Chapter 98 Invasion of Earth?How dare you?
Although a few days ago, the First Emperor already knew that the stars in the sky were all in one square.In those countless worlds, splendid civilizations will surely be born.

The First Emperor even used this to have the ambition to kill all the way to the nine heavens and incorporate the ancient galaxy into the territory of the Qin Dynasty.

But what the First Emperor didn't expect was that the Qin Empire was not even a first-class civilization.

And the aliens who came to the earth in ancient times and were called a funny species by heavenly beings actually surpassed the second-level civilization and stepped into the third-level civilization with one foot.

The huge gap between them shocked the First Emperor for a moment and made him unable to recover.

"The gap between civilizations is so huge. Can I really kill to reach the nine heavens in my lifetime?"

For a moment, the First Emperor couldn't help but doubt himself.

But when he saw the fairy book on the desk, the First Emperor's eyes showed excitement!

"That's right! Those beings that are close to entering the third-level civilization are still respectful when facing heaven and humans."

"If I accept all the inheritance from heaven and man, I can also build Great Qin into an immortal dynasty for eternity!"

"Take the Chinese civilization and jump forward as a whole!"

"Sooner or later, the ancient galaxy will be included in the territory of Great Qin!"

After some self-motivation, the First Emperor continued to read the Book of Immortals.

[After these aliens communicated with each other, based on their use of the gravity of black holes, the progress of controllable nuclear fusion research that was stuck in my mind was immediately loosened. 】

[I know how to restrain that manic nuclear energy!After I had various ideas in my mind, I couldn't help but try them out thoroughly. 】

[I asked about this group of aliens’ next plans.They say that they are just wanderers in the universe now.The earth is so similar to their parent star and is in the embryonic form of civilization.They are willing to inhabit again for a while, leaving behind some of civilization's technology.Helping the human race in the embryonic stage of civilization can achieve a faster civilizational transition. 】

[Since they have plans to use the earth as a resting haven, I would be happy to do so.After all, their level of civilization far exceeds that of humans on Earth at any time.With their help, human civilization will progress much faster. 】

[Looking at them, they began to leave traces around the world and created some civilizations such as the Mayan civilization. 】

[I entered seclusion with peace of mind and began to conduct research on controllable nuclear fusion, trying to restrain the terrifying demonic realm with intelligent means. 】

[When I completely restrained the manic nuclear energy and developed a laser weapon based on it, something wrong happened]

[That day, the humans of the tribe were crying and howling, waking me up from the retreat. 】

[When I walked out of the research facility, what I saw was a devastated land and a purgatory scene with dead bones everywhere. 】

[And above our heads, all that blocks out the sky and sun are alien spacecrafts.The interstellar armed forces of Kepler have invaded the earth! 】

[Those big-brained funny species actually chose to invade the earth! ! !How dare they?Do they think I have left this planet? 】

[Or do they think that with this spaceship filling the sky, they can stop my raging anger? 】

Seeing the First Emperor here, he felt a sword-like edge coming from the fairy book.Even the skin on my face felt a tingling sensation!
Just from reading between the lines, the First Emperor could feel how angry the heavenly beings were at that time!
"Stupid extraterrestrial beings! How dare you do this to cause harm?"

"The gods are so kind and take you in to live in the human world. How dare you recruit an army to conquer the human world?"

"Hmph! Let's see how you face the power of heaven and man!"

The First Emperor was also furious at the despicable behavior of those extraterrestrial beings.

He quickly focused his mind on the fairy book again, wanting to see how the heavenly beings punished those despicable extraterrestrial beings.

[Until this moment, I discovered that the various relics left by these aliens on the earth are exactly signal transmitters! 】

[It is through these ruins on the ground that they emit powerful electromagnetic waves, transmitting the earth's position coordinates to the Cygnus constellation a thousand, four hundred years away. 】

[When I appeared, I immediately mentioned the five aliens who first visited the earth in front of me. 】

[I asked them, do they have the guts to face my anger? 】

[They say that their consciousness has already been backed up in motherhood, even if they all die here.It won't be long before he can still be resurrected on his home planet. 】

[And I, in their eyes, am a single individual who exists like a god.As long as all my fellow humans on this planet are eliminated, I will naturally disappear. 】

[I laughed. Not only did they misunderstand my origin, they thought I was a living entity formed by the aggregation of human beliefs.They are even mocking them, thinking they can exterminate all human beings in front of me. 】

[I asked them, aren’t they afraid of the controllable nuclear fusion weapon I developed?They confidently say that even controllable nuclear fusion technology is still not an advanced weapon in their civilization.Even if all the humans on this planet are equipped with laser weapons, they are still confident that they can destroy all humans. 】

[After hearing these words from the alien, I was silent for a while.Since they have underestimated my intelligence, I should show them what it means to be a muscle that no technology can compete with! 】

[I haven’t been this angry for a long time. I think the way I was angry at that time was definitely accompanied by a terrifying vision! 】

[So much so that these aliens couldn’t wait to attack me.snort!They don't know yet that my existence is above their civilization.In order to make them deeply aware of the gulf-like gap between them and me.Why not let them take the first move? 】

【Good guy!They actually released a neutron bomb directly at me.Particle beams composed of countless neutrons converged into an ocean and attacked me. 】

[Well, the attack strength is pretty good, but it can make me feel a little numb. Just think of it as taking a bath. 】

[Now that I've given them the initiative, it's time for me to show off my muscles!I pointed out with a 'serious finger', and all the gravitational structures in the space in front of me were forcefully broken. 】

[Because the gravitational structure of space was changed by me, the particle beams that had just converged into an ocean and hit me lost their direction and dissipated in front of me in a chaotic manner. 】

[While they are adjusting the attack direction of the weapon nuclear fusion reactor to adapt to the new gravitational structure.I directly manipulated the internal components of their nuclear reactor and severely crushed the key nodes.I enjoy watching the sparks blooming in the sky. 】

[How long has it been since you had such a fun and exciting battle?It seems that I never used that trick when changing the trajectory of the earth during the Ice Age.】

(End of this chapter)

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