In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 96 The Secret of the 7 National Treasure Boxes! ! !

Chapter 96 The Secret of the Seven Kingdoms Treasure Box! ! !

Xianyang City, Zhangtai Palace.

After retiring from the court, the First Emperor couldn't wait to take out all six boxes that he had treasured for a long time.

Looking at the six boxes in front of him, which had been handed down since the Zhou Dynasty, the First Emperor was filled with excitement.

Even if he sent troops to defeat the six countries and unified the land of China, he still only collected these six boxes.

The hardships involved cannot be explained clearly in just a few words.

When he thought that the last box would be delivered to Xianyang soon, the First Emperor couldn't help but be excited!
Arrange six boxes in a row and caress the lines on them.

After getting these six boxes, the First Emperor also studied them carefully.But just because of the lack of the last box, these six wooden boxes looked like completely dead objects.The First Emperor was simply unable to find out the slightest bit of magic from it.

Moreover, there are exquisite mechanisms on the sides of the seven boxes, which are connected to each other.

Without the last box, none of the six boxes can be opened.

"In the past, the gods divided the big box into seven and solemnly handed it to King Wen of Zhou."

"These seven boxes definitely contain enough secrets to change the world!"

The First Emperor's eyes were far-reaching, staring at the six boxes in front of him.

I was wondering in my heart what kind of world-shattering secrets were in the box that the heavenly beings solemnly passed on to the princes and generals.

Sudden!The First Emperor frowned!
After arranging the six boxes in a line this time, the First Emperor suddenly discovered that the lines on the top of the boxes seemed to be related to each other.

The First Emperor thought that the patterns on the box were just for decoration.

After accidentally arranging six boxes in a line, looking from this corner at this moment, these lines seem to form a faint formation!
If he had known about the existence of heavenly beings, the First Emperor would never have thought deeply about this.

But since the Heaven, Man and Earth Palace of Lishan appeared, every trace left by the Heaven and Man is enough to bring great blessings to the people of the future.

The First Emperor immediately did not dare to underestimate these connected lines, and looked at the striped road carefully with his eyes widened.

After a long while, the First Emperor suddenly raised his head.

There was already a look of shock on his face!
"These lines are like a formation and a picture."

"I seem to have seen from inside, the feeling of 'shrinking the earth into an inch' and 'being so close to the end of the world'!"

"Could it be that what's hidden in this box is some supernatural power?!"

The moment Emperor Shi Huang took a closer look, he felt that his entire mind was being sucked in by the lines formed by the box.

In the hazy moment, the First Emperor felt the extreme speed that could cover thousands of miles in an instant.

After escaping from that illusion, the First Emperor stared at the six boxes with a bewildered expression.

He had a hunch that the secret hidden in this box was related to that kind of extreme speed in the world!
"To unravel all the truth, it seems we can only wait until the last box is assembled."

In an instant, the First Emperor cherished the box in front of him even more.

When the First Emperor was still imagining what kind of shocking supernatural powers would be revealed to the world after gathering the seven boxes.

Outside Zhangtai Palace, a chamberlain reported to Prime Minister Li Siqiu to see him.

The First Emperor's eyes moved slightly, and he carefully put away the six boxes in front of him, and then said majestically:
"Xuan Lisi, come to see me."

A moment later, Li Si appeared in front of the First Emperor and reported respectfully:
"His Majesty previously sent an order to build the Twelve Golden Men in Xianyang City." "Now, there are civilians in several mines around Xianyang who have begun to collect materials."

"Thanks to the unity of the public and the whole family, the imperial court's gold and iron smelting technology is three points faster than before."

"Now that the relevant gold and iron are gradually abundant, the casting of the twelve golden figures can begin at any time."

"May I ask Your Majesty, where should the twelve golden men stand?"

As soon as Li Si said this, the First Emperor immediately entered a state of thinking.

The purpose of casting the Twelve Golden Figures was to show the sincerity of the empire to heaven and man.

The First Emperor now regarded himself as a disciple of heavenly beings. If heavenly beings entered the world, he would naturally want to invite heavenly beings to the Qin Empire to take charge.

Moreover, now that people are disappearing frequently, the First Emperor has always had a lingering premonition in his heart.

It seems that the gods have always been living in Xianyang, quietly watching the Qin Empire prosper step by step
But whenever the First Emperor felt that he was about to get close to the heavens and humans, the heavens and humans would turn into mist like the mirror, flowers in the water, and the moon in the blink of an eye.

The First Emperor slowly exhaled and said:

"Since we want the gods to see our sincerity, the Twelve Golden People must naturally stand in the most noble place in Xianyang!"

"Let's build the Twelve Golden Men in Zhangtai Palace!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, Li Si looked startled!
The terrain of Zhangtai Palace is the highest point in the entire Xianyang Palace.

Moreover, Zhangtai Palace, as the residence of the First Emperor, represented the most noble place in the Qin Dynasty.

Building the twelve golden figures in front of Zhangtai Palace is tantamount to worshiping the gods as Haotian.

Li Si gathered his thoughts and respectfully said to the First Emperor:


"Wei Chen will definitely handle this matter properly and let the gods and humans feel our sincerity."

After Li Si retreated, the First Emperor thought of the illusion that he had felt on the lines of the six boxes just now, and that he could reach thousands of miles away in an instant.

He immediately took out the fairy book and tried to find the heavenly being's record of that magical power in it.

[After having made nuclear weapons before, I thought that controllable nuclear fusion would not be that difficult.But when I devoted myself to the research of controllable nuclear fusion, I realized how wrong I was! 】

[Whether it is an atomic bomb with nuclear fission, or a hydrogen bomb or neutron bomb with nuclear fusion.All it takes is to radiate the energy generated by mass collapse in one go.There is no need to impose any constraints on the energy of mass collapse. 】

[The only difficulty is to control the stability of the nuclear reactor.But controlled nuclear fusion is a completely different matter! 】

[If primary nuclear technology is to light a pile of firewood and let it burn violently.Controllable nuclear fusion is to condense the disordered flames erupted from the firewood into a controllable pillar of fire.Only by concentrating all energy can the lethality per unit area be increased. 】

[This research and development process almost made my hair style bald.The nuclear energy released by the collapse of matter is like a demon without any sense.And controllable nuclear fusion is to make this devil as well-behaved as a kitten. 】

[When the first research and development failed, the energy that exploded could almost flatten the planet. I reacted quickly and quickly threw the failed product into the vast universe. 】

[What the hell, I don’t even dare to let this failed product of continuous disordered nuclear fusion stay in the solar system.If the explosion is allowed to expand, the entire solar system will suffer.]

When the First Emperor saw this, his eyes were almost as big as a bull's eye!

(End of this chapter)

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