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Chapter 723 With all due respect, your company is about to go bankrupt.

Chapter 723 With all due respect, your company is about to go bankrupt.

On the fourth floor of Yinpeng Hotel, Croton was smoking in the hotel he rented.

Croton doesn't like smoking, he likes smoking cigars, but unfortunately this is not a good place to smoke cigars.

As a representative of Krupa Electric Company, Croton came to order items this time. Originally, this time was just a routine, but what Croton did not expect was that there would be a surprise this time.

And it was a surprise that caught him off guard!
LED energy-saving lamps, they have studied LED energy-saving lamp technology for many years, and mature products have actually appeared.

And this kind of product still appeared in this new place of development!

In Krupa's mind, he wanted to buy these things in his own hands as soon as possible.Because he knows very well that this will be a new growth point.

Once this growth point is taken into their hands, the grandest blueprint of their Krupa company will be realized.

However, there will always be a bunch of people grabbing good things.

Croton was not surprised by this situation, but he was surprised by the boldness of several companies such as Uematsu Electric.

They actually used the method of blocking to convey the resolution of the three of them.

The purpose of this kind of resolution was clear to Croton at a glance, but his heart was full of worries at this moment.

Although he thinks that he can break through this blockade, what he will face next is probably the crazy resistance of these three companies.

Just when Croton was full of hesitation, someone knocked on the door and walked in.

"Dear Mr. Tambo, what do you want from me?" Seeing his assistant, although Croton didn't want to be disturbed by others at this time, he still asked with a smile.

Tambo is a man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters and a face full of three-dimensionality. He is 27 or [-] years old, and he is in the golden age full of energy.

"Mr. Croton, do we really want to obey that ban order?" Tambo came to Croton's side and asked very bluntly.

Croton said: "Mr. Tambo, I know what you mean. In fact, from my heart, I am also very angry about this ban order."

"You also know that this LED energy-saving lamp will definitely be popular, but if we buy their patent, it will be an open war with the other three major companies."

"My dear Tambo, although we are not afraid of them, I don't think it's worth it!"

Tambo's face became extremely solemn. Although Croton said it was not worth it, he was still a little unconvinced.

Helpless, although he is a young man in the company, and there are people behind him, but this time the action is still dominated by Croton.

"So, Mr. Croton, what do you think of the rice shell company that owns this patent?" Tambo changed the subject.

Regarding such a small method, Tambo said calmly: "They have no choice but to keep the patent invalid, or sell it at a low price."

Having said that, a smile appeared on Croton's face and said, "Tambo, this is the power of capital."

"Let me tell you, as long as you have the right to speak, you can do whatever you want. Very valuable things can be sold for the price of a Chinese cabbage, and a Chinese cabbage can be sold for the price of gold." .”

"Believe it or not, as long as this patent is sold to those three companies, the price of LED energy-saving lamps will be firmly controlled by them in the future!"

Tambo wanted to say that I didn't believe it, but his rationality told him that Croton would never lie to him in this regard.

Because there is no need. "Mr. Croton, if you were from Mihu Electronics Factory, how do you think we should solve this situation?" Tambo asked in a asking tone.

"It's difficult. You know, Tambo. Now people are using force to do it recklessly. In this case, many methods are basically useless."

Croton said: "So, I don't think they have much choice."

"Did you know? Now many companies are waiting and watching for this good show!"

Just when Tambo was about to speak, there was another knock on the door outside. At this time, Croton was already a little impatient.

"Mr. Croton, hello, a gentleman surnamed Shen came to see you downstairs." The waiter of the hotel said politely.

My surname is Shen, do I know her?
Croton's first reaction was that he had found the wrong person, but if he knew his name and came to him, he shouldn't be wrong.

"I don't have time." Thinking that his work was almost done this time, Croton flatly refused.

The waiter said: "Mr. Shen said, if you refuse, let me tell you that he came this time with a way to make your company go further. If you insist on not seeing him, then he can only go to the next one." .”

What the waiter said almost made Croton laugh angrily.

He knew that this was what the waiter had conveyed, so there was no point in arguing with the waiter.

Tambo snorted and said, "What a big tone, it's the first time I've heard someone dare to say that about our company."

"Mr. Croton, I think it's better to meet and see what that ignorant man is going to do!"

"Just treat it as nothing to do, and find a happy thing for yourself."

After pondering for a while, Croton said: "Then follow what you said, Mr. Tambo, and I will give this person a chance."

"I want to see what he is going to tell me."

In just 2 minutes, a young man in very ordinary clothes came over under the guidance of the waiter.

From Croton's point of view, the moment he saw this man, he felt that this man was too young, and he felt that he might be cheated!
After all, for such a young man, it was difficult for him to give himself any advice when he came here.After all, they lack the corresponding knowledge reserves, and they also lack...

"I'm Croton. I just heard that you have a way to take our Krupa Company to a higher level. Please let me hear your opinion."

At this moment, Croton didn't even have the heart to ask the person's name.

What he wants to expose now is this person's nonsense, and then drive this liar out of his room.

However, this young man looked relaxed and calm, as if he hadn't heard the sarcasm in Croton's words.

He said with a smile: "Since Mr. Croton is in such a hurry, let me be blunt, your company is actually about to go bankrupt!"

Croton has worked in Krupa Company for most of his life, and his dream is that the company can support him for the rest of his life, but now, before his dream is realized, someone tells him that the company is going to close down.

How can this make him suffer!So, when I heard this, the fire in my heart suddenly burned!
Croton stood up straight away, while Tambo glared at him even more, with the same coldness in his eyes!If his reason didn't tell him that he couldn't do anything here, he wouldn't mind beating this nasty guy up.

"Tell me, why are we going out of business!" Croton stood up and asked every word in good Mandarin.

(End of this chapter)

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