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Chapter 781 Who in the world does not know you

Chapter 781 Who in the world does not know you

"This relative of Xuemei's family really brags and doesn't write drafts!"

"Isn't it? He can really brag about a business worth tens of millions, tsk tsk, don't even think about it, who has so much money now."

"Hehe, Shen Hai is an honest person, but his younger brother, it's really extraordinary whether he looks like a mother to him!"

"A person who comes from the countryside is afraid that we will look down on him."

The relatives around were pointing at Shen Lin one by one at this time, with a sense of ridicule in their words.

After all, Li Xuemei's mother still wants to be close to her son-in-law. Seeing Shen Lin being pointed at by everyone, she said to Li Xuemei: "You tell your uncle, don't let him talk nonsense."

"So many relatives make people laugh."

"Not to mention your uncle's family, what will they think of us in the future!"

Li Xuemei was full of confidence in Shen Lin.She knew how big Shen Lin's business was, so she smiled and said, "Mom, it's okay, Shen Lin is not bragging."

"Wait a minute, I think it's Du Yuanfeng who is ashamed."

Li Xuemei's mother curled her lips, thinking that her precious girl had started talking nonsense, and when she was anxious, a burst of laughter sounded like a silver bell.

Li Xueying said with a smile: "Hehe, little brother Shen, you can really joke. Light bulbs earn tens of millions, even our side doesn't have any."

As soon as she said that, some relatives said: "Xueying, everyone likes to joke, don't take offense."

"Brother Shen may think that our meal is boring, so find some fun for us."

"Xueying, Shen Lin, you haven't seen him before..."

Shen Lin ignored the comments around him.He looked at the smiling Du Yuanfeng and said calmly: "Brother Du, don't you usually read the news? Our factory's LED energy-saving lamp technology has been sold for tens of millions in patent fees alone."

"You don't even know this, do you?"

Hearing Shen Lin talk about LED energy-saving lamps, Du Yuanfeng was stunned. He suddenly thought of the report on the seven o'clock news not long ago.

At that time, there were overwhelming reports about this LED energy-saving lamp. He even lamented at that time why he did not have such a good life.

And the LED energy-saving lamp technology seems to be the world leader.

Not only that, but the above is still vigorously promoting this technology, as if the two scientists who study these, because of this, they will also win awards...

Thinking of this news, he couldn't help but ask: "Then... does that LED energy-saving lamp... have anything to do with you?"

"Coincidentally, that is the product of our Mishell Electronics Factory." Shen Lin said calmly: "I founded the Rice Shell Electronics Factory."

As a loser, Du Yuanfeng had heard of Mishell Electronics Factory before, he looked at the smiling Shen Lin, and said involuntarily: "You... how could you be the director of Mishell Electronics Factory, this Mishell Electronics Factory That's... that's..."

The uncle of the Li family has always held the attitude of watching the theater for the bickering of the younger generation. He has not been back for many years. Although he is close to the second and third brothers, he knows to keep a distance.

After all, they haven't seen each other for many years.

However, Shen Lin's words made Uncle Li's expression change. He can be regarded as having some property in Xiangjiang. Hearing Shen Lin's words at this time, his face suddenly became serious.

He was very aware of the commercial value of this kind of LED energy-saving lamps. When Shen Lin said that these were his, he suddenly felt that there was such a big shot among his relatives!He whispered a few words to a junior sitting aside. The man quickly took out a document from his briefcase, opened it, took a look at it, and hurriedly said in a low voice: "Mike Electronics The person in charge of the factory is Shen Lin."

"Shen Lin's hometown is in Dongzhou, and the rice shell electronics factory is also in Dongzhou."

"There should be nothing wrong. I remember that Shen Hai seems to be from Dongzhou."

Hearing all this, the uncle of the Li family stood up, came to Shen Lin, shook hands warmly and said: "Director Shen, it's a great honor to meet you, I heard about your name early in the morning, but I didn't expect , we are still relatives."

"Haha, I really don't meet each other anywhere in life. Let me introduce myself. I am Li Taihe from Taihe Commercial Co., Ltd. In Xiangjiang, we also represent a lot of products of Mishell Electronics. They sell well all the way, and the sales are very good. .”

Shen Lin has no impression of Li Xuemei's uncle, but he has an impression of Taihe Commercial Bank, which was contacted by Zhang Yuqing.

He laughed and said, "I heard lawyer Zhang Yuqing say that you and her family are still relatives. I didn't expect that we are also relatives."

"I told that girl Yuqing long ago, when will I meet with Director Shen, but that girl is always flying around, and I can't even touch her figure! It's not about this. Son, that's what happened, it's never a coincidence that we meet."

Li Taihe held Shen Lin's hand and said: "I will tell her later that I don't need her to contact me. I have already met Director Shen."

At this moment, Du Yuanfeng's heart was full of confusion.

It never occurred to him that the relative in the country whom he ridiculed was really the big boss, and he was also the big boss of Mike Electronics.

He would like to find a business that can earn tens of millions at once, but unfortunately he can only think about it on his own, because he can't do it by himself.

Shen Hai is really not close to him, he has such a good brother, and he doesn't even introduce him to him.

If he had connections like Shen Hai, then his business might be able to skyrocket without the current struggle.

No, he is related to the big boss of Mishell Electronics. This line must not be broken. Even if it is embarrassing, we must get acquainted.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to find Shen Lin's side, and said with a smile: "Director Shen, I just didn't see Mount Tai, haha, I made you laugh."

"Wait a minute, I'll punish myself with three cups, and I ask Director Shen not to be as knowledgeable as I am because we are all relatives."

Shen Lin looked at Du Yuanfeng who was smiling all over his face, and couldn't understand what he was thinking, but this person was his brother's relative after all, if he said too much, he would appear to be too mean.

But Shen Lin also made up his mind that he would never give him any chance.

So he smiled calmly and said: "Brother Du is too polite, have dinner with the elders, let's liven up the atmosphere, isn't that what it should be?"

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Du Yuanfeng immediately felt relieved. He smiled and said, "Director Shen, let's have a simple meal this time. Tonight, I will treat you to a good meal alone."

"Haha, it depends on the time. I'm here this time. I have already made some appointments. When I'm free, I invite you, Brother Du."

Shen Lin's words were very polite, as if they were very close, but Li Taihe could feel that there was a kind of indifference in these words that rejected people thousands of miles away.

But he didn't point it out, after all, from his point of view, this Du Yuanfeng is also a person who does not accomplish much but fails. It is better to keep associating with such people less.

"Director Shen, I have already said to have a good chat with you. Come on, sit at my table. I still have something to ask you for advice." Mrs. Li couldn't help but dragged Shen Lin towards his own table.

(End of this chapter)

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