Chapter 94 I'm in trouble!
The second match factory!
Shen Lin did not go to Shen Kui immediately, but went directly to the General Affairs Section.

He had very little friendship with Shen Kui, and it could be said that Shen Kui helped him because of Song Suo's face.

While waiting, if he went to Shen Kui casually, even though Shen Kui would not say anything, the possibility of doing something was very low.

He would even suffer supercilious glances, and directly destroy the little friendship he had gained with great difficulty.

In the general affairs department, Xiao Li was writing something. When he saw Shen Lin coming, he nodded towards Shen Lin.

Shen Lin took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to Xiao Li, "Brother Li, is Section Chief Ye here?"

"Section Chief Ye has gone to a meeting, and he won't be back in a while." Xiao Li took the cigarette and lit it, and said with a smile on his face.

While speaking, he pointed to a stool not far away: "Sit!"

Ye Yichen was not there, Shen Lin was not in a hurry, but said to Xiao Li: "Brother Li, I'll sit here, so I won't delay your work, brother Li?"

Xiao Li said with a smile: "It doesn't delay my work. I finished most of the work today, so I just need to take a rest."

"Brother Li, do you know what happened to my lease? I went to see the house today, and the janitor told me to come to our general affairs department first." Shen Lin looked around and asked in a low voice .

Xiao Li knew about this matter. After all, he was the one who called the gatekeeper to notify Lao Zhang of this notification.

However, Xiao Li didn't know the reason for this.

He took a puff of smoke and said, "I really don't know the reason for this matter, but our section chief has always seldom regretted what he promised, and now he calls you back, which means that there may be something wrong with your lease contract what!"

For such a situation, Shen Lin really wanted to scold her.If this kind of thing is placed before the time travel, it will not be used here at all, as long as it is done by itself with the contract.

But it's different now. Even if there is a contract, the No. [-] Match Factory has a big mouth, and you still have to listen to it.

"Wait a minute, Brother Li wants to give me some good words." Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile: "I am going to open a second-hand home appliance store, if Brother Li has any needs, just tell me. "

When Xiao Li heard about second-hand appliances, he immediately thought of something and said, "Shen Lin, what do you have for your second-hand appliances?"

Shen Lin thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I basically have everything I can find."

Xiao Li glanced at Shen Lin in surprise, and then said: "I have a relative who has always wanted to buy a refrigerator, but you know how tight the tickets for refrigerators are."

"So this matter, I have always had a headache!"


Feeling the cool breeze from the fan, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I do have a refrigerator, but it's a second-hand one."

"However, I can guarantee that the appearance of this refrigerator is [-]% new, and it can be free of faults within at least five years, and it will be guaranteed within five years if there is a problem."

"This price is only half of the price of a new refrigerator!"

Xiao Li's eyes widened all of a sudden. He just mentioned something casually, but he didn't expect that Shen Lin really had it.

What fascinates him is half the price and five-year warranty.He is clear that the current refrigerator factory has nothing to do with them if you buy it.

If there is a problem, then you have to find someone to fix it yourself. If you fix it well, everything will be fine. If you don’t fix it well, it’s your own bad luck.

"Then I'll go back and take our relatives to have a look. If it's okay, then we'll buy it." At this point, Xiao Li stood up and poured Shen Lin a glass of water from a white porcelain water cup. "I clean the cup every day, so you can use it without worry."

Looking at the enthusiastic Xiao Li, Shen Lin's smile grew a little more.He took a sip of water and said, "Brother Li, don't worry, if you go to my store with your relatives, I will definitely give you the best discount."

Xiao Li glanced at the outer door, and then said in a low voice: "Shen Lin, did you offend our section chief somewhere, or else, how could he have made things that were originally determined!"

"I don't know." Shen Lin hurriedly said: "Brother Li, wait a minute, you must say something nice for me!"

Xiao Li nodded and said: "That's no problem, but in this matter, our section chief is the one who has the decision-making power, you..."

While the two were talking, Ye Yichen, who was a little bald, walked over.Although he saw Shen Lin, he didn't say a word, but said to Xiao Li, "Xiao Li, is today's report ready?"

"Section Chief, everything is ready." Xiao Li handed over a form at this point, and said, "Section Chief, Shen Lin has been waiting for you for half an hour."

At this time, Shen Lin quickly handed over a cigarette and said, "Hello, Section Chief Ye."

Ye Yichen looked at the smiling Shen Lin, and thought that this young man is not bad, but who made him offend my nephew?

Although he was an elder, Ye Yichen still had a lot of scruples about Fang Boyuan's nephew who was a college student with a bright future. Among other things, he would basically not refuse anything Fang Boyuan said.

What's more, Shen Lin has nothing to do with him.

"Shen Lin, since you're here, I'll talk about my difficulties." Ye Yichen's words made Shen Lin feel that things might be more difficult than he thought.

He helped Ye Yichen light the fire and said: "Section Chief Ye, if you need anything, just tell me, I can do it, and I will never refuse."

"Shen Lin, it's not about whether you can do it or not, it's my embarrassment!" Ye Yichen patted himself on the head and said: "Last time, because of Lao Shen's face, I made a decision privately. Three warehouses are leased to you."

"But what? Our factory manager disagrees. He said that if those old warehouses are to be rented out, they can only be rented out as a whole."

"Shen Lin, our factory manager has made a decision on this matter, and I, the executor, have nothing to do."

"If you want to continue renting, you have to rent all of our more than 30 warehouses, but the rent is not low!"

Speaking of this, Ye Yichen deliberately put on a embarrassed look: "If you don't have that ability, then we will void the previous contract, and I'll get your 1000 yuan back for you."

Looking at Ye Yichen who looked like I could no longer be the master, thoughts in Shen Lin's mind turned quickly.

He wants to open a second-hand home appliance factory, the most space he needs is only three warehouses, but Ye Yichen deliberately gave himself more than 30 warehouses, how can this be used.

But Shen Lin was not willing to change places!

That is the location of the city center in the future. Even 30 years later, it will be the central business circle of Dongzhou City.

In three or four years at most, this place will be developed.

If I take over these warehouses by myself now, although the funds are a little tight, as long as they operate properly, wouldn't it be a big pie!

According to Shen Lin's plan, he also planned to rent more facades when he had enough money, but he didn't expect that Ye Yichen would give him half a block at once.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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