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Chapter 780 Shen Lin who runs a small business

Chapter 780 Shen Lin who runs a small business
When Shen Hai came down to call Shen Lin, Shen Lin and Luo Tieqiang had already ordered some special dishes, and they were going to have a leisurely meal.

"Let me go over to have dinner together? Is there still such a rule?" Shen Lin pointed to himself, a little unbelievable.

"Yes, your sister-in-law and his father said that we are all relatives, and it doesn't look good if you don't have a meal together when you come." Shen Hai sighed helplessly: "Let's go, you can eat more food over there and talk less. .”

Shen Lin didn't know what happened. He didn't reject this kind of invitation. After all, the two families were relatives. Li Xuemei's father invited him to dinner, and he couldn't shirk it.

"Okay, then let's go there together." While speaking, Shen Lin's eyes fell on Luo Tieqiang and said: "Tieqiang, come with me."

"Chairman, you should go there by yourself. I'm an outsider and I won't join in the fun. Besides, we still have several tough dishes here. If you don't eat them, it will be a waste." Naturally, Luo Tieqiang wouldn't do this kind of thing Go, he waved his hands again and again.

Seeing Luo Tieqiang's appearance, Shen Lin no longer forced himself, and after explaining to Luo Tieqiang a few words, he followed Shen Hai to the second floor.

"Uncle, Dad, Third Uncle, this is my younger brother Shen Lin." Shen Hai first brought Shen Lin to the middle table, and introduced him softly.

Shen Lin looked at the three elders, and said with a smile: "Hello, three uncles."

Li Xuemei's father knew a little about Shen Hai's younger brother. He heard that he had made a career. As for Li Xuemei's uncle and third uncle, they didn't know Shen Lin.

Shen Lin was dressed casually, and at first glance he looked like a young man in his 20s who had just stepped into the society, so the third uncle of the Li family just nodded at Shen Lin and didn't say a word.

The uncle of the Li family said: "Shen Lin, don't be restrained, the three of us heard that you are here, let's have a meal with relatives."

While talking, he asked Shen Xingye and his wife about their physical condition, and then asked Shen Lin to sit down to eat after a few more polite words.

In such a situation where there are a lot of relatives, what Shen Lin can do is to sit there and eat honestly.

He and Shen Hai came to the table on the left side, which was Du Yuanfeng's table.

Du Yuanfeng looked at Shen Lin and Shen Hai, who looked very similar, and knew that they were brothers, but Shen Lin looked much younger.

"Haha, you are the younger brother of the eldest brother-in-law, and the eldest brother-in-law is a graduate student. You are at least a college student, right?" Du Yuanfeng smiled after Shen Lin sat down.

Shen Hai saw that Du Yuanfeng was actually talking to Shen Lin, just as he was about to speak, Li Xuemei who was beside him waved towards him.

The meaning is obvious, with Shen Lin's ability, Du Yuanfeng is still far behind if he wants to take advantage of him!

Shen Hai felt relieved when he thought of his younger brother's changes over the years.

Shen Lin didn't know what happened between Du Yuanfeng and Shen Hai just now. He said casually: "I can't compare with my brother. My brother is a top student. I'm just the opposite. I'm just a junior high school student. I'm a scumbag."

"Oh, why can't you only go to junior high school? Is it because your elder brother-in-law is too high, and your family can't support two college students!"

When Du Yuanfeng said this, he regretted again and again: "In that case, it would be a pity."

Shen Lin looked at this guy who spoke in a strange way, and thought to himself that I didn't offend him, what is he trying to do?
He felt a little uncomfortable, but Shen Lin still wanted to give his brother face, so he said lightly: "There is no problem with the supply at home, it's just that I don't have good grades."

"Haha, brother, you are really honest." After Du Yuanfeng said this, he reached out and put his handbag on the table and said: "Brother, what do you mainly do for a living now?" "I am in the electrical appliance business. "Shen Lin picked up a piece of meat and said flatly.

In the electrical appliance business, Shen Hai thought of Shen Lin's Mishell Electronics products, and thought that he was really in the electrical appliance business.

"Brother, do you have a color TV over there?" Du Yuanfeng asked half seriously, half jokingly.

Color TVs are available in the Mike Home Appliance Plaza, but Guoke Electronics Factory does not produce them.

"There are, it's from someone else's factory."

Hearing Shen Lin's words, Du Yuanfeng felt that he had found the right person this time. The brother-in-law, the eldest brother-in-law, had no other level, but he was not weaker than others when he was bragging.

Haha, then I'll let you blow it out and see how you step down.

"The refrigerator belongs to someone else, right?" Du Yuanfeng asked with a smile.

Shen Lin looked up at Du Yuanfeng and said, "Yes, it belongs to someone else."

"As soon as I guessed, I knew that the refrigerator belonged to someone else. It seems that your business is small enough. I don't know what you sell the most money?" Du Yuanfeng rubbed his hands and said, "Don't worry, I'm just asking." .”

"The most profitable thing in my place is probably selling light bulbs." Shen Lin was a little reluctant to talk to Du Yuanfeng, but seeing him in high spirits and looking like he wanted to care, he smiled and said.

The most profitable business is light bulbs, which made Du Yuanfeng couldn't help laughing.He felt that his face had been completely recovered now.

Because they are both the sons-in-law of the Li family, they are often compared. Although Du Yuanfeng is a poor man who does some business and has money in his hands, there is still a gap between him and the graduate student Shen Hai.

This time, because of Shen Hai, he lost some people in this dinner, so he wanted to find them back.

Because Shen Hai was an old opponent, it was not easy to deal with, so he chose his target as Shen Lin.

It should be easy to deal with Shen Lin, a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

"Oh my brother, you came to Beijing to sell light bulbs, right? Let me tell you, brother, our light bulb factory here is much older. You can't sell anything when you come here."

"Otherwise, I don't have any other skills as a person. I'll get you a few color TVs, and you can sell them back. Then you can earn more money than you can sell light bulbs." Du Yuanfeng said full of righteousness.

Shen Lin's face was a little cold at this time, this guy is really hateful, since you are looking for death, then you can't blame me.

"In that case, then I would like to thank Brother Lu. I never thought that Brother Lu would be so enthusiastic, and he would introduce me to tens of millions of businesses as soon as we met. Tsk tsk, thank you so much." Shen Lin said seriously.

Du Yuanfeng was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud randomly: "Little brother Shen, you really know how to joke, what kind of light bulb can earn tens of millions of money, it really makes me laugh to death."

(End of this chapter)

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