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Chapter 796 This time is really a big deal

Chapter 796 This time is really a big deal
Factory Manager Xie looked down on Joe Fulton more and more. Although this guy with high eyesight seems to have a good management, but in other aspects, he is really not that good!
But facing Takeda Ichiro, he did not dare to take it lightly.

After all, Takeda Ichiro is in charge of all the plans, even he must obey Takeda Ichiro's plan.

After sending Joe Fulton away, Director Xie brought the products just produced by his factory to the hotel where Ichiro Takeda stayed.

Because he had already felt the potential of Mi Ke, after reporting to Shangsong Electric, Takeda Ichiro was ordered to suppress and destroy Mi Ke, a company with unlimited potential.

As the executor of this order, Takeda Ichiro spends most of his time in the provincial capital.

"Mr. Takeda, this is a water dispenser produced by our joint venture." Director Xie said with a smile as he handed the water dispenser to Ichiro Takeda.

Next to Takeda Ichiro, there is also an automatic water dispenser, but the brand of this water dispenser is Rice Shell.

After putting the two water dispensers together, Takeda Ichiro frowned instinctively. He found that the rice shell water dispenser was superior to the two water dispensers, both in appearance and in other aspects.

"Xie Sang, can't we do better?" Takeda Ichiro's tone was obviously dissatisfied.

Factory Manager Xie looked at Takeda whose face suddenly became gloomy, and quickly smiled and said: "Mr. Takeda, the technician from Uematsu Electric said that if you want to do better, that's okay, but such a transformation will cost a lot. It’s going to improve a lot.”

"So I think that we are a joint venture factory, and we can publicize that our technology and quality are all from Shangmatsu Electric, which is much better than rice shells."

"At that time, people will naturally come to buy our products."

"Because in the subconscious of many people, they will think that the quality of joint venture products is better."

Seeing Director Xie full of confidence, Ichiro Takeda said, "Director Xie, our goal is to defeat the Rice Shell Electronics Factory."

"If you are in your situation, there is one thing I can say right now, that it is impossible to defeat Mi Ke!"

"Mr. Takeda, don't worry, this is just the first step. When we earn enough money, we can expand reproduction and produce products of various prices to compete with rice husks."

"I believe that with the big tree of Uematsu Electric, the sales of Mike's products will inevitably shrink step by step."

Takeda Ichiro pondered for a while and said: "Okay, then do what you said first, and I have already contacted the TV station, and I am going to launch an advertisement."

"This time, we must make our product an instant hit."

"Have you contacted the TV station? That's really great! With the signboard of our joint venture, the endorsement of Uematsu Electric, and Aima Electric, I believe our plan will be implemented smoothly."

Factory Manager Xie clapped his hands and said, "But Mr. Takeda, I think Mr. Joe Fulton of Aima Electric is a little too proud."

"When I came today, I gave him a very good suggestion, but he didn't accept it!"

"It's really regrettable."

Ichiro Takeda looked at Director Xie who looked uncomfortable, and said calmly: "Dear Xie Sang, Joe Fulton's father, is the director of Aima Electric. He was sent here to improve his qualifications."

"So, for this kind of small competition, he will not pay attention to it. After all, this is a battle that must be won for him."

A must-win battle!
Factory Manager Xie savored these five words, and couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes, compared with giants like Aima Electric, Mi Ke is really small."

"Joe Fulton's supermarket will open on October [-]th, and we are also ready to put the products on the market on October [-]th. Haha, I believe that October will be a good day for harvest."

Ichiro Takeda took out a cigar, lit it, and said, "Xie Sang, I hope you won't let me down!" "Mr. Takeda, don't worry, I won't let you down." Director Xie said confidently .

After having a meal with Ichiro Takeda, Director Xie returned to the factory. Although he felt that he had the cooperation of Aima Electric and Uematsu Electric and was sure of victory, he was still a little worried.

So he decided that he would sit in the factory these days and personally supervise the production until October [-]th.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, it was already October.

The production has been going very smoothly, so Director Xie returned home that day.

After talking to his wife and children, Lao Xie sat on his bamboo recliner and drank tea leisurely.

"Grandpa, we want to watch TV." Several children ran in from outside, including the six-year-old grandson of Director Xie.

For the grandson's request, Director Xie naturally agreed, and he turned on the 25-inch Shangsong color TV with the remote control, and the children squatted quietly on the living room floor.

Looking at this brand new big color TV, Director Xie's heart became more and more smooth.Since Uematsu Electric can make TVs so well, their technology is even more impressive.

Compared with the reputation of Uematsu Electric, Mishell Electronics is far behind.

"Grandpa, he will be the black cat sheriff soon!"

Listening to his grandson, Director Xie smiled.At this moment, the TV screen suddenly changed.

Suddenly a water dispenser appeared above, and it was the water dispenser they were snowing on. The moment he saw the water dispenser, Director Xie's eyes widened.

Although Takeda Ichiro said that the advertisement has been completed, he did not say when it will be broadcast.He didn't pay attention to it in the past two days, and he didn't expect that it had already been broadcast.

"Sino-foreign joint venture, Shangsong technology, Shangxue water dispenser, your best choice..."

Although the ad was only a dozen seconds long, Director Xie was very satisfied after listening to the ad.

He turned to a few children who were about to watch the Black Cat Sheriff: "Did you see that, this water dispenser is made in Grandpa's factory, it's amazing!"

The children were watching the prelude of Sheriff Black Cat intently at this moment, and they had no intention of talking to Lao Xie at all, but Director Xie was still flattered at this moment.

The products of their factory have been advertised on big advertisements, especially the promotion of Shangsong Electric Technology, which filled Director Xie's heart with joy.

Lao Xie didn't like to watch TV at first, but in order to wait to watch the replay of this advertisement again, he followed the group of children and watched the black cat sheriff for a while.

But to his great disappointment, after watching for more than 40 minutes, the advertisement did not appear.

When the families began to call their children home for dinner, Lao Xie insisted on standing in front of the TV. He believed that the advertisement would be broadcast again.

As Lao Xie thought, when the time was close to seven o'clock, the advertisements started to air again, but these advertisements were not from their factory.

Time passed by, and the seven o'clock news was getting closer and closer.

Just 30 seconds before the [-] o'clock news, Lao Xie was completely disappointed!
However, at this golden moment, a water dispenser suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this water dispenser, a thought arose in Lao Xie's heart, that is, Mr. Takeda is really generous!
(End of this chapter)

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