Chapter 92

The next morning, listening to the radio, eating salted duck eggs, and drinking rice porridge, Shen Lin felt extremely comfortable.

Lu Xiaorong, who was sitting opposite Shen Lin, ate a bit fast. The broadcasting station where she works usually goes to work early, but now that she has a script to be broadcast in her hand, the time to go to work is even earlier.

After finishing the salted duck eggs in his hand in a hurry, Lu Xiaorong hurriedly said: "Shen Lin, I have to leave today, and I will cook when I come back tonight."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who was about to go out quickly, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there are still 10 minutes before the broadcast starts? You have time."

Lu Xiaorong smiled, and quickly walked out with her handbag, but just as she was about to reach the door, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and ran back and kissed Shen Lin's face, and then hurriedly leave.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong leaving happily, Shen Lin also laughed.While eating, he was thinking about what happened today.

We need to determine the team for the renovation today, and it is best to complete the renovation of these three large warehouses within ten days
As long as this transformation is completed, then...

Thinking of his plan, Shen Lin began to eat faster, but before finishing today's decoration, Shen Lin was going to buy a bicycle.

Some time ago, it was because I was busy, and because Lu Xiaorong's work place was very close, so I didn't need to ride a bicycle.

It is different now, Lu Xiaorong went to work in the main factory, and it is a bit troublesome not to have a bicycle.Originally, Lu Xiaorong had a bicycle, but the bicycle was sold cheaply by himself in his previous life.

Be sure to buy this bike today.

Just as Shen Lin finished washing the dishes, Lu Xiaorong arrived at the broadcasting station of the main factory in a hurry.

As a newcomer, Lu Xiaorong came very early. When she opened the door of the radio station, there was no one in the office.

Clean up the trash, wipe the tabletop...

In just a few minutes, Lu Xiaorong cleaned the office clean and refreshed.

"Oh, it's late, Xiaorong, you worked hard alone." Li Xiaoli, the announcer from the main factory, quickly ran in.

Li Xiaoli and Lu Xiaorong were about the same age, a tall, thin girl who graduated from a formal secondary normal school and was supposed to be assigned to the primary school attached to the factory, but because she could speak better Mandarin, she became an announcer at the factory's broadcasting station.

And Lu Xiaorong's job is to edit manuscripts for broadcasters at the broadcasting station.

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "It's my first day to go to work, and I'm afraid I'll be late, so I came earlier."

Speaking of this, she thought of what Shen Lin said in the past, and said unconsciously: "It's not that you are late, it's that I came a little early today."

Hearing what Lu Xiaorong said, Li Xiaoli immediately smiled and said, "You are worthy of being able to publish articles in big newspapers, and you can say what you say."

Having said that, she looked around and said, "How is it? Lao Leng is embarrassing your manuscript, have you finished it for him?"

"Let me tell you, this manuscript was carefully written by him, you should be careful."

Lu Xiaorong is now confident, she smiled and said: "I have changed it."

Li Xiaoli looked at the confident Lu Xiaorong, hesitated for a moment, and finally said in a low voice: "Xiaorong, his manuscript has already been read by the stationmaster. If you change too much, the stationmaster will not agree." Happy."

"Thank you Xiaoli, I just added a sentence to him." Lu Xiaorong thought of what Shen Lin said, and said with a smile.

Hearing what Lu Xiaorong said, Li Xiaoli sighed and said, "Xiaorong, apart from being narrow-minded, Li Xiaoli doesn't have too many problems. If you let him this time, he will be fine next time."

Just as the two were talking, the phone at the radio station rang.Li Xiaoli picked up the phone and just connected it, she waved towards Lu Xiaorong to signal her not to speak. "Webmaster Leng, please show Lu Xiaorong's revised manuscript, won't you read it again?" Li Xiaoli said in a deep voice: "I think you should read this manuscript before broadcasting it?"

"What, you are in a hurry, you have to wait a while, okay, okay!"

Li Xiaoli put down the phone and said to Lu Xiaorong: "This old Leng, I don't know what's the idea, I want to play your revised manuscript directly."

"Xiao Rong, let me tell you, you must read the manuscript again, there is nothing wrong with it."

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said: "No need, I have already changed it, you can just play it."

Just when Li Xiaoli took over the manuscript, two middle-aged men were pushing a cart into the factory area.

Because it's not the official working time yet, the two of them didn't walk too fast, and one of them who walked a little behind said humanely: "Station Master, this newcomer Lu Xiaorong is very good at listening and speaking!"

"It should be good, otherwise Zhong Chang wouldn't have let her come to our radio station to be a text editor." The middle-aged man walking in front smiled and said: "But the girl is young after all, you still need to guide her a bit more."

"I don't dare." Leng Qingguang smiled and said: "I still hope she can give me guidance? I asked her to help me revise the manuscript we approved yesterday, and it happened to be broadcast today."

The middle-aged man who was walking in front was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Leng Qingguang was up to. He was about to speak when he heard a sonorous and powerful singing sound in the factory area.

"We workers have the power
Hey we workers have power

work every day
Hey, I’m busy at work every day

built high-rise buildings

built railroad coal mines..."

Accompanied by this exciting melody, Li Xiaoli's clear and sweet voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

"Everyone, listeners, we are now playing the factory news, yesterday morning..." With Li Xiaoli's voice, a smile appeared on Leng Qingguang's face.

What Li Xiaoli played was exactly the factory information he wrote.He remembered the contents of the message clearly. Basically, not a single word of the first paragraph was changed.

From this point of view, it has already reflected his level of desolation.Of course, this also served as a foil, and the woman who made him uncomfortable actually didn't have much ability.

"Station Master, it seems that Lu Xiaorong still respects me a lot?" Leng Qingguang tactfully said to the man walking in front of him.

The man walking in front smiled, but said nothing.He had reviewed the manuscript and knew what was in it. Lu Xiaorong didn't seem to have changed anything.

Although he looked down upon Leng Qingguang, but Lu Xiaorong didn't improve a single word, which is also a bit...

Second paragraph, third paragraph, fourth paragraph...

The newsletter draft of more than 1000 words can be read in a few minutes, but at the end of the draft, Leng Qingguang didn't hear a single change.

At this time, his expression has changed from proud to full of spirits.

"Station Master, such a talent is too good at being a man, why doesn't she change at all, does she look down on me!" Leng Qingguang said with a smile: "Or she didn't do the job I arranged at all.

Xu, the elder of the radio station, was also a little unhappy at this time. How could this Lu Xiaorong be like this?
At this moment, the penultimate segment was also broadcast.

ps: Please support the new book!
(End of this chapter)

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