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Chapter 88 Shen Lin, you are in my hands!

Chapter 88 Shen Lin, you are in my hands!

Dongzhou Second Match Factory!
Shen Lin got Director Song's phone number, so he met Shen Kui, the head of the security department of the match factory very smoothly!

When Shen Kui first saw Shen Lin as his family, he was taken aback for a moment, because this young man was really too young to be able to negotiate business at all.

"Young man, are you sure you want to rent the old warehouse of our factory?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Chief Shen, I'm going to rent three rooms. I can't rent such a big warehouse by myself."

The three warehouses have more than 300 square meters, which is not too small. It is enough for Shen Lin to open a recycling shop for second-hand electrical appliances.

Shen Kui looked at Shen Lin, who was neither humble nor overbearing, and felt a little more fond of this young man in his heart.Among other things, this young man is quite polite.

What's more, the factory doesn't want these warehouses to be abandoned, so two rooms are rented out.

"What are you going to use these warehouses for?" Shen Kui asked casually.

"I'm going to use these warehouses as storefronts." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Renovate and strengthen the walls of the warehouses, and these warehouses can become stores facing the street."

Shen Kui was very clear about the situation of the warehouse. Hearing what Shen Lin said, the situation of the warehouse opening suddenly appeared in his heart.

It's just that the street in front of the warehouse is mostly public housing and offices. Is it okay to open a store here?

"Xiao Shen, your transformation is fine, but do you really think it's okay to open a shop on this street?" Shen Kui said from the perspective of an old friend: "The rent for three warehouses is not cheap!"

"Don't worry, since I rented it, I can't let him pay for it." Shen Lin said confidently.

Seeing Shen Lin's confident look, Shen Kui nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go to the General Affairs Department and get the contract out."

The general affairs department and the security department of the second match factory are not far away, led by Shen Kui, Shen Lin soon met Ye Yichen, the person in charge of the general affairs department.

This Ye Yichen's name, although very typical of the protagonist, but in fact, this is a fat man in his 40s with a little bald head.

When he entered his office, although the ceiling fan in the office was spinning crazily, this man was still holding a wet towel in his hand, constantly wiping away his sweat.

"Ah, old Shen, why are you here? Sit down, it's hot and there's really no way to get over it. It would be great if you could stay in the air-conditioned room of the Grain and Oil Hotel for one night."

Ye Yichen put down the wet towel with emotion, and gave up his seat to Shen Kui.

In his eyes, Shen Kui was the only one at this moment. As for Shen Lin, in his opinion, he was just a young worker.

Shen Lin stood behind Shen Kui with a smile, watching the two people talking, while Shen Kui threw a cigarette to Ye Yichen and said, "Old Ye, let me introduce you, this is Shen Lin, he wants to Contract the three old warehouses of our factory."

Ye Yichen laughed and said, "It's a trivial matter. The old warehouse of our factory is already rented out. It's a good thing for the young man to rent it out!"

"Where is your old Shen going?"

Having said that, Ye Yichen looked at Shen Lin squarely, and then said: "Young man, I don't care what you rent the warehouse for, but there is one thing you must remember, that is to ensure the safety of the old warehouse. The old warehouse handles dangerous items."

Shen Lin could listen to such instructions, and he said solemnly: "Please rest assured, Section Chief Ye, I just do some machine maintenance, and I will never do anything else."

"That's good." Ye Yichen glanced at Shen Kui and said, "According to the price set by our factory, the rental price of an old warehouse is 300 yuan a year. If you want to rent three rooms, then Just nine hundred a year."

"You can pay for one year first, and pay the rest on an annual basis."

Shen Lin secretly estimated the rental price of the warehouse in his mind, and felt that it was not too expensive at the moment, so he immediately smiled and said, "Thank you Section Chief Ye, I don't know when we will be able to sign the contract."

"You can sign it now. You just need to bring the rent over within two days." Shen Lin said immediately: "Then we will do as you said. We will sign the contract now."

Ye Yichen nodded, and then shouted towards the outer door: "Xiao Li, come here."

Following Ye Yichen's shout, a skinny young man who looked to be in his 20s with a pair of eyes ran over quickly.

"Section Chief, are you looking for me?" Xiao Li quickly poured a glass of water for Shen Lin and Shen Kui while speaking.

"Xiao Li, this is Shen Lin. He is going to lease our warehouse. You can get him a lease contract according to the usual practice." Ye Yichen pointed to Shen Lin and said, "A warehouse costs three hundred a year."

Hearing what Ye Yichen said, Xiao Li looked at Shen Lin twice. He rented three warehouses at such a young age. It seems that this young man who is about his age is not easy!

"Okay." Xiao Li agreed and was ready to go out.

Shen Lin pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, you see, I rented this warehouse to open a store for decoration, should I add a sentence to the contract: the lease period is five or six years, and the rent is paid once a year. After the expiration, at the same price, I have the right to be the first to take the lease."

"Also, if the old warehouse is sold, I also have the right to buy it in advance."

Ye Yichen frowned, he knew that Shen Lin's conditions were actually restricting their landlord's rights.

He didn't like this kind of bargaining in his heart, but Shen Kui was sitting on the side, and he couldn't get angry yet.

"Xiao Shen, if you insist on adding these two items, it's not impossible. But what? You need to increase the rent of these three stores."

"1000 yuan a year!"

Having said this, Ye Yichen stretched out a finger and said, "Think about it now, whether you want to add these."

The annual rent increase of [-] is not a big deal for Shen Lin, but he still looks embarrassed.

Just when Ye Yichen felt that he was about to give up, Shen Lin slapped his thigh and said, "Okay, just follow what Section Chief Ye said, the annual rent is 1000 yuan."

"However, Chief Ye, let's see if this lease period can be extended for a few more years."

Ye Yichen waved his hand and said, "Xiao Shen, there are regulations on this in the factory, and the rent is at most five years."

"Of course, if you want to rent in the future, you can still renew the contract."

After receiving the order, Xiao Li immediately walked towards his office.And Shen Lin said to Ye Yichen with a smile: "Chief Ye, then I will go to withdraw the money now, and I will hand over this year's rent to you later."

Ye Yichen waved his hand, indicating that Shen Lin could leave.

In one morning, Shen Lin got the lease contracts for three warehouses, but just as Shen Lin left the No. [-] Match Factory with joy, Fang Boyuan walked into Ye Yichen's office with a gloomy face.

Ye Yichen was wiping his face, when he saw Fang Boyuan, he waved his hand and said, "Bo Yuan, what have you been up to lately?"

"Uncle, I'm just busy with the office. I'm here to see you when I'm free."

While speaking, Fang Boyuan saw the lease contract on the desk.

His eyes widened all of a sudden!

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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