Chapter 778
Although Shen Lin said that he would bring Lu Xiaoshan to Beijing to handle errands, in the end, because of various trivial matters, Shen Lin brought an assistant to Beijing.

Because before entering Beijing, Zhao Honglian called Shen Hai and his wife, so as soon as Shen Lin arrived at the station, he saw his brother Shen Hai who hadn't seen him for a while from a distance.

"Brother!" Looking at Shen Hai, who was obviously fatter than he wanted to see a while ago, Shen Lin warmly greeted him.

Shen Hai was also very happy to see Shen Lin. While helping Shen Lin with his luggage, he said, "Is your journey going smoothly?"

"It's not bad, I bought a ticket for the evening, slept in, and arrived at dawn!"

Shen Lin smiled and introduced the office secretary who followed him, "This is my colleague Luo Tieqiang."

Luo Tieqiang was only in his twenties. After graduating from high school, he came to Mishell Electronics Factory.At this time, after listening to Shen Lin's down-to-earth introduction, I was both moved and excited.

Ordinarily, his level is at best only serving Shen Lin.

Don't underestimate the service staff around Boss Shen, this kind of work is not something anyone can do if they want to.Not to mention being smart, clever, and insightful, there is another most important skill: being able to understand Boss Shen's intentions instantly, and to implement it in every possible way.

Even if he is an office secretary, he already feels superior.Because he can handle this role, which itself is a kind of silent affirmation.

Now Shen Lin introduces him as a colleague. Such a role orientation makes Luo Tieqiang feel warm in his heart.Boss Shen's EQ is really not ordinary.

And Shen Hai warmly shook hands with Luo Tieqiang.

"Brother, why haven't you seen your sister-in-law?" Shen Lin asked casually while following Shen Hai.

Shen Haidao: "Your sister-in-law's family has relatives, so I rushed to pick them up."

Although Shen Hai spoke calmly, Shen Lin still felt that his brother's tone was obviously a little unhappy.

However, regarding the matter of the elder brother and his wife, Shen Lin has always paid attention to the principle of non-participation and less meddling.At this time, seeing that his brother was unwilling to say anything, he didn't ask further questions.

"Brother, are you graduating soon as a graduate student? What are you going to do after graduation?" Shen Lin immediately changed the subject.

Shen Hai frowned and said: "Shen Lin, if you don't talk about this matter, I also want to consult you."

"According to your sister-in-law's idea, you want me to stay in school to teach. But I still have great hopes for the public-funded study abroad that I passed this time."

Shen Hai hesitated and said, "How do you think I should choose?"

Although Shen Lin is not very familiar with academic matters, he knows very well that the treatment of sea turtles will be quite high in the future.

Among other things, under the same conditions, many benefits will fall on the turtles.People who are not sea turtles, even if the conditions are stronger, sometimes lose the election sadly.

In the previous life, my elder brother seemed to stay in school directly, and he was not awarded the title of an associate professor until his hair turned gray.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, Shen Lin thinks studying abroad is also good.

"Brother, I think you should go to study abroad. After all, if you take the road of academic research, if you don't go to a well-developed place to broaden your horizons, you will be ashamed to say that you are doing research."

"Everyone has said that it's rare to have such a good opportunity to climb high and look far away, and to be close to the sea. Don't you want to go out for a stroll?"

Hearing what his brother said, Shen Hai immediately felt a lot more relaxed, but after walking a few steps, he shook his head and said: "But your sister-in-law, I'm afraid you won't agree!"

Shen Lin looked at the indecisive Shen Hai, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll do ideological work for my sister-in-law later."

While the two were talking, they reached out and stopped a taxi.After Shen Hai told the taxi an address, he smiled and said, "Shen Lin, the courtyard house you asked me to buy for you has almost been remodeled by me."

"Or today, you will live here."

Hearing Shen Hai talk about the courtyard house, Shen Lin immediately became interested. Although he knew that Shen Hai had helped him buy the place in the inner city, he had never used it.

Come back now, just in time to take a look.Soon, the car stopped outside an old courtyard that looked a bit full of vicissitudes of life. Shen Hai pointed around the courtyard and introduced it to Shen Lin.

Because in the two lives, Shen Lin didn't come here many times, so he was not very clear about his position.

But he heard several place names that could make cocoons in his ears, and these places were very close to Shen Lin's courtyard.

As Shen Hai took the key to open the courtyard door, what caught Shen Lin's eyes was a house with green bricks and green tiles. Among other things, the courtyard alone was as big as an acre.

"Shen Lin, when we bought this area, there were many small houses built by individuals in the yard. Didn't you say at the time that you want to keep the original appearance, so you demolished these things."

When Shen Hai talked about this courtyard, he felt that his eyes were shining. Although the courtyard was not his, it was restored to its original state little by little after his arrangement.

So in his heart, there is a sense of accomplishment.

"Brother, those messy constructions will only lower the quality of the place, just demolish them all."

When Shen Lin said this, he compared to the yard: "What's the area here?"

"The area of ​​this courtyard is more than 1000 square meters. It used to be the mansion of a servant. There are two courtyards in total. There is a moon gate leading to it."

When Shen Hai said this, he said with some distress: "I don't know why you want such a big yard, but you spent a lot of money to buy them all!"

For these extra money, Shen Lin really didn't mind at all.

Now that I can buy such a large courtyard, I will never be able to buy it in the future, and according to the price of later generations, the value of this courtyard is definitely hundreds of millions!

"Brother, are all the procedures almost complete?" Shen Lin couldn't help asking even though he had heard Shen Hai say such things.

"Everything that needs to be done has been done, so don't worry about that."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "That's good, we must put these things away."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "Where is the house you bought?"

"It's not far from here. We are not as proud as you, so we bought a small courtyard of [-] square meters."

When Shen Hai said this, he said embarrassedly: "Shen Lin, your sister-in-law and I owe you the money, so we can only pay you back later."

"It's nothing, brother, you helped me buy such a nice house, that small yard is considered a gift from me to you."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "But brother, why don't you change it, the yard of [-] is too small."

The [-]-square-meter yard is too small?Shen Hai took a deep breath.

But looking at my younger brother, who is a courtyard with two courtyards, I finally didn't care about him.

This kind of comparison is really hurtful!
"Brother, please ask people to pay attention later. If someone sells such a courtyard house, you can help me get two or three more sets."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Don't be afraid to spend money, it's not bad to buy more sets of this thing."

Shen Hai was a little apprehensive about the money spent on a set of courtyard houses, but this fellow Shen Lin actually said that he was asked to buy a few more sets, which is too ostentatious...

Although Shen Hai was full of emotions, he also knew that his younger brother was not short of money, so he finally said reluctantly: "Shen Lin, this is no problem."

"However, brother still wants to persuade you, why buy so many houses?"

Shen Lin looked at the serious brother, really didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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