Chapter 87 A Smooth Start

In the morning, when Shen Lin woke up from his sleep, he felt his left arm was a little stiff.

The old shaking head fan was still sending out gusts of cool wind. In the crook of his arms, Lu Xiaorong was sleeping quietly like a kitten.

There was a sweet smile on Lu Xiaorong's face at this moment.

Shen Lin did not pull away his arm, but silently stared at Lu Xiaorong's delicate and lovely face.

Although he did nothing because of the child last night, Shen Lin felt that he and Lu Xiaorong had never been as close as last night.

After coming back for a month, he finally redeemed his biggest regret in his previous life, but for Shen Lin, this was just a starting point.

His goal is to help Lu Xiaorong live a good life.

Photon and the others have collected a lot of second-hand home appliances, and repaired most of them themselves. With the funds in hand, it is more than enough to open a store for recycling second-hand home appliances.

It is best to negotiate the lease contract of the store today.

When Shen Lin thought of that row of warehouses, his heart was full of enthusiasm. The location of that warehouse was the best commercial street ever. Even in the early 90s, it was already hard to find a store, and the transfer fee reached tens of thousands.

If I can open a second-hand home appliance recycling store in the best location, then, among other things, the store transfer fee after ten years can make me a lot of money.

Just as Shen Lin was silently planning how many stores he should open, Lu Xiaorong, who was sleeping, suddenly moved.

Lu Xiaorong opened his eyes, glanced at Shen Lin, and said with a smile: "What time is it?"

"It's already 06:30, eat some noodles later, you should go to the new post to report." Shen Lin couldn't help but kissed Lu Xiaorong's face lightly, and said with a smile.

Lu Xiaorong did not resist Shen Lin's kiss. She brushed her fluffy hair and said worriedly: "I heard that the radio station is full of talents from our main factory, and there are even college students in it. I don't know Whether you can do it well or not."

"It's okay, you can do it." Shen Lin said confidently: "You are the only talented woman who has published works in major magazines in our main factory for so many years."

"The radio station of the main factory is only a big place."

"It should be your colleagues who should be trembling. They should be afraid of the arrival of a top talent."

Hearing Shen Lin's comforting words, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but give him a blank look and said, "You're praising me, or you are praising yourself."

"In front of others, you said that the Wandering Earth is my work, but we both know that this idea is yours."

"If you didn't provide the story, I wouldn't be able to publish the article at all with my writing alone, okay?"

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaorong suddenly said: "Tell me a story while it's still early, and when people in the province ask me if there are any similar stories about Wandering Earth, I can't tell you anything."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who was full of coquettishness, and felt sweet in his heart.He stretched out his hand and scratched Lu Xiaorong's arrogant nose and said, "Okay, then let's tell a new story."

While speaking, countless stories were born in Shen Lin's heart.

He thinks it can be regarded as science fiction, such as the Terminator, such as the three-body problem, such as the Martian rescue...

But after thinking about it for a while, Shen Lin decided to talk about the three-body problem.Although other things are possible, I'm afraid Lu Xiaorong can't understand it. It's better to talk about things that Lu Xiaorong can easily understand.Having made up his mind, Shen Lin coughed and said, "Today I will tell you a story I thought about before. His name is Three-Body Problem..."

When Lu Xiaorong heard the word "santi", he was puzzled for a while.She felt that the name of this story was far worse than Wandering Earth, but when Shen Lin slowly unfolded the story, Lu Xiaorong's eyes lit up.

She listened to Shen Lin's explanation silently, and asked a few questions from time to time. As the story progressed, Lu Xiaorong felt that his whole body was already intoxicated by Shen Lin's story.

"Oh, it's ten past seven, I'm going to be late." Lu Xiaorong unconsciously glanced at her plum watch, and hurriedly got up from the bed. She said anxiously, "I need to wash my face quickly, or I'll be late." gone."

Shen Lin originally just told stories, but slowly, he also became a little intoxicated in the plot. For this kind of thing, Liu can only be blamed. The stories he wrote are really attractive.

"You go to wash up first, I'll make noodles, it will be ready in a while."

Ten minutes later, at Shen Lin's insistence, Lu Xiaorong, who ate a bowl of poached egg noodles, hurried towards the hardware machinery factory.

Today, the deputy director of the hardware machinery factory will accompany him and Shen Xingye to take office.This should also be her last day at the hardware machinery factory.

Shen Lin originally wanted to drive a motorcycle tricycle to send Lu Xiaorong off, but Lu Xiaorong insisted on not letting him go.After Lu Xiaorong went to work, Shen Lin ate a big bowl of leftover noodles, took a shower in cold water, and then drove his tricycle towards the Beicheng Police Station.

Just after parking the car, Shen Lin ran into Xu Ruibing.Xu Ruibing, who was eating a pancake with a pancake in his hand, smiled when he saw Shen Lin, "Shen Lin, why did you come to our place today?"

"Brother Xu, I have something to do, and I want to ask Director Song to introduce it."

"You came just in time, Song Suo just happened to be in the office." Xu Ruibing ate the egg-filled biscuits in his hand in two or three bites while speaking, and then said: "I was looking for you, do you have a second-hand color TV over there? I have A friend is going to get married and can't buy a TV set, and his head is bubbling with anxiety."

Shen Lindao: "Brother Xu, there is really no color TV now, but I have a black and white one. You can show your friend. If he likes it, I can make it cheaper."

Xu Ruibing was disappointed when he heard the black and white, but he could explain it to his old friend, so he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll let him go and have a look today."

While talking, Shen Lin and Xu Ruibing came to Director Song's office. Director Song saw Shen Lin, nodded his hand and said, "Shen Lin, you showed your face this time."

"You are the youngest of our Eastern State's brave and advanced individuals. In a few days, the higher authorities will be ready to commend you."

"However, I still want to criticize you. If there is any good thing, you can't just think about Chu Feng, but also think about us. After all, the Dongfeng Hotel was very close to our jurisdiction, isn't it?"

Shen Lin hurriedly said: "Song Suo, I just happened to meet my second brother-in-law. The next time I encounter such a thing, I will definitely think of you first."

Director Song asked a few words about Shen Lin's business with concern, and then asked Shen Lin's reason for coming. Shen Lin didn't hide anything, and said that he wanted to rent three houses in the old warehouse of the second match factory. .

Hearing Shen Lin's reason for coming, Director Song laughed and said, "Two days ago, I saw the chief of the security section of the No. [-] Match Factory, and he said that they were also in a hurry to rent out the warehouse, but they couldn't find a lease. people."

"Let me help keep an eye out to see if anyone wants to rent."

"Well, I'll call him and ask him to lead you to discuss the lease contract, but in terms of price, only the two of you can negotiate."

Just like what the gatekeeper said, it seems that the Second Match Factory is really eager to rent out the warehouse. Shen Lin, who was delighted in his heart, hurriedly said: "Thank you, Director Song."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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