuanpeng stood up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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