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Chapter 787 I Still Choose Rice Shell

Chapter 787 I Still Choose Rice Shell
A joint venture between Shangsong Electric and Xiangxue Factory to produce water dispensers and air fryers!

Aima Electrical Appliances Shopping Center has settled in the provincial capital and is about to open grandly!
These two news, like a whirlwind, swept across the entire provincial capital in an instant, and even spread in all directions.

It not only affects the managers of Mishell Electronics Factory, but also quietly affects various partners of Mishell Electronics.

In the provincial capital, just after an industry meeting was held, several familiar factory directors came to a small restaurant not far away ahead of time.

Because we haven't seen each other for many days, old friends seem very close when they meet, and we all have to have a good drink.

But after a brief chat about the current situation, someone said: "Have you seen it, the Aima Electric Store and Shangxue Electronics are obviously here for Director Shen!"

The person who spoke was Director Chen of the Boiler Factory in Wuyun District. While holding his teacup, he said, "Although I just watched the advertisement, I think these two companies are obviously coming fiercely, and the visitors are not good!"

Those who can become the factory manager are naturally not easy-going people. They all have their own judgments about the situation in the mall.

"It's not that the comer is unkind, but he directly targeted Mike Electric." Another factory director from the Sanshan area sighed leisurely: "The rafters in the early years are the first to rot, and Director Shen is totally a big tree. "

Hearing Shu Dafeng's words, the expressions of the people present became more and more serious.

After a while of silence, someone said, "Who do you think will win this battle?"

"Old Li, I think your sentence should be changed to, under such a joint attack, can Director Shen survive, or in other words, how far can he go?" A short, fat man The man said: "After all, what Director Shen and the others are facing now is not an ordinary opponent."

"That's a joint venture factory and a foreign-funded shopping mall!"

These words made the surrounding people more silent. Although these factory directors were unwilling to admit it, the products of the joint venture factory sold better than them.

Since Shen Lin's rise, although he has created a lot of myths, at that time, either he had no opponents, or his opponents were not very capable.

Now, the joint venture factory is here!And the target is aimed at Mishell Electronics Factory!

This Aima electrical appliance store is even more menacing, with the appearance of Mount Taishan overwhelming, which is really horrifying.

"I think Director Shen shouldn't fail so easily. After all, we have been in business with Director Shen for a while, and Director Shen is still very good at management."

A middle-aged man with a darkened face said in a deep voice: "Although there is no reason for what I said, I think it is not too difficult for Director Shen to sustain it."

"It's just that, Mi Ke, probably won't be as brilliant as he is now."

None of the factory managers spoke, but they used this silence to agree with their companions.

At this time, someone said: "Have you received the supply invitation from Shangxue Electronics?"

Although many people have plans on this matter, they are unwilling to have so many people sit together and discuss this matter openly.

But the current situation made them feel that they should not avoid this moment.

After all, what they need now is to stay together for warmth and make a choice that is most beneficial to them.

"I received it, and the person who sent the invitation is quite arrogant." Factory Manager Li stroked his somewhat prickly beard stubble, and said resentfully.

As a factory director who stomped their feet, it was enough to make the factory tremble. They all had their own faces. Thinking of being directly threatened by a small salesman, their faces were not good.

"It's just that the words are very annoying. It seems that Old Xie is gone." Someone who knew Director Xie said coldly.

"How can he not be too arrogant? We are now a joint venture factory. Haha, how can the director of a joint venture factory who is so high above us and soaring up the ranks still think so highly of us." There was a hint of resentment in someone's voice. "Okay, I think everyone should discuss our way out. Talking about Lao Xie is of no use."

Although in this matter, many people have already had a bias, but at this moment, they have no intention of speaking first.

After all, whoever speaks out first is equivalent to playing his own card first.

"I think that Director Shen is not so easy to lose. They also encountered such a crisis the first two times. I was short-sighted and made the wrong choice. Therefore, our factory is going to take another look." Chen Chang with a little bald hair Long, said his plan.

However, his words were immediately opposed: "Old Chen, your method sounds safe, but in fact, it is the most disadvantaged. What you are doing is purely an ostrich policy! You just plunge into the ground and don't care about anything! "

"It's not that you don't know what the notice from Lao Xie is. They are a joint venture factory. I heard that the brand is going to use snow. After they win, if we go there again, I'm afraid there will be no good results. "

Director Bao of the Provincial Hardware Factory, who had been silent all this time, said with a hint of threat in his words.

As soon as Director Bao said these words, the people who were talking about it seemed to think of something at this moment.

They all looked at Director Bao with a trace of solemnity, as if they wanted to see something from Director Bao's expression.

Director Bao was not surprised by these gazes either, he smiled and faced these questioning gazes with an incomparably calm look.

Just when everyone felt that the atmosphere was a little depressing, someone said: "Director Bao, you won't have..."

The person who asked the question didn't say what was going on, but the meaning, whether it was the director Bao being asked or everyone present, was tacit to each other.

Faced with this kind of inquiry, Director Bao did not hide anything. He smiled lightly and said: "Everyone, it is said that those who know current affairs are heroes. Shen Lin's rice shell is very impressive, but now he has met his opponent!"

"If he is an ordinary opponent, I will support him."

"However, his current opponent is a joint venture factory with Shangmatsu Electric. Not to mention Shangmatsu Electric, even Xiangxue Factory is one of the five golden flowers of home appliances here, and it is not worse than Mihu."

"Now that we have joined forces, how can Mi Ke be able to compare?"

"The so-called icing on the cake is worse than giving charcoal in the snow. Now is the time when Lao Xie needs our support. If we support Lao Xie when we need it, then we are friends."

"But if you don't support it now, it would be embarrassing for us to go there after Lao Xie defeats Mi Ke. After all, in this business world, there are no permanent friends, only eternal interests!"

Hearing these threatening words, the expressions of all the people present became ugly, but at this moment, no one stood up.

After all, no one wants to be the first bird.

"Lao Li, you are a factory in the rice shell supply chain, how do you choose!" Director Bao saw that everyone didn't respond to his attitude, so he started looking for someone to do the surgery.

After all, this time is not the time to be silent.

Factory Manager Li looked at the aggressive Factory Manager Bao, hesitated for a moment and said, "I have an agreement with Mi Ke, so I can only follow Mi Ke Electronics Factory for the time being."

Director Bao, who was planning to kill chickens and scare monkeys, suddenly felt like shooting himself in the foot when he heard such an answer.

I'm so blind, why not choose someone else?

(End of this chapter)

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