In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 99 Looking for death?Then destroy them all! ! !

Chapter 99 Looking for death?Then destroy them all! ! !
[Speaking of which, I miss the thrill of punching with all my strength!I decided to use these alien spaceships as targets for another round of fun! 】

[When I stretched all my muscles, I felt that my strength seemed to be many times stronger than before. After hitting it with a "super serious punch", I wiped out a piece of the entire Kepler battle group. 】

[It’s so dangerous. I feel like if this punch were stronger, it would be able to penetrate into another dimension.Is the other dimension a four-dimensional space or another parallel dimensional world?I don't know this yet. Maybe if my strength becomes stronger, I can set foot in that field. 】

[I suddenly thought that if I could penetrate to another dimension or dimension on my own.Didn’t I become the fifth-level civilization that Liu mentioned?It doesn't seem that difficult to carry the human civilization forward by walking alone. This is a great shortcut for the advancement of human civilization! 】

[Probably my terrifying biological energy frightened these aliens. The entire Kepler space fleet was stunned for a while. 】

[I was very satisfied with this moment of silence. Just when I was about to say something, the aliens opened fire even more violently! 】

[Moreover, the target of their attack this time is not me, but the earth beneath my feet, where the human race lives!I think these Keplerians have evolved their brains into water.He actually thought that if all races were wiped out, I would be wiped out as well. 】

[Although these Kepler people are so stupid that they are disgusting, I have to consider the earth. Although I don’t want to admit it, it seems that the human race has really become my weakness. ]

[Fortunately, my speed has also grown along with my physical strength, reaching the range of fifty times the speed of sound.The speed at which the Kepler spacecraft launches nuclear missiles is less than fifteen times the speed of sound. 】

[It seems that even if the technology is close to the third-level civilization, the large-scale destructive weapons created still use unnecessary nuclear energy.Perhaps disordered nuclear energy weapons are too cheap. The initial speed of a vehicle driven by solid fuel still cannot exceed fifteen times the speed of sound. 】

[Those nuclear weapons that attack the earth with destructive power.I crushed them all in advance at an absolute crushing speed!Because I directly destroyed the nuclear traction device inside the missile, all the missiles directly turned into scrap metal! 】

[After intercepting all nuclear weapons dropped on the earth.I opened fire and let this Kepler star fleet learn the true meaning of power! 】

[In front of my hard body, the spaceship of the Kepler Star Fleet was no different from a layer of tissue paper, and it was easily torn into pieces by me. 】

[Just when I was about to sweep away the entire sky, another surprising thing happened to me]

[In the last remaining fleet, there are nine command-class spacecraft.It actually directly triggered the star-level fuel inside the spacecraft, intending to destroy it with the earth! 】

[After the stellar fuel was completely detonated, the nine command-class spacecraft directly turned into nine suns!Moreover, it is the kind of sun that is about to explode completely! 】

[If these nine rounds of 'suns' completely explode, I'm afraid the entire solar system will be reduced to a piece of dust in the universe.Well, maybe it's more professional to call it a meteorite belt. 】

[When the hot and deadly nuclear radiation bloomed, I knew that I could no longer prevent the nine 'suns' in front of me from exploding with brute force alone. 】

[Hehe~~~These Kepler people are really worthy of respect.This is a forced stage set up for me to perform well.】

[In this case, I have nothing to hide.I will present the biggest results of this research. 】

[A nuclear fusion device that I made into a sword hilt was taken out by me.What does it look like when the nuclear energy that is enough to destroy galaxies is completely restrained and concentrated? 】

[When the 30-meter-long purple light blade rushed out from the hilt.It means that I have successfully condensed the nuclear energy that is enough to destroy the galaxy into a beam of light only 30 meters long!The nuclear energy condensed to the extreme bloomed with a coquettish purple light. 】

[This lightsaber looks very much like the 'Thunder Swords' in the movie version of Shushan Legend.Fortunately, my hair is long enough now, otherwise someone would have said that I was in COS. 】【What happens when the extremely concentrated ordered nuclear energy and the disordered and manic nuclear energy come into contact with each other? 】

[I thrust the lightsaber into the 'sun' that was about to explode, and all the manic and disordered nuclear energy was absorbed by the light blade.In the face of the same kind of energy with vastly different densities, disorderly and manic nuclear explosions can only become nourishment for the light blade. 】

[I carried this 30-meter-long sword and chopped off nine 'suns' in a row.Absorb all the violent and surging nuclear energy! 】


The First Emperor in front of the desk was so shocked that he dared not breathe!

The whole person leaned back in the chair suddenly, and his eyes stared as wide as possible!

"The heavenly being actually split nine suns!"

"The light blade that Tianren took out at the end was what a terrifying weapon!"

"Even the sun can be split open effortlessly."

"I'm afraid that if such amazing artifacts fall into the hands of mortals like us, they won't be able to bear their weight."

The First Emperor looked up blankly above his head, imagining the majestic scene of heaven and man being destroyed for nine consecutive days.

The reverence for heaven and humans in my heart has reached an unparalleled level.
The main altar of the Mohist family, in the secret room of the government city.

Meng Tian, ​​Xingyue Shen, and Gongshu Qiu stood in front of the mural and were lost in thought.

Creatures from outside the world came to the world and used all kinds of weapons that they couldn't understand at all, making the entire world miserable.

In the end, some heavenly beings took action and destroyed all the extraterrestrial beings who started the massacre.

But after the shock, the three people couldn't help but think about themselves.Today's empire would be nothing if not counting the celestial artifacts excavated.Compared with the ancient human race, it is not much better in terms of weapons.

If today's human race in the world were to face the attack of those extraterrestrial beings again, wouldn't it be like the ancient human race, with no ability to resist at all?
Weiran, the god of stars and moon, sighed:

"I didn't expect that external objects can exert power far beyond our own strength."

"In an era when heavenly beings have not yet entered the world, if those extraterrestrial beings come to the world again, can we only resist with our flesh and blood?"

The Yin Yang family where the Star Moon God belongs not only inherits the mysterious and unpredictable art of divination, but also spreads profound martial arts.Xingyue God himself can be regarded as the first-class martial arts master in the world.

But with her fighting power at this moment, once she faces the world-destroying weapons of alien beings, what is the difference between her and a lamb waiting to be slaughtered?
(End of this chapter)

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