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Chapter 86 As long as I'm not embarrassed

Chapter 86 As long as I'm not embarrassed
good man!
Fang Boyuan's mouth twitched when he heard these three words.

He really wanted to slap Shen Lin twice now, so that he wouldn't talk nonsense with his mouth.

However, he was very clear in his heart that even if he tried to stop it, Shen Lin would not stop there.

Lu Xiaorong was looking at him. Although Lu Dahai didn't come over, he was also looking at him. His personality was that of a good person who was kind to others.

If at this time, I say that I want Shen Lin to divorce, if it is spread, then the image I created will collapse directly.

In the end, Fang Boyuan made a choice. Although this choice made him extremely uncomfortable, at this time, he had no other choice.

Therefore, he said to Chen Hongying with a full smile: "Auntie, I think you should give Shen Lin a chance, give the unborn child a chance, Shen Lin will definitely reform himself."

"What's more, Xiaorong already has a child, must be cautious about Xiaorong's feelings at this time..."

It is easy to say some words, but when these words are spoken, Fang Boyuan feels that his heart is as uncomfortable as a knife.

But for his own future, Fang Boyuan had to endure the humiliation, and said these duplicity words out of his mouth.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Fang Boyuan whose face had returned to normal, with a hint of thought on his face.She always thought that her classmate was a good person, but what Xu Ruibing said a while ago had already made her suspicious of Fang Boyuan.

But now, what Fang Boyuan said made her feel the character of her old classmate.

As for Chen Hongying, she looked at Fang Boyuan, who was being held by Shen Lin, with a strange look on her face.

"Aunt Chen, I sincerely hope that your family will be happy and happy." Fang Boyuan said this with great difficulty, and stood up directly: "I have something to do over there, let's go first."

"Bo Yuan, why don't you leave after eating? I don't treat you as an outsider, so why are you being polite?" Shen Lin enthusiastically grabbed Fang Boyuan's arm again, as if you couldn't leave.

Fang Boyuan wanted to cry, what happened today made him extremely depressed.It was already uncomfortable enough to sow discord and be met face to face, but now, in order to maintain my good persona, I was forced by Brother Shen Lin to say something I didn't want to say.

It's such a shame.

"Thank you, Shen Lin. I really have something to do. Director Bai asked me to catch up with a draft. I haven't finished it yet. This is the time to rest my mind, so I'll explain it to Auntie."

Fang Boyuan's expression became softer and his voice became more stable, but the palm he was clenching was even tighter at this moment.

For Fang Boyuan, what happened today made him feel extremely angry.

Shen Lin enthusiastically stayed a few more words, but in the end Fang Boyuan still refused and left.

"Boom!" When Fang Boyuan walked out of the room, Shen Lin closed the door heavily.

Although this sound didn't seem to have any meaning, but when the bang stopped in the ears of different people, they had different feelings.

Fang Boyuan knew that this voice represented Shen Lin's dissatisfaction and warning.And Chen Hongying felt Shen Lin's anger, and Lu Xiaorong felt her husband's determination to protect the family!

At this time, Lu Dahai came out with a plate of cool cucumbers. He looked at Shen Lin who was already sitting calmly beside Lu Xiaorong, and said casually, "Stop dealing with this person from now on."

"One thing in front of the person, another thing in the back!"

Chen Hongying was a little disdainful of Lu Dahai. She snorted and said nothing, while Lu Xiaorong nodded and said, "Dad, I know." Shen Lin ate very smartly at the Lu family's meal, and it was with Lu Xiaorong. Dahai drank and cared about his brother-in-law's studies, and even helped Chen Hongying pick up the dishes several times.

He knew that Chen Hongying didn't like him, and he also knew that he was eating here, which was actually a bit embarrassing.

But Shen Lin, being a human being for two generations, knows one thing very well, that is, when encountering embarrassing things, as long as I am not embarrassed, then the embarrassing ones are others.

This time when he came to Lu's house, if he was timid, he and Lu Xiaorong would suffer the most.But what if he is not embarrassed?The one who felt uncomfortable was probably Chen Hongying.

Shen Lin didn't care whether Chen Hongying felt uncomfortable or not.

"Dad, I'll come over to have some drinks with you after my shop opens in two days." Shen Lin, who had drunk a full amount of wine, said to Lu Dahai solemnly with a trace of drunkenness.

Lu Dahai patted Shen Lin on the shoulder and said: "Okay, come to me if you want to drink later, by the way, get more of your father's good wine."

Although the two of them didn't hook up shoulder to shoulder, it gave people the feeling that the relationship between these two people seemed to be not so good.

After making an appointment for the next drinking time, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong left Lu's house. When they went downstairs, Shen Lin felt that many people were watching him.

He knew what these people were looking at, so he smiled and greeted some neighbors who walked up the corridor.

Lu Xiaorong followed behind Shen Lin, full of gratitude in his heart.

She felt that Shen Lin was aggrieved today. For her own sake, she not only talked kindly to her mother Chen Hongying, but also drank with her father.

Now in front of the neighbors again, he pretended to be intimate with his own family.

Therefore, the moment he walked out of the corridor, Lu Xiaorong suddenly stretched out his hand and held Shen Lin's palm.

"Thank you." Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin and said gratefully.

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, before he could fully react, Lu Xiaorong glanced around and suddenly kissed him on the face.

This stroke was very light, but this stroke implied a different kind of tenderness.

Feeling the coolness on her face, Shen Lin felt a trace of excitement in her expression. She grabbed Lu Xiaorong's palm and said, "Isn't it all right?"

"Don't worry, don't think that your mother thinks I'm not good enough for you now. I guarantee you that during the Chinese New Year this year, your mother will think that my son-in-law can't be found even with a lantern."

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who was waving confidently, and felt a burst of sweetness in her heart. She smiled and said, "I believe what you said is true."

"I've been waiting for this day too!"

Shen Lin, who didn't go home immediately with Lu Xiaorong, took Lu Xiaorong to the park, and then the two of them cooled off by the water vapor by the lake in the park. Although they didn't talk too much, they felt extremely sweet.

In the evening, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong, who had another rewarding meal outside, did not return home until after nine o'clock. Shen Lin, who was already a little tired, was about to say good night to Lu Xiaorong, but was stopped by Lu Xiaorong: "Let's go to our Come inside, it's cooler there."

Looking at Lu Xiaorong whose ears were a little red, Shen Lin nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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