Chapter 788 The storm is coming
The store at the silk factory of the rice shell electric appliance store is still full of cars at this time, and the wholesale market is even more lively, which looks like a prosperous scene.

But in the general manager's office on the top floor of the electrical appliance mall, Lan Weidong and Qiangzi were frowning, their worries still lingering.

Ever since Shen Lin registered the three companies separately, Qiangzi became the general manager of Mishell Electric, and Lan Weidong was the executive deputy general manager.

Although the two partners had a little friction from time to time, because Shen Lin had clearly divided the responsibilities of the two, there was no major conflict between them that could not be resolved.

Just a month ago, Lan Weidong completed Shen Lin's layout of the rice shell electric store, and opened the rice shell electric store in all parts of the province.

Although each area is basically a store, this layout has formed a huge linkage effect.

Lan Weidong was filled with ecstasy that the form he pursued could be realized in this way. He felt that the next task for him and Qiangzi was to stabilize the market and then continue to expand the branch.

But when they were making ambitious plans, something hit their hearts hard.

Aima Electrical Supermarket is here!

Although Aima Electric has not opened yet, the TV commercial that was broadcast suddenly has already started to be launched simultaneously in the prime time of several TV stations.

For this sudden opponent, the two were surprised at first, and then verified, but after confirming, both of them frowned.

Both Lan Weidong and Qiangzi are a little timid at this moment!
That's right, even a person like Lan Weidong doesn't have the slightest confidence in his heart at this moment.

Because the enemy they were about to face was a well-known home appliance supermarket abroad, they felt deeply pressured by such competition.

"Mr. Lan, I think the soldiers will block the water and cover them with earth. We can't mess ourselves up just because the Emma Electric is going to open the door." Qiangzi said loudly to Lan Weidong after taking a puff of cigarette.

Lan Weidong looked at Qiangzi with a hideous face, feeling in his heart that Qiangzi had improved a lot these days.If the former Qiangzi encountered this kind of thing, although he would not be afraid, there would be nothing he could do about it.

Not to mention these words.

Being able to say these words actually represented Qiangzi's composure in this matter.

"What Mr. Qiang said makes sense. No matter how famous Aima Electric is, it just adds a strong competitor to us."

Lan Weidong took a breath and said, "As long as we do what we should do well, I don't think it's a big deal."

"However, from now on, our store may have to go through a difficult time!"

Qiangzi nodded. He knew that the opening of a new store would have an impact on the old store, let alone a foreign-funded electrical appliance store like Aima Electric.

"Mr. Qiang, I think we can endure his opening, but we can't let them act like they're sweeping everything when they open."

Lan Weidong took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one, and said solemnly to Qiangzi.

Qiangzi agreed with Lan Weidong's opinion very much, but at this time Qiangzi didn't have many good ways to deal with this matter.

After all, with the reputation of Aima Electric, coupled with their absolutely strong sales ability, it is not an easy task to suppress each other.

"Let's contact Brother Shen to see what he can do in this regard, not to mention that we can't hide this matter from Brother Shen."

Qiangzi took a breath, but his expression was a little relaxed.Although he wanted to solve this problem by himself, after a series of comparisons, he found that he did not have the ability to solve it.

And throwing the problem to Shen Lin, he felt at ease, thinking that he didn't need to use his brain anymore, Brother Shen could solve the problem.

This was also the somewhat deeply rooted image that Shen Lin had established in his mind all along.

When Lan Weidong heard that he wanted to report the problem to Shen Lin, although he was somewhat resistant, he also felt that this was the safest way.

After all, Shen Lin's ability is not only superior to his own, but also the resources he has mastered are not comparable to him.However, in the face of the sudden Aima Electric, can Shen Lin really solve the problem?
Aima Electric is not its own Jinpeng Commercial Building!

"Reporting to Chairman Shen, this is of course the right thing to do, but I am worried that even Chairman Shen may not be able to solve this problem all at once!"

Lan Weidong knew Qiangzi's character, he was upright, definitely not the kind of person who played tricks behind his back and liked to make small reports, so he didn't hide it, and directly expressed his worries.

Qiangzi's brows that had been stretched just now frowned again. If it was other opponents, he would not agree with Lan Weidong's words.

But Emma Electric, this is a very famous big shopping mall abroad, facing them like a mountain overwhelming, do you and others have a way to crack it?

Just when Qiangzi was in a low mood, he heard someone knocking on the door outside. Lan Weidong said something to come in, and Chen Xiaohe, the person in charge of the ordering department, walked in.

Chen Xiaohe is in his 30s, and used to be a staff member of the supply and marketing system. Because of the low wages, he finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and went into the sea without looking back!
In half a year's work, because of his outstanding performance and particularly outstanding personal performance, he entered Shen Lin's eyes and became the person in charge of one of the most important departments of the Mishell Electric Store.

As soon as he entered the room and saw Qiangzi and Lan Weidong sitting together, he immediately understood that the two of them were discussing something important.

"Mr. Qiang, Mr. Lan, I have encountered some things in the past two days, and I think I must report to you two."

Lan Weidong is familiar with Chen Xiaohe's personality. Since he said that he must report, then this matter is definitely not ordinary.

"Xiao He, if you have anything to say, just say it." Lan Weidong glanced at Qiangzi, and said in a deep voice.

Qiangzi was also used to Lan Weidong's anxious way of speaking, so he didn't show any dissatisfaction, but just looked at Chen Xiaohe quietly.

"Mr. Qiang, Mr. Lan, when I was buying goods these days, I met several factories, and they all tentatively asked me if I could speed up the payment for them."

Chen Xiaohe said very solemnly: "Although the reasons they gave are all kinds and everything, I think this phenomenon is not normal."

"Some people even said that if we can't speed up the speed of payment, then it will be difficult for them to guarantee the supply to us on time."

"This kind of situation has never happened before."

Even if Chen Xiaohe didn't say anything, Qiangzi and Lan Weidong knew that this phenomenon was abnormal.After all, in the past, these manufacturers were begging them to sell their goods, but now they are in a hurry to ask for money. It's strange that there is no trick in it.

And this problem is definitely related to Aima Electric.

After quick glances at each other, Lan Weidong was the first to say: "Xiao He, I know about this matter, don't worry, I will handle it."

"For those who request to pay back as soon as possible, we will not agree."

(End of this chapter)

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