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Chapter 84 I Come to Announce the Good News

Chapter 84 I Come to Announce the Good News

Lu Dahai stopped and said, "What's the matter? You really didn't take the opportunity to go down the steps. Let me remind you, after passing this village, there will be no more shops like this!"

Chen Hongying's complexion kept changing.

Although she knew that this was an excellent opportunity to reconcile with her daughter and Shen Lin, but she really couldn't swallow this breath.

What's more, she still doesn't like Shen Lin a little bit, but now, it's hard for her to find a reason for the two to divorce.

Just as she was hesitating, Shen Lin's voice came from the outer door: "Dad, are you at home? Xiaorong and I came to see you."

Lu Dahai glanced at Chen Hongying, didn't say anything, but opened the door directly.

But at this time, his face was a little gloomy.

For him, it is a good thing that his daughter can be transferred to the radio station, but Shen Lin has no job, and he still has to work hard for his daughter in the future, which makes him feel a little unhappy.

Even if his old man, Shen Xingye, was able to make a comeback, he was still somewhat dissatisfied with Shen Lin.

After all, no one can always rely on their parents. If Shen Lin wants to live a happy life with Lu Xiaorong, he still needs the efforts of both of them.

"Dad!" Shen Lin had a good impression of Lu Dahai, but Lu Dahai's temper was a bit soft, and Chen Hongying was basically in charge of all the big and small things in the family.

Lu Dahai hummed and said, "Shen Lin is here, sit down."

And Chen Hongying glanced at Lu Xiaorong, and turned her head straight away, obviously not wanting to pay attention to Lu Xiaorong.

Lu Xiaorong is actually soft on the outside and strong on the inside, although she really wants to reconcile with her mother.But for the mother's posture, for a moment, she was a little annoyed.

There is a faint feeling in her heart, she feels that she is sorry for Shen Lin, isn't this obviously dragging her man to suffer!
Just when she didn't know what to do, Shen Lin said to Chen Hongying: "Mom, I came this time to announce good news to you."

"Xiaorong has been transferred to the radio station of the main factory. The work is much easier than before, and the salary is much higher."

Shen Lin's words made Chen Hongying's face turn blue, she snorted and said, "Are you here to see my joke?"

"Shen Lin, don't think that if your father uses his relationship to transfer Xiaorong away, I can give you a high opinion. Let me tell you, although you are good now, what can you do in the future?"

"If you don't have a job, you can't let Xiaorong live a good life at all. Your children will have to rely on Xiaorong to support them in the future."

"You are much worse than Fang Boyuan."

Shen Lin was not surprised by Chen Hongying's words.Chen Hongying is not only snobbish, but also has a good face.

Now that the two of them came to the door, she would naturally feel that the two of them came here just to see her jokes.

If it wasn't for making Lu Xiaorong happy, Shen Lin wouldn't want to talk to her!

In order for the child in his wife's womb to grow up healthily, Shen Lin felt that he had to lower his profile, otherwise, he would still be in trouble in the future.

But before Shen Lin could speak, Lu Xiaorong, who was standing aside, couldn't help it: "Mom, you are wrong this time."

"My transfer this time was not done by Shen Lin's father, but by Shen Lin using his own relationship."

"Moreover, even Shen Lin's father was able to go to the second workshop, which was done by Shen Lin." "Let me tell you, the leaders of the main factory already know that Shen Lin was wronged and are ready to rehabilitate him and let him re-enter the factory." Where is our factory?"

What, what, Shen Lin did all of this?Chen Hongying didn't believe it at all!
Immediately snorted and said: "If Shen Lin has this kind of ability, even pigs can fly into the sky!"

However, Lu Dahai was concerned about another matter, he said anxiously: "Can Shen Lin really be rehabilitated and re-enter the factory?"

"Yes, but Shen Lin refused." Lu Xiaorong said calmly.

Chen Hongying and Lu Dahai looked at Shen Lin in a daze. They really didn't believe what Lu Xiaorong said at this time.

In their view, it was such a rare thing to rehabilitate and re-enter the factory, but now, this Shen Lin refused.Isn't this a fool!
"Why did you refuse?" Lu Dahai said anxiously, "Do you know how rare this opportunity is? You...why didn't you discuss it with the old factory manager before you refused?"

Lu Dahai did it for the good of his daughter, so he didn't want Shen Lin to lose his job. Now that he heard such a good opportunity, he flew away like this, and he was very anxious.

And Shen Lin explained patiently: "Dad, don't worry, listen to me, the reason I refused is because this job has no great future."

"I am self-employed these days, and I earn more money than working in a factory."

"You are a self-employed person, can you earn one yuan a day? It's more than the wages of the factory, who would believe it?" Chen Hongying said here, thinking of the fact that Shen Lin's color TV sold for [-], she was a little embarrassed, and she continued. One sentence: "For things like selling color TVs, you may not catch up with it once in ten years."

"He can meet Shen Lin once a day." Lu Xiaorong touched his pocket and found that he didn't bring his deposit slip, so he said solemnly: "Mom, what I said is true. A lot of money."

"Okay, how much money you earn is up to you, don't show off at me!" Chen Hongying waved her hand and said, "Only you know whether you are doing well or not, and we won't care about your business in the future!"

While talking, Chen Hongying entered her room, and when Lu Dahai saw his wife entered the room, he turned to Shen Lin and said, "Okay, your mother and I don't care about your affairs, as long as you put the Just have a good day."

Speaking of this, Lu Dahai looked around and said, "Are you hungry? If you are hungry, eat here."

Seeing that his mother's attitude was not good, Lu Xiaorong was about to refuse, but Shen Lin said: "Dad, then we two will drink two cups today, and it's also a celebration for Xiaorong."

Lu Dahai nodded. Although Chen Hongying felt ashamed, in Lu Dahai's opinion, it was something to be happy that his daughter went to the broadcasting station of the main factory.

"Xiao Rong, talk to Dad first, and I'll cook." As Lu Dahai spoke, he walked towards the kitchen.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

Shen Lin's tolerance and accommodation allowed her to ease the conflict with her family.However, Shen Lin was wronged.

"My dear, thank you." Lu Xiaorong entered the kitchen and whispered.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "It's okay, my principle is that everything is centered on my daughter-in-law!"

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door, and a voice came from outside: "Is Aunt Chen at home?"

Hearing this voice, Shen Lin muttered to himself, Fang Boyuan, why did he come here at this time.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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