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Chapter 90 Lu Xiaorong's Problem

Chapter 90 Lu Xiaorong's Problem
"Mom, what are you talking about?" Qiangzi, who has always been honest and honest, shouted directly at his mother.

As a young man with self-respect, Qiangzi didn't want Shen Lin to see his embarrassment. At this time, his mother's words hurt his self-esteem a little.

Qiangzi's mother is a worker in a steel factory, so she seldom pays attention to her child's mood in many things.

Hearing Qiangzi's roar at this time, he said unceremoniously: "Why, it's against you. I'll tell you Qiangzi, I'm all for your own good."

"If you have been working as a temporary worker in the tertiary industry, how can you marry a wife, whose child is willing to marry someone who has no formal job."

"Let me tell you, don't take kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs!"

Qiangzi still wanted to quarrel with his mother, but was persuaded by Shen Lin: "Qiangzi, you can't quarrel with auntie, talk well if you have something to say."

For Shen Lin who was playing together, Qiangzi used to treat Shen Lin with an equal attitude. At most, he felt that he and others should not cheat Shen Lin.

But recently, after Shen Lin found them a business of exchanging items for broken electrical appliances, Qiang Zi didn't feel that he had a lot of respect for Shen Lin.

The main reason for this kind of respect is naturally that he earned more than ten yuan from Shen Lin through the exchange of broken electrical appliances.

These more than ten yuan is the confidence for him to stand up recently.

"Brother Shen, my mother interferes with me in everything." Qiang Zi said this angrily, then lowered his head.

And Shen Lin said to Qiangzi: "The reason why my aunt interferes with you is entirely because she thinks about you."

"If you weren't my aunt's own son, wouldn't she care about your life?"

Qiangzi's mother suddenly felt a burst of comfort in her heart, and she said to Qiangzi: "Qiangzi, look at Shen Lin, what he said is the truth."

Speaking of this, she smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, Qiangzi has been playing well with you, you must take care of yourself."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely take Qiangzi's matter to heart."

That Qiangzi's mother smiled and walked into the back room.After a while, he came out with a round watermelon in his arms and said, "This is a watermelon given by Qiangzi's cousin. You can try it on a hot day."

Qiangzi hurried to get the knife. Qiangzi's younger brothers and sisters were not in the mood to do their homework at this time, and they all stared at the round watermelon with wide eyes.

For them, eating watermelon is something that makes them drool.If there are no guests at home, his mother will not be willing to eat this watermelon.

Shen Lin didn't refuse either, he knew that if he declined too much at this time, he would be misunderstood as looking down on others.

Under such circumstances, it is better to accept it openly.

After eating two pieces of sandy watermelon, Shen Lin and Qiangzi came to the balcony where the clothes were dried. Qiangzi gave Shen Lin a cigarette, then lit himself and said, "Shen Lin, what my mother said , just leave it alone."

"She is just worrying!"

Shen Lin looked at Qiangzi's stubborn face, smiled lightly and said, "Auntie is also for your own good, after all, it's time for you to marry a wife."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said: "I came to you this time, and I actually want to ask you to do business with me."

"I'm going to open a store of second-hand home appliances. I need someone to support me. I can give you a monthly salary of [-] yuan, and I can give you a [-]% dividend at the end of the year."

"However, given the current situation in your family, I can give you one more option, that is, I will ask my dad to do a favor and find an opportunity to recruit workers so that you can join the factory as a formal worker." "You should think about it carefully. ?”

Qiangzi was stunned!

He didn't expect that Shen Lin would give him two choices at once, one is to be a formal worker, and the other is to have a high salary.

In Qiangzi's mind, he felt that the best choice for him was to recruit workers into the factory.But Shen Lin's words made him feel that he couldn't do this.

If he did this, he would feel sorry for Shen Lin.

Shen Lin came to him at this time, obviously because he wanted to help him, and if he didn't help this childhood friend, he felt a little sorry for Shen Lin.

"I choose to open a shop with you." Qiangzi touched the sweat on his face and said firmly.

Looking at the serious Qiangzi, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Think about it carefully, if you enter the factory as a worker, you can quickly find someone."

"Don't think about it, I know you want to help me, but I still decided to do it with you, you won't cheat me, will you?" Qiangzi patted his chest and said: "Besides, you need someone now, If I don't help you, who will help you."

Shen Lin looked at the serious Qiangzi, smiled and said: "Okay, then let's work together to start this store. Don't worry, follow me to open the store, and you will never be disappointed."

After chatting with Qiangzi about opening a shop, Shen Lin was about to say goodbye and leave. Before leaving, Qiangzi's mother insisted on stuffing Shen Lin with a watermelon, and asked Shen Lin to take it home for Lu Xiaorong to eat.

Faced with this kind of enthusiasm, Shen Lin finally chose to accept it.

Although watermelon is also a good thing in Qiangzi's family, but at this time, it is definitely not the time to refuse.

After returning home and eating some leftovers from the morning, he began to plan how to open this second-hand appliance store.

Although it was in the 80s, Shen Lin felt that his store still had to have its own characteristics. The most important thing was to make everyone in Dongzhou remember his second-hand home appliance store at once.

Thinking of the appearance in the warehouse, Shen Lin began to scribble on the paper.Because he was laid off in his previous life, he did a lot of things, so he was able to easily draw a picture.

Before he knew it, the afternoon had already passed, and Shen Lin's plan had already been written on the two large white draft papers.

Just as Shen Lin was carefully checking the manuscript paper to see if there was anything that needed to be corrected, he heard a soft knock on the door.

Lu Xiaorong, who was wearing white short-sleeves, walked over with his head drenched in sweat.Shen Lin pulled her down in front of the fan, and said, "Wash your face first, I put watermelon in the refrigerator, you can eat some while it's cold."

While changing his clothes, Lu Xiaorong said frowningly, "I may have offended someone."

"What's the matter, did someone give you power when you just went to work?" Shen Lin asked with concern after hearing what Lu Xiaorong said.

"I went to the radio station to report today, and I heard from a colleague that the deputy station manager had already confirmed a relative of hers to come to the radio station, but now I have pushed her."

When Lu Xiaorong said this, he raised a cowhide bag in his hand and said, "Our deputy station master took a broadcast and asked me to revise it for him."

"I've watched it several times, but I don't know what to modify. Will this episode be broadcast tomorrow?"

Ps: The new book sets sail, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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