Chapter 95 My loved ones!
Of course, he can't use the facade of this half street.

But if the warehouse on this half street is to be transformed into a retail store, it will definitely be a big deal.

Now the number of shopkeepers has begun to increase. In the wholesale market, there are many self-employed individuals who travel far and wide, and they need more places.And as some people have money in their pockets, the things on the wholesale market can no longer keep up with their needs.

Opening a shop has become the choice of many people.

If you transform it according to your own design, then this year...

As thoughts flashed one by one, Shen Lin had already made a decision, but nothing showed in his expression.

"Section Chief Ye, can't you be more accommodating?" Shen Lin made a distressed look, with pleading in his words.

Ye Yichen was not at all surprised by Shen Lin's appearance, after all, no one could rent more than 30 large warehouses all at once!
For a young man, renting three warehouses should be his acme.

This young man is the same, it's not good to offend anyone, offend his nephew, Ye Yichen picked up the cigarette Shen Lin gave him and took a puff: "Shen Lin, I also want to help you with this matter."

"But you, I can't make the decision. I think you should rent another place. Maybe you can find a good house?"

Xiao Li stood beside Shen Lin, although he was also worried for Shen Lin, but at this moment, he was speechless.

After all, although Shen Lin said that he could help him buy a second-hand refrigerator, in the future, he would still work under his own section chief.

Under such circumstances, how could he offend his boss for Shen Lin.

Shen Lin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Chief Ye, let me think about it again, you let me think about it carefully."

Ye Yichen smiled and said: "Shen Lin, don't think so much, I think it's useless for you to think about it now, after all, you really can't use more than 30 warehouses by yourself, or..."

Just before Ye Yichen finished speaking, Shen Lin gritted his teeth and stood up and said, "Section Chief Ye, is it because I rented these warehouses, how to deal with them is my business?"

"Yes, but Shen Lin, you have thought about it, there are more than 30 rooms." Speaking of this, Ye Yichen looked at Shen Lin who was gnashing his teeth, and then said leisurely: "And, according to the instructions of our factory manager, we are going to lease it to A consistent client."

"Then the contract, isn't it the number of years signed now!"

While speaking, Ye Yichen waved his left hand heavily, and said solemnly: "Ten years is a bit short, at least 15 years must be signed."

Signing for 15 years, so many shops signed for themselves for 15 years, this... this is really a pie in the sky!
Shen Lin looked at the unquestionable Ye Yichen, showing hesitation again.He pondered for a while, and then he said hesitantly: "Mr. Ye, 15 years is a bit too much, I... I think we should sign according to the five years previously determined?"

Ye Yichen waved his hand and said, "Xiao Shen, I know you are in trouble, but here I really can't make the decision!"

"You know that my general affairs department is only in charge of some things arranged by the factory director. You asked me to veto the factory director's decision. I don't have the guts!"

"15 years, not a year less!"

Shen Lin gritted his teeth and said, "Chief Ye, I can agree to it in 15 years, but what? Can you promise me one thing."

"When we sign this contract, it must be signed by the factory leader, and it must be filed on the street. I don't want something like this to happen again." Seeing Shen Lin's uncomfortable look, Ye Yichen felt comfortable in his heart.His current consideration has changed from venting his anger on his nephew to increasing his status in the heart of the factory director. How can the factory director praise him for renting this useless warehouse for 15 years?

Even the streets will be impressed by their abilities.

"Okay, yes, but Shen Lin, I want to explain the rent issue. If you fail to pay the rent, not only will the warehouse be taken back, but we will also hold you accountable for breach of contract."

When Ye Yichen said this, he said solemnly: "If you don't write these into our contract, I'm afraid our factory won't be able to agree to the conditions you mentioned."

Shen Lin looked at Ye Yichen, and thought to himself that this person had such an opinion on me that he even came up with such a method.

Knowing that if he agreed, it would cause unnecessary trouble, so Shen Lin put on a embarrassed look and said, "This..."

"Also, although the current rent is 15 per warehouse, what about it? Prices are rising now. Let me tell you, if you want to rent for [-] years, after that three years, the rent will increase."

"Increase by one hundred a year!"

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Yichen said to Shen Lin again.

The big warehouse raises the rent by [-] a year. Does this old Ye have a problem with me, or is he facing me? I really can’t find his condition even with a lantern!
Shen Lin couldn't suppress the gratitude towards Ye Yichen in his heart.He felt that at this moment, his whole body was so excited that he wanted to explode.

"Master Ye, this one hundred is too much, one hundred for one room, and the thirty-odd ones, that's a full 30 yuan. I don't know if I can make it with such an increase in a year. See if you can get less Ah!." Shen Lin deliberately let his voice have a hint of crying.

So touching, so honest, so...

Ye Yichen coughed and said: "Shen Lin, I am not targeting you, I am responsible for the factory!"

"Look, the price of goods has risen a bit now, and the price I want for you is still low. It won't be long before someone will definitely say that I take care of you."

Xiao Li stood aside, slandering Ye Yichen in his heart, bullying a young man like this, section chief, are you really embarrassed?

However, the more it was like this, the less he dared to lend a hand. He already felt that Ye Yichen really wanted to embarrass Shen Lin.Under such circumstances, if he helps out, wouldn't it be making himself uncomfortable.

"Eighty, after five years, it will increase to eighty every year!" In order to perform the play well, Shen Lin stretched out two fingers sincerely.

Ye Yichen looked at Shen Lin's appearance, and said to himself that he should accept it when he sees something good, otherwise he would ask too much and this young man can't afford it, so why let him here, what a big fall?
Regarding Shen Lin's plan, he also had some guesses in his mind. Shen Lin who was no longer needed might want to rent it out, but he didn't think about it. If he could rent it out, wouldn't he have rented it out a long time ago?
Do you still need him?
"Okay, eighty is eighty, I'll go report to the factory manager, let's try to sign the contract in the afternoon, you still have to pay one year's rent first."

When Ye Yichen said this, he said with a smile: "Xiao Shen, it's not that I doubt you, can you really get 1 yuan?"

"Chief Ye, I won't hide it from you. Who has 1 yuan? I need to find a way to find a relative. See if the money can spare me a day. I'll borrow it."

Shen Lin lowered his head and rubbed his hands, and said in embarrassment.

Ye Yichen laughed and said: "That's fine, I'll give you a day, and we'll make the contract tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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