In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 97: Great Qin can’t even be ranked as the prototype of civilization? ? ? ?

Chapter 97: Great Qin can’t even be ranked as the prototype of civilization? ? ? ?

Although he doesn't quite understand how the 'solar system' mentioned by the gods is specifically defined.But even if we understand it in terms of where the sun's rays shine, the range is large enough.

Whether it is the vast land or the vast ocean, where is the place where the sun cannot shine?

"Hiss~~~ Is the newly developed weapon by Heavenly Man so terrifying?"

"The aftermath of the failed product alone is enough to annihilate this world?"

"How terrifying would that complete controllable nuclear fusion weapon be?"

After the First Emperor managed to suppress the shock in his heart, he quickly focused his mind on the fairy book.

[Under my "100% full-strength throwing", the failed experimental object was thrown out of the solar system. 】

[An unknown constellation burst out with brilliant 'fireworks'.Looking at the horrific explosion scene, I couldn’t help but sigh that nuclear weapons are indeed a taboo area]

[But the first failure inspired my research enthusiasm.I plunged into the crazy research on controllable nuclear fusion again. 】

[I haven’t realized it yet, but the ‘fireworks’ I threw out attracted a group of uninvited guests. 】

[One day, they arrived.At the beginning, it was the human tribes who informed me. 】

[When I saw the flying saucer spinning and glowing in the sky, I immediately fell into deep thought.What makes me curious is why the aircraft of alien creatures have such rustic shapes! 】

[After all, it is this disk-shaped outer body that is more suitable for them to navigate in the vast starry sky.From beginning to end, those who visit this planet are all from the same alien civilization. 】

[When I came to this era, I had also read the entire book of "The Three-Body Problem", so I naturally knew the laws of the "dark forest" hidden in the universe. 】

[But I'm not panicking. I don't feel much threat from this flying saucer.At the very least, their civilized offensive weapons cannot break my defense.I thought that the level of this alien civilization should also stay at the level of research on nuclear energy. 】

[Well, as long as there is no 'two-way foil', a technology that has transcended material existence!I swaggered and appeared in front of the flying saucer in an extremely arrogant manner. 】

[I felt that there seemed to be an invisible electromagnetic wave on the flying saucer, scanning my body.Those aliens seem to have known through the equipment that my combat power has almost exploded their monitoring meter.One by one, they came out of the spaceship to have a friendly exchange with me honestly and respectfully. 】

[Sure enough, even in appearance, they have nothing new at all.The appearance of the four-headed body, no matter from which angle you look at it, looks like a funny species]

[To be honest, this kind of honor has no power at all.It's a bit like Frieza whose head was enlarged by a third and then transformed. 】

[I can’t remember how many years I haven’t laughed.When I saw these five aliens in front of me, I laughed for half a minute.If it weren't for their superb IQ, I would really want to catch a few of them as pets. 】

[Their behavior is also consistent with their appearance, very friendly.After some conversation, I learned that they come from the Cygnus galaxy, which is [-] light years away. 】

[Their planet, called Kepler, has a mass about 1.6 times that of the Earth.The various natural environments of that planet are very similar to those of the Earth. 】

[However, the year when the planet was born seems to be a full billion years earlier than the earth.The emergence of their species is a full 12 billion years earlier than humans. 】

[After such a long period of evolution and reproduction, they have just reached the point of leaving their own galaxy.It is enough to use the black holes between galaxies to open the gravitational tunnel and carry out interstellar travel. 】

[And these few are a space exploration team.Through interstellar jump technology, travel among various constellations to find other planets with life. 】【Earth is the third planet they have found that has life.But when they looked at the human tribes around them, they seemed hesitant to speak. 】

[I understand their doubts. Judging from the appearance, I and the humans in the surrounding tribes are definitely the same species.But these aliens have a unique energy detection device. 】

[They used that device to detect energy exceeding the stellar level in me.The huge differences between me and the tribal people made them look so confused. 】

[I told them that I and the humans from the surrounding tribes are indeed of the same race.It’s just that the years I have experienced are too long.It took me a long time to gather biological energy comparable to that of a star. 】

[This group of aliens suddenly realized that I was that kind of special individual who has transformed into a god.His attitude toward me was also visibly respectful. 】

[I asked them if they had ever seen an individual with terrifying biological energy like me in the universe. 】

[A few of them said they had only seen it in the database of their home planet.It's like some ethnic groups have reached a certain path on the road of evolution.Gradually, there is only one single individual left in the entire group, and the biological energy of that single individual is comparable to that of a celestial body. 】

[On the road of biological physical evolution, it has reached an extreme.And those civilizations where ethnic groups reproduce mostly follow the cluster technology route. 】

[When they mentioned cosmic civilization, I also put forward some of my own opinions appropriately. 】

[I told them that the civilizations in this universe can be roughly divided into six levels. 】

[First-level civilization: Also known as planetary civilization, it can control the energy of the mother star at will and utilize all available resources on the mother star.By controlling the energy output of the entire world, you can control the weather, rivers, creatures, oceans, etc., and even the changes, rise and fall within the earth's crust at will.It can be said that a first-level civilization has the ability to dominate its home planet and can even destroy other surrounding planets. 】

[Level [-] Civilization: Can control the star system where the parent star is located, and can control the entire star system.Live and travel freely among the planets in the star system without worrying about energy issues. 】

[Level [-] civilization: This civilization is also called galaxy civilization. Level [-] civilization can easily control the entire galaxy. The entire galaxy is like a playground. You can travel freely and live for a long time, and you can also develop as you like.All the energy in the galaxy can be harnessed, and it can even be sucked from black holes. 】

[Level 70 civilization: Level 80 civilization is also called cosmic civilization. It has reached the point where it can develop [-]-[-]% of the energy in the universe, can feel the specific locations of different galaxies, and can communicate with other galactic civilizations in some way. 】

[Level [-] Civilization: Can travel between multiverses and develop the energy of other universes. 】

[Level [-] Civilization: A god-level cosmic civilization is not limited to developing energy, but can even manipulate time, space and create the universe at will. 】

[When I mentioned the divisions of civilization levels in the universe, these aliens were immediately shocked.An alien even took out an instrument and recorded in detail the civilization classification I just mentioned. 】

[I told them that the civilization they live in is roughly between level two and level three.As for the human civilization on this planet, if I are not included, it cannot even be considered the lowest first-level civilization.It can only be said that the prototype of civilization has just begun. 】

When the First Emperor saw this place, he felt a buzzing in his head!

"Civilization. It turns out that civilization can still be divided into levels?"

"Compared to the ancient tribal period where the Three Emperors lived, there doesn't seem to be much difference from today's era!"

"Could it be that the great Qin Empire of the few can still only be regarded as a prototype of civilization?"

"It's not even a first-level civilization, it's the prototype of civilization."

(End of this chapter)

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