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Chapter 89 I'm going to kill you!

Chapter 89 I'm going to kill you!
Shen Lin!

The lessee column says Shen Lin!

Although there are many people named Shen Lin, but now, the moment Fang Boyuan sees the word Shen Lin, what Fang Boyuan thinks of is that enemy that makes him grit his teeth with hatred.

It must be him, absolutely not wrong!
Almost immediately, Fang Boyuan confirmed his judgment, he glanced at Ye Yichen who was sitting next to him and said, "Uncle, is this tenant, Shen Lin, about the same size as me? Young people in their 20s?"

"Yes, why do you know each other?" Ye Yichen said, "If I knew your friend, I would take good care of him."

"Uncle, he is not my friend, but my enemy." Fang Boyuan said in front of his elders who always liked him.He didn't hide it either, and said directly: "Uncle, you must help me vent my anger!"

"What do you want to do?" Ye Yichen took a sip of the water in front of him, and said casually.

As far as Ye Yichen was concerned, Shen Lin was not in his eyes, this was a person he could handle at will.

"Doesn't he want to rent this warehouse? Then let him fail." Fang Boyuan said coldly: "I want to let him taste the taste of failure."

Ye Yichen pondered for a while and said: "He asked Lao Shen from the Security Department for this matter. Now that the contract has been signed, if I refuse to accept it, it will be difficult for Lao Shen to explain it."

Speaking of this, Ye Yichen glanced at Fang Boyuan, who was in a hurry, and said with a smile: "You, you are too rough in doing things, and you are a little impatient."

"I said it was hard to do, but I didn't say it couldn't be done."

Fang Boyuan's face was immediately filled with smiles, and he quickly said: "Uncle, what do you think should be done about this matter?"

"What should I do? It's easy to handle. Our warehouse has always wanted to be rented out. This matter can't be changed. If I say no to renting out, I will let Lao Shen pick it up. The trouble will be brought to the factory manager. My face It’s not pretty either.”

"However, I want to say that if the factory wants to rent these warehouses to one person, then there is no problem. After all, the factory manager has said this before, but no one has rented them, so they want to separate. "

Ye Yichen stroked his somewhat bald hair, and said with a smile: "There are more than 30 warehouses in total, can he afford so much money at once?"

"What's more, even if he can come up with so much money at once, what is he doing renting so many warehouses?"

"He can't open so many stores, so he can't use so many places."

On Fang Boyuan's face, more smiles appeared.He hurriedly complimented Ye Yichen: "Uncle, you are still thoughtful."

"Bo Yuan, knowledge of the world is knowledgeable. You have read a lot, but you are still a little short in this use."

Ye Yichen patted his head and said: "What you have to do now is to practice more, only in this way can you apply what you have learned, understand?"

Fang Boyuan didn't like this kind of preaching, but Ye Yichen had done him a great favor just now, so he didn't dare to offend him, so he hurriedly said: "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely learn the experience of doing things well, and I will never let you down."

Ye Yichen looked at Fang Boyuan who was eager to ask for advice, nodded, and stopped talking.

Shen Lin didn't know that Fang Boyuan, Cheng Yaojin, came out halfway through the matter he had just talked about.

If he knew, he would definitely feel emotional in his heart. It's really not bragging to say that the enemy's road is narrow.Originally, he thought that since Lu Xiaorong was transferred to the main factory, he would have less time to deal with Fang Boyuan.

At the very least, Fang Boyuan would be stable for a while, but he didn't expect that he and Fang Boyuan would run into each other just at the beginning of this matter.

Shen Lin, who felt that he had rented out the store, did not go home immediately. He needed someone to help him now.

Although he can solve most things, a person's energy is limited. Even if he is busy on his own, it will be difficult for him to finish the work even if he is exhausted.Shen Lin has already identified people, but selling groceries before school starts does not require many people, so the matter has not been officially finalized.

This time, taking advantage of the opportunity of renting the store, Shen Lin decided to persuade Qiangzi to follow him.

In terms of shrewdness, Qiangzi is a bit worse than Photon, but Shen Lin has just started his own business. What he needs is not a shrewd and capable person who is full of his own ideas, but a good subordinate who can faithfully implement his own decisions.

Qiangzi's home is in the tube building on the north side of the family courtyard. Shen Lin has been there several times in the past, so he can be said to be familiar with the road.

But this time when Shen Lin came to the door, he didn't come empty-handed, but bought some peach cakes at the department store, and then wandered to Qiangzi's house.

As a child of the hardware machinery factory, Qiangzi is now working as a temporary worker in the third-industry carton factory in the factory. The wages of the third-industry are not high, and many times, when the factory is short of money, it still defaults.

Sometimes, because of raw materials and demand, the factories of the tertiary industry did not start work for a long time.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just as Shen Lin knocked on the door, a rough voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"I, Shen Lin." Shen Lin was a little unhappy hearing Qiangzi's voice, but he didn't care.

The door opened silently, and Qiangzi, who was wearing a blue vest, saw Shen Lin coming to the door with peach cakes, and said eagerly: "Brother Chen, come as you please, take anything, we are not outsiders. "

"Haha, my food is not for you, but for younger brothers and sisters." While speaking, Shen Lin handed the peach cake in his hand to Qiang Zi directly.

Qiangzi's home and Chen Hongying's home were not very structured. They were two small houses without a living room. At this time, in the small house near the door, two teenagers who looked like teenagers were doing their homework.

When they saw Shen Lin, they all greeted Shen Lin very affectionately.After seeing the peach cake in his brother's hand, the four eyes flashed eagerly.

Obviously, this peach cake is a supreme delicacy to them.

"Qiangzi, share the peach cake with Ergangzi and the others." Shen Lin found a bench and sat down, "Pour me a glass of water by the way."

The little girl who was doing homework hurriedly said, "Brother Shen Lin, wait a minute, I'll pour water for you right now."

At this moment, a middle-aged woman in her 50s came out from another room, her eyes were a little red, but when she saw Shen Lin, she squeezed a smile on her face and said, "Shen Lin is here? "

Seeing the middle-aged woman's expression, Shen Lin felt that the family must have something to do right now.

He pondered for a while and said: "Auntie, is there something wrong, just tell me if you can help, I will definitely help."

Qiangzi snorted and said, "It's okay, it's just that the person introduced just now blew up again, and my mother feels a little uncomfortable."

"If you want me to say, this kind of person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich, it is better not to marry if he is married? Save the trouble at home."

Qiangzi's mother shook her head and said, "You child, what are you talking about? It's not that he hates the poor and loves the rich. He has his own requirements."

Speaking of this, she looked at Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, can you help Qiangzi to talk so that he can recruit workers into the factory."

ps: The new book sets sail, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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