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Chapter 82 Are You Really Shen Lin?

Chapter 82 Are You Really Shen Lin?
The gathering of gazes made Shen Lin feel a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, he felt as if he was being interrogated!
"Shen Lin, you are powerful enough, our family's first [-]-yuan household!" Shen Hong strode forward and punched Shen Lin on the shoulder.

Shen Lin is quite clear about Shen Hong's carefree character.In later generations, he was extremely destitute, and there were not many people who could help him all the time, but the second sister, Shen Hong, was definitely one of them.

Immediately smiled at Second Sister and said, "Second Sister, you just earned some pocket money."

In Shen Lin's view, 1 yuan is really not much, and it is not false to say that it is pocket money.

But his words greatly stimulated everyone present, including Shen Hong.

Especially Shen Hong, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Shen Lin's ear: "Oh, you said you are fat, and you are still panting!"

"Tell me, this 1 yuan is pocket money, so how much is not pocket money!"

Shen Lin couldn't laugh or cry when his ears were grabbed.His current mentality has gone through the vicissitudes of his previous life, but he never thought that the second sister is still the same second sister.

"Second sister, I won't say anymore, 1 yuan is a lot of money." Shen Lin subconsciously dodged while following Shen Hong.

The so-called good man does not suffer from immediate losses, Shen Lin dare not fight hard with his second sister again.

Only then did Shen Hong nodded in satisfaction, but the way she looked at Shen Lin was different.

My younger brother has actually become a millionaire, what a rich man!

Lu Xiaorong watched helplessly as her husband's ears were pulled by Shen Hong, a little anxious and a little funny, but she was a little envious of the close relationship between the siblings.

She and her younger siblings have never laughed and played like this before.

"Mom, I just bought some meat. Do you have any chili peppers at home? I just learned a new dish, boiled pork slices. I just want to show you off!" Shen Lin smiled at Lu Xiaorong, and handed the meat in his hand to Lu Xiaorong. Zhao Honglian.

Zhao Honglian looked at her son affectionately, and said distressedly: "Mom can just cook, you can go to the living room to rest for a while."

I never thought that the second sister, Shen Hong, joked: "I said, brother, you boiled pork slices, don't you boil the sliced ​​meat in water and let us eat it?"

Shen Lin didn't expect that the second sister understood the boiled pork slices in this way at this time, and immediately made a face and joked: "By the way, is your saliva dripping down? If you dare to admit that you are a greedy cat, I will make it for you." Try it!"

Seeing the jokes between the two, Shen Xingye interjected: "This boiled pork slices is a Sichuan dish. The meat is spicy, soft and tender, and easy to chew. The meat is tender and the vegetables are fresh. The soup is red and oily, and has a spicy taste. The four words can be summed up as numb, spicy, fresh, and fragrant, and the taste is quite good."

Shen Hong rolled her big eyes at Shen Lin, this stinky guy actually dared to make fun of the second sister!
Shen Lin added vigorously: "At the end of the meal, throw in a few more slices of noodles. The noodles are covered with soup, and they are chewy and full of flavor. I really don't know the little taste. I can't forget it once I eat it." Drop, as much as you want, you have as much fun as you want!"

After finishing speaking happily, he gave Chu Feng a look: "Brother-in-law, you should take your second sister out for dinner more often in the future."

"Otherwise, if the second sister has long hair and short knowledge, she will be too disrespectful to our family!"

Chu Feng didn't expect that Shen Lin would burn himself on fire, so he could only agree repeatedly: "Okay, okay, it's all my fault, I promise to take your second sister out for dinner more often."

Shen Hong rolled Chu Feng's eyes again, and was about to speak, but heard Shen Xingye say: "Okay, stop bickering, both of you."

"Shen Lin, let me ask you a serious matter. Did you say anything about the site selection of the second workshop by the head office?"

This was what Shen Xingye was most concerned about. Although he felt that it must be Shen Lin who said it, he was still a little worried if he didn't ask Shen Lin to confirm it himself.

Shen Lin looked at the serious Shen Xingye, nodded and said, "Dad, when we were chatting with Zhongchang, we talked about this matter."

"I remember that I once read a piece of geological data in your study, saying that there is a problem with the geology of that piece of land."

"Because I went there to play, I remembered it in my heart. When Zhongchang talked about it, I said it casually."

At this point, Shen Lin scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "I was afraid that Zhongchang wouldn't believe what I said, so I said it in your name." Shen Xingye breathed a sigh of relief and patted himself. He raised his head and wondered: "Why don't I remember that there is such a piece of information in my study?"

Such information, of course, does not exist.

How could Shen Lin give his father a chance to check, and immediately smiled and said: "This was all seven or eight years ago, and I don't know how I found it in your study."

The meaning of Shen Lin's words is very clear, that is, this thing must exist, as for why it exists, you can only ask yourself.

Shen Xingye had no doubts about his son this time.

In his study, there are a lot of various materials.He thought for a while, then turned to Shen Lin and said, "Do you still remember where the materials are placed?"

"Dad, I really don't remember this. It's been so many years. I said don't look for it. My mother might have cleaned it up a long time ago."

Shen Lin spoke very frankly, as if everything had nothing to do with me.

Shen Xingye didn't ask any further questions, but he returned to the study to look up the information.

As for Shen Lin, blowing on the fan, chatted with Chu Feng.

"Shen Lin, our director said that he would like to treat you to a meal. Thank you for the clues you provided." When Chu Feng said this, he suddenly thought of something: "By the way, the city is going to select advanced individuals who are brave and brave. The chief is going to report you up."

"I think that what you do is fully qualified to be judged."

Being rated as an advanced individual for being brave and righteous, Shen Lin really did not expect that he would have such a chance.

He is very clear that at this time, once he is rated as an advanced individual who acts bravely for justice, it will definitely be of great use to his future business.

"Thank you for your strengths. If there is anything that needs my help, I will do my best."

Chu Feng nodded and said, "I'll let you know if there's any progress."

"By the way, brother-in-law, do you know anyone from the Second Match Factory? I heard that their warehouse is going to be contracted?" Shen Lin and Chu Feng said a few words, and then changed the topic to the warehouse.

Although the warehouses of the Second Match Factory are not in Chu Feng's jurisdiction, they are all in the city, so Chu Feng is no stranger.

He thought about the location of the old warehouse of the No. [-] Match Factory, and he understood a bit: "Are you planning to open a store there? Hehe, you have a good eye."

"I know Lao Geng from their security department. When the time comes, I can ask him to introduce the person in charge of this matter for you."

"However, I can only ask someone to introduce you. As for the others, you should follow their regulations and rent in good faith."

Looking at the righteous second brother-in-law, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will never be opportunistic in business."

"That won't last long, and I will definitely operate with integrity."

Chu Feng nodded and said: "Shen Lin, it's good that you know this. If you want to do business for a long time, you still need to be honest."

Just as the two were talking, Shen Hong's voice came over: "Xiao Rong, we must teach your mother a lesson at this time."

"I can tell you, you can't be soft-hearted, otherwise, she will only get worse."

Hearing Shen Hong's words, Shen Lin hurriedly said: "It's fortunate that the second sister reminded me, otherwise I almost forgot about it."

"Mom, is there anything at home, Xiao Rong and I will go to my father-in-law's house to have a look."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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