Chapter 93
The last paragraph is an inspiring word!
From the point of view of Lao Xu and Leng Qingguang, this passage basically has no meaning to change, and naturally there will be no change.

Lu Xiaorong hasn't changed at all!
If this is said, it can be said to be a big joke.Not only will Lu Xiaorong not be able to lift her head up in the main factory, even if she introduces her clock factory, she will not look good in face.

Old Xu gave a cold look and said: "Old Leng, let me tell you..."

Leng Qingguang knew very well what Lao Xu wanted to say, and he was not going to insist on anything on this matter.

In his opinion, he is not trying to save face to Lao Xu, let alone save face to Lu Xiaorong. His current situation is to give face to Zhongchang.

If the people that Zhongchang said were idiots, although Zhongchang's face is not good, but he, the instigator, may not be able to get better.

But at this time, I should make a decision, and I still have to make a decision.

"The blueprint has been drawn, and it's time to set sail..." As these words appeared from the radio, Lao Xu who was speaking stopped.

Leng Qingguang was also a little stunned!

Hearing these two sentences, he felt a refreshing feeling, and he was sure of one thing, that is, there were absolutely no such things in the things he wrote.

In other words, these ten characters were all written by Lu Xiaorong!
Leng Qingguang didn't listen to the remaining dozens of words. At this moment, only those words added by Lu Xiaorong were in his mind.

How is this possible, how can Lu Xiaorong change so well!

But although he couldn't believe it in his heart, the sound of the broadcast that echoed in his ears was telling him that it was true.

"The finishing touch!" Old Xu slapped his hands heavily, and said with a touch of emotion.

"I can't write anything like that."

Leng Qingguang didn't want to talk at all at this time, although he felt that the old Xu might not be able to bear the emotion at this time, but the lethality of this emotion was too great, and he was very uncomfortable.

But he wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say to refute, and really, he couldn't find words to refute.

"This woman is terrible." Finally, Leng Qingguang choked out such a sentence.

He thought of his embarrassment just now, and thought that he didn't change a word in front of it, but added such a sentence to himself later, which made him feel like his face was slapped.

Especially when he dragged Lao Xu here to listen to the radio, and even sent his face directly to his palm.

Lao Xu smiled and said: "With her ability to write this finishing touch, Lao Leng, do you think she can revise your manuscript?"

Leng Qingguang really wanted to say no, but the smiling old Xu made him clear that at this moment, he had better be honest and honest.

And to be honest, there is only one answer, and that is yes.

"Xiao Lu didn't change the first word, it was for your face, and the finishing touch came next, it told us that he has a lot of ability, old man, since he has released goodwill, let's accept it when we see it. .”

Leng Qingguang really wanted to say no, but his rationality told him that Lao Xu's proposal was the most beneficial to him now.

"Thank you, station master. I just want to test the ability of the new comrades. I really don't have any ideas about the others."

While the two were talking, they saw the leader, Director Li, stepping over.He looked at Lao Xu and Leng Qingguang from afar, and waved with a smile.

"Today's manuscript sounds to me like Xiao Leng's style of writing, and it's well written!" Factory Manager Li was in the factory, and he kept his word.

With such a compliment from him, most of Leng Qingguang's depression disappeared in an instant.He said modestly: "Director, I still have a lot of shortcomings. In some things, I have to learn from Lao Xu."

"You are being humble. I heard this article earlier and there are still many gaps between you and Lao Xu, but the first sentence of the last paragraph is really great." "I'll tell you, that's it. A finishing touch, Lao Xu has been writing the manuscript for so many years, but he just didn’t finish it!"

The finishing touch, I haven't written it for so many years...

The cold and bright smile froze all of a sudden, and Lao Xu, who was standing aside, was even more embarrassed at this moment. At this moment, he really didn't know what to say.

"The blueprint has been drawn, and it's time to set sail!" Lao Li, the factory manager, recited a sentence heavily: "These short ten words have written the current state of our factory's hard work. I knew that you are a capable person, Lao Leng. people."

"In the future, I need to write more such inspiring things."

Leng Qingguang really didn't know what to say, he pondered for a while, and finally said: "Director, this sentence..."

"I didn't write this sentence. It was a sentence added by Lu Xiaorong, a talented new girl from our radio station, who was checking the manuscript."

Leng Qingguang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said honestly: "Although Comrade Xiao Rong only proposed a one-sentence amendment, he won the approval of all of us."

Factory Manager Li looked at the desolate light on his forehead, hehe smiled and said: "Young people are awesome, does this also mean that your radio station is full of talents?"

"Yes, the new talent you selected is very good!"

"By the way, when you go back and make a report, let me say that this manuscript of yours, on behalf of the factory, I will give you a verbal praise."

Factory Manager Li left, Leng Qingguang and Lao Xu looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of complexity in each other's eyes.

The afterlife is terrifying!

Shen Lin didn't know that a sentence he added for his wife had such a big effect.At this time, Shen Lin was driving his motorcycle, driving towards the warehouse with Photon.

Although the shape of the motorcycle tricycle is a bit poor, it is very cool to drive. Qiangzi, who was sitting in the car, asked to change seats with Shen Lin after sitting for a few minutes.

After a few words of advice, Shen Lin sat on his special small bench. Under the sun at nine o'clock in the morning, Shen Lin could still feel a lot of coolness while sitting in the car.

"Brother Shen, I heard that the photon's engine is ready, and I'm just waiting for you to modify it." Qiangzi said with a trace of envy: "Brother, I don't need salary for the first month, so I beg you to modify it for me first." a motorcycle."

Shen Lin smiled and waved his hands, "Okay, it's a trivial matter."

The two talked and laughed, and came to the door of the warehouse.The uncle at the gate was still lying on the deck chair under the big tree listening to the radio. When he saw Shen Lin coming, he said hello lazily: "Young man, why are you here again?"

"Master, I rented the three warehouses on the far left of us, and I plan to use them now." Shen Lin didn't hide anything, and took out the contract with a smile.

"You are Shen Lin." The janitor didn't read the contract either, but asked Shen Lin directly.

Shen Lin took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it over, "Master, I am Shen Lin, and I will open a shop here in the future. Please take care of me, sir."

"We will discuss the matter of care later. The General Affairs Department called and asked you to go to the General Affairs Department first. It seems that there is something wrong with the warehouse rental."

When Shen Lin heard this, he was taken aback for a moment. He never thought that something that was a sure thing would have problems.

But soon, he calmed down.He put away the contract and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll go and solve the problem, and I'll be back in a while."

While speaking, Shen Lin got on a motorcycle tricycle and drove towards the No. [-] Match Factory.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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