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Chapter 83 Don't Let Lu Xiaorong Difficult to Do

Chapter 83 Don't Let Lu Xiaorong Difficult to Do

Lu Xiaorong was a little troubled about how to deal with the relationship with his mother.

From her heart, she also wanted to teach her mother a lesson, so as to prevent her from having a next time.

But on the other hand, no matter what, Chen Hongying is her own mother after all, so it's not what she wants to see if she stays stiff like this.

Therefore, Lu Xiaorong at this time is really in a dilemma.

Sitting and talking with Shen Hong, I somehow got to the matter of Chen Hongying.Originally, Lu Xiaorong was not going to express his opinion on this matter, but she felt that Shen Hong's words made sense.

What can my mother do?She does need a lesson.

But that was my own mother after all, if the fight was too stiff, wouldn't Lu Xiaorong be embarrassed too?
Therefore, Shen Lin's proposal made Lu Xiaorong stunned for a moment, and she looked at her husband in surprise with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Shen Hong also looked at her brother suspiciously and said, "What are you doing at Xiaorong's house?"

"Son-in-law's visit to his father-in-law's house is of course a guest, just like you and your second brother-in-law come to our house for dinner from time to time!" Shen Lin said very naturally.

Shen Hong really wanted to say something to his younger brother, can you be the same as us, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

After all, there is still Xiaorong, his sister-in-law, standing here!
Shen Xingye, who was rummaging through the study, opened the door and came out, he said to Zhao Honglian who came out of the kitchen: "Go, take out the two bottles of wine in the storage room, and let Shen Lin go to his father-in-law's house. "

Speaking of this, he said to Shen Lin: "You can think of going to your father-in-law's house at this time, I think dad is completely relieved of you!"

Speaking of this, he glared at Shen Hong and said, "That is Shen Lin's father-in-law's house after all, even if Xiao Rong's mother did something wrong, she can't do anything against her!"

Speaking of this, Shen Xingye smiled at his daughter-in-law again: "It's not a big deal, your mother cares about you."

Shen Xingye's attitude made Lu Xiaorong's eyes moist.She knew in her heart that the reason why her father-in-law said this must be to give her mother a step down.

It was Shen Lin who moved her so much, of course, he could take the initiative to go back with her to have a look, isn't it just to ease her situation.

"Well, thank you Dad." Lu Xiaorong said sincerely, holding back the tears that were about to burst out.

"One family doesn't speak the same language," Shen Xingye said, "Send a message to your dad, whenever he is free, come and drink with me."

"We are also old buddies, so we can't talk about anything."

With a smile on his face, Shen Lin carried the wine and followed Lu Xiaorong out of the house.Although he proposed to go to Chen Hongying's house, he couldn't forgive her in his heart.

The reason why he did this was because he was afraid that it would be difficult for Lu Xiaorong to do so.

With Lu Xiaorong's temper, he likes to keep things in his heart.Now that Lu Xiaorong is pregnant, Shen Lin doesn't want Lu Xiaorong to be in a bad mood at this time.

As a victor, if he came to the door at this time and took the initiative to give Chen Hongying a step, he would only be regarded as generous.Of course, Shen Lin was also going to take this opportunity to beat her up.

Chen Hongying also lived in the family area of ​​the Hardware Machinery Factory, but her residence was different from that of Shen Xingye.

As a dual-career family, she was allocated a two-bedroom apartment, which was the same two-bedroom apartment as the Tongzilou where Shen Lin and the others lived. Not only did it not have a living room, it did not even have a bathroom.

At this time, Chen Hongying was sulking at home. She had heard the news that Shen Xingye had become the deputy head of the preparatory team of the second workshop, and that Lu Xiaorong had been transferred to the broadcasting station of the main factory.

These two news made Chen Hongying very uncomfortable. Of course, the most uncomfortable thing was that she had become a joke in the eyes of many people.

A joke that has been talked about by everyone.I felt that Shen Xingye had lost power, so he cried and made a fuss and insisted on getting his daughter divorced. Now that it is fine, not only has the purpose of divorce not been achieved, but it has also...

Stealing chicken will not lose rice!

Although Chen Hongying felt that she had done nothing wrong in this matter, such a result still made her feel embarrassed.

"Hongying, if you want me to tell you, we did something wrong in this matter. You can call Xiaorong later and ask her and Shen Lin to have dinner at home. This matter will be over!"

Lu Dahai is a tall old worker with gray hair. He used to be a fifth-level fitter. His salary is not lower than that of Shen Xingye, and he is very respected.

But now, as he got older, he basically did some things to teach his apprentices.

Lu Dahai seldom speaks at ordinary times, even less at home. It can be said that Chen Hongying is the head of the whole family.Although Lu Dahai was a little dissatisfied with his wife's actions, he was suppressed by Chen Hongying after objecting a few words.

"I'm doing it for my daughter's sake. Are you willing to watch your daughter live with a bum for the rest of her life?"

These were Chen Hongying's original words, so that Lu Dahai couldn't find a reason to refute them.

"I called them? I begged them to come to my house for dinner? What do you think of me as a mother! I'll tell you Lu Dahai, don't even think about it!"

After hearing Lu Dahai's words, Chen Hongying became angry. She put her hips on her hips and pointed at Lu Dahai: "Did she go to the broadcasting station, did her wings harden? Do you think I can't do anything to her?"

"Hmph, I'll just pretend I don't have this daughter!"

Lu Dahai was very helpless, he knew very well that at this time, if he argued with Chen Hongying, the result would definitely be a quarrel between the two of them.

It seems that this kind of thing can only be done slowly.

Lu Dahai's silence made Chen Hongying even more angry: "No matter how happy Lu Xiaorong and Shen Lin are, it has nothing to do with us!"

"Lu Dahai, please remember, we will cut them off from now on. In my family, they are absolutely not allowed to enter."

Lu Dahai knew that this was Chen Hongying's angry words from embarrassment. He thought that the possibility of his daughter coming back was very high, but Shen Lin...

Shen Lin has been mischievous since he was a child, and his temper is a bit stubborn. You said that such a person, how could he apologize, how could he come to his house.

Hey, I'm afraid it's really hard to untie this knot in the family.

Because Lu Dahai didn't respond, Chen Hongying vented a few more words, and then stopped talking, but the atmosphere at home at this time was extremely depressing.

So much so that Lu Xiaorong's younger brother, Lu Xiaodong, who just came home from school, saw his mother's face, and didn't even dare to breathe.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Lu Dahai was about to open the door, but Chen Hongying took the lead and said, "Who is it?"

"It's me, mom, Shen Lin and I came to see you and my dad." Lu Xiaorong's voice came in from outside at this time.

Hearing his daughter's voice, Lu Dahai hurried to the door, but Chen Hongying said sharply, "Wait a minute."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me

(End of this chapter)

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