In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 100 The heavenly being left behind an arsenal! ! ! !

Chapter 100 The heavenly being left behind an arsenal! ! ! !
Gongshu Qiu nodded in agreement and said:
"As strong as a heavenly being, when he cut through the nine-wheeled sun, he also used a terrifying weapon!"

"If you think about it, the journey of a strong person is the fusion of one's own strength and external objects."

"Beings like those outside the realm are nothing more than foreign objects that have gone to an extreme."

"Only by relying on the accumulation of wisdom and forging terrifying weapons can the effect of easily destroying the world be achieved."

"But even so, those extraterrestrial beings are still far away from heavenly beings."

As soon as Gongshu Qiu mentioned Heavenly Beings, Meng Tian's eyes lit up immediately and he said:
"That's right, possessing great strength yourself, and with the assistance of extreme weapons, is the true path to becoming a strong man!"

"In terms of physical fitness and combat power, we, the human race, are definitely far superior to those rickety-looking alien creatures."

"As long as we can find it, the weapons developed by Heavenly Man in the past may not be able to resist the invasion of alien beings again!"

As soon as Meng Tian said these words, the morale of everyone in the room rose again.

Especially Gong Shuqiu, whose family inherited the artifacts of the Gewu Dao, when he saw that the weapons of those alien beings could reach such a terrifying level.A heart that pursues the great road was completely burned.

Several people looked at the murals again, trying to get some more tangible blessings from heaven and man from the subsequent murals.

"Look! The heavenly beings seem to have come up with a lot of sophisticated weapons that contain the Dao!"

At this time, Gong Shuqiu pointed to a place in the mural and shouted loudly!

In front of the mural, there was a shout of "Gongshuqiu".

Meng Tian and Xing Yueshen both looked at where Gong Shuqiu was pointing.

After wiping out the army of extraterrestrial beings, the heavenly beings led the human tribe to clean up the battlefield.

Some of the disc flying objects that had not been completely destroyed were collected by heavenly beings.And many tribal people are rebuilding their former habitats.

At this time, Tianren didn't know where he came from, and he took out many magic sword weapons like the ones he used before!

However, the length of the light blades of these magical weapons is not as exaggerated as those of heavenly beings, and is almost different from ordinary weapons.

But that power is simply not comparable to today's sword-shaped weapons!The three of them saw in shock that the tribesman, holding the light blade given by the heavenly being, could easily split a huge rock!

That is a rock taller than a person!It turns out that any tribesman holding that kind of light blade can cut through a boulder as tall as a man like tofu.

The emergence of this situation only made Meng Tian and the other three people change their colors in horror!

What frightened them was not the terrifying intensity of the light blade.After all, in the past, heavenly beings holding light blades could destroy the nine-round sun.The terrifying power of the Light Blade Divine Weapon had already shocked them.

What shocked the three of them was that such terrifying magic weapons could be used by any ordinary person!
Doesn't that mean that if an ordinary person holds a ten-foot-long light sword like that of a celestial being, he can also cut down the stars?
At the very least, the attack power can be roughly estimated like this.

After the heavenly being took out the light blade, he seemed to distribute some firearms similar to firecrackers to the tribesmen.

As soon as he saw the scenes of those tribal people using fire-like weapons, Gong Shuqiu frowned and said:
"This weapon that looks like a firecracker is definitely not the firecracker made by heavenly beings before!"

"Look! The lines used to depict the mural clearly outline the attack from the firearm as a straight line!"

"If it were steel bullets fired from a firecracker, the mural would never be outlined like this!"

As an official responsible for forging fire guns for the empire, Gong Shuqiu asked himself that no one could compare to him in terms of his knowledge of fire guns.

It was precisely because he knew enough about fire guns that Gong Shuqiu was absolutely sure that the weapon Tianren took out this time was definitely not a fire gun!
In the mural, the tribesmen used these musket-shaped weapons to emit terrifying rays, which easily flattened a small mountain.
This scene made Meng Tian and the others stunned for a long time!
But what surprised the three of them was yet to come.After the gods selected a small number of those humans who used weapons.He also took back all the weapons in the hands of the remaining people and sealed them all deep underground!

Seeing this, the breathing of Meng Tian and the others suddenly became a little faster!

"Heaven's arsenal! Heaven has sealed most of those weapons!"

"If the empire can obtain these artifacts that can be used by ordinary people, why not worry about not being able to kill the nine heavens!!!"

Meng Tian's eyes widened, and his face turned blood red due to emotion.

Since the gods have sealed most of the weapons underground, it is tantamount to leaving a large treasure for future generations!
"Unfortunately, from the murals, we can't tell where the gods sealed the weapons."

"If we can open up the arsenal of heaven and man, our entire era will change drastically!"

Gong Shuqiu's eyes were fixed on the picture of the heavenly being sealing the weapons, and he couldn't help but feel pity on his face.

Although he knew that the gods had sealed up most of the weapons.But there was no clue about the sealed place, which made Gong Shuqiu feel as uncomfortable as scratching his heart and liver.

Xingyue God glanced at Gongshuqiu and couldn't help but smile:
"What's the point of being like this?"

"You can't even imitate that armored warship now, but you still want to study this magical weapon that can destroy the sun."

Hearing Xingyue God's words, Gongshu Qiu didn't forcefully defend himself, he choked his neck and said:
"Even if we are not qualified to study this great weapon that destroys stars, it can still broaden our horizons."

"Only by knowing the ultimate direction of the Gewu Path can future generations like us and others move forward without hesitation!"

At this moment, Gongshu Qiu simply regarded the weapons brought out by the gods as the highest holy objects in his heart.

Gong Shuqiu looked at the mural repeatedly, gradually frowned, and asked a question:

"Tell me, why did the Heavenly Man take back most of the weapons in the end?"

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said these words, both Meng Tian and Xing Yueshen fell into thinking.

Meng Tian frowned and thought for a while, then said:

"The gods have not taken back all the weapons. There are still a group of people left to use the weapons."

"I think the gods should regard these people as soldiers of the tribe."

"And the power of these weapons is too powerful, if too many ordinary people own these weapons."

"It is very likely that the earth on earth will overturn in the hands of the human race itself!"

Since ancient times, dynasties have used such laws.Weapons of sufficient lethality cannot be hidden in the hands of ordinary people.

As a famous general in the empire, Meng Tian knew the dangers of weapons in the hands of ordinary people.

Therefore, in his opinion, heavenly beings also thought this way in ancient times.

The weapons of the heavenly beings are infinitely more powerful than the weapons of the current empire.If those magical weapons were abused at will, the consequences would be immeasurable.

(End of this chapter)

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