In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 95: The sun is in the sky, and the heavenly beings cut down 9 suns with their swords! ! !

Chapter 95: Ten days were in the sky, and the gods cut down nine days with their swords! ! !

Countless thunders and raging fires spurted out from the many disc flying objects and attacked the heavenly beings.

In an instant, the entire sky turned into a boundless purgatory.It's full of all kinds of terrifying energy, like the blood river under the Nine Netherworld being summoned to the human world, wrapping around the heavens and humans.But what was flowing in that river of blood was filled with extremely terrifying flames and thunder.

The heavenly beings turned a blind eye to the attack that was like the coming of purgatory.

Like flicking dust, with a flick of a finger, all the terrifying energy like the vast ocean disappeared in an instant like a breeze!

Seeing this, Meng Tian and the others took a deep breath unconsciously!
They have no idea what kind of magical powers the gods use.But at least one thing is absolutely clear to them.The existence of heavenly beings is absolutely superior to these extraterrestrial beings!

Even if they attack the human world as a whole, they are not enemies of heaven and man!
In the blink of an eye, after annihilating the energy that came like a vast ocean, the heavenly being took action again!

I saw the heavenly man clenching his fist fiercely, and all the flying discs floating in the sky seemed to be held by an invisible big hand.

When the Heavenly Man's fist was completely clenched.


Although there was no sound coming from the mural, Meng Tian and the others automatically imagined the earth-shattering explosion in their minds.

I saw how many disc flying objects in the sky depicted in the mural turned into a ball of fire on the spot, disintegrated into ashes and dissipated.

After Tian Ren clenched his fist, the entire sky seemed to be blank!
Immediately afterwards, the Celestial being's clenched fist swung towards the sky.

In an instant, it seemed as if even the space had been shattered by a single punch. The disc flying object that was originally covering the sky was cleared by half!
Under the terrifying power of the heavenly beings, the remaining disc flying objects seemed to have become awakened wild beasts.

Everyone went crazy, and some were like heavenly beings emitting various energy rays.

Some actually project conical cannonballs like comets onto the earth!

Seeing only the shape of the cannonball, Meng Tian's heart seemed to be held by an invisible big hand, and his whole person fell into a state of extreme tension.

Because he discovered that the conical cannonball was very similar in appearance to the Divine Punishment Yinghuo developed by Tianren.

In the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth in Lishan Mountain, it can be clearly shown that one strike of God's Punishment Yinghuo can destroy the world.

And those disc flying objects dropped dozens of divine punishment weapons!

What are they going to do?
Directly destroy this world?
Meng Tian clenched his teeth, and his face showed a slight distortion.

"How abominable are these extraterrestrial creatures!!!"

"You are no match for heaven and humans, and you are actually trying to destroy us and the human world!"

"I wish I could kill all these extraterrestrial beings for nine days!"

On Meng Tian's forehead, the veins were twisting like earthworms.Even though he knew that the human world would definitely not be destroyed by those extraterrestrial beings, the anger in Meng Tian's chest was getting stronger and stronger!

In the mural, the heavenly being ignored all the energy rays directed towards him, connected his light feet to the void, and his whole body turned into a stream of light.All the terrifying weapons that were shot towards the earth were intercepted.

Afterwards, the heavenly man burst out with even more terrifying power, as if he had unleashed the fury of thunder!
The whole person turned into a shadow, wandering in the sky.All flying disks approached by heavenly beings are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and will be destroyed upon contact!

The terrifying power of the heavenly beings, even if the entire clan invaded, they would not be able to compete with that group of extraterrestrial beings.

In the next mural, there are only a few flying discs in the sky.

The majestic scene that previously covered the sky completely disappeared, just like the afterglow of the setting sun, leaving only traces of flames all over the sky.

But then, a more terrifying scene appeared!
The remaining nine disc flying objects seemed to know their own fate.

It burned violently and spontaneously, and scorching light burst out from the disc flying object!

In an instant, it was like ten suns appeared in the sky!
Those nine disc flying objects seemed to be no different from the sun hanging in the sky!Ten days are empty!

The terrifying heat is scorching the earth!

The three men, Meng Tian, ​​could even feel the desperate mood that spanned tens of thousands of years from the murals.

Seeing that the earth on earth is about to completely collapse.

The heavenly being seemed to be facing Cangming, where ten great suns hung, and took out a sword hilt with an extremely simple shape in the void.

Seeing this scene, Meng Tian, ​​Xingyue Shen, and Gongshu Chou all opened their eyes wider than a bull's eye!
"In this moment of great crisis, why did the heavenly being only take out a sword hilt???"

"Where is the sword blade! Where has the sword blade gone!!!"

Gong Shuqiu shouted in horror!

Then the three of them hurriedly looked at the next mural.

I saw the heavenly being holding a simple hilt tightly, and a blade that seemed to be composed of brilliant brilliance rushed out from the hilt!

That sword blade is ten feet long!
It’s like the whole body is made of light!
Immediately afterwards, the heavenly man held a ten-foot-long lightsaber, turned his body into a stream of light, and slashed through the nine-wheeled 'sun' that appeared on the sky!

In an instant, the nine-round 'sun' that was about to burst completely was swallowed up by the ten-foot-long lightsaber in the hands of the heavenly being.

The whole sky returned to peace again.Except for the debris in the sky, it represents the battle that just happened.

And the majestic figure of heaven and man returned to the earth again.

Meng Tian, ​​Xing Yueshen, and Gong Shuqiu stared at the mural, refusing to let go of every detail.

The shock in my heart has already reached an extreme level!
After being stunned for a long time, several people came back to their senses, and the Star and Moon God exclaimed in great amazement:
"The weapons used by heavenly beings in the end are probably beyond everyone's understanding!"

"The attacks that seemed like the coming of the sun were actually able to be annihilated by the gods with this magical weapon."

"After all, this earth on earth was saved once again by heavenly beings."

Gongshu Qiu also sighed:
"I think of how the earth on earth has been plagued by disasters since eternity."

"If it weren't for someone from heaven coming to earth, I'm afraid this world would have disappeared long ago."

As for Meng Tian, ​​his eyes were full of sharp light and he said sonorously:

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

"This extraterrestrial creature looked extremely respectful in front of heavenly beings before."

"In the blink of an eye, so many disc flying objects were sent out, and the entire clan invaded our world."

"When my king's troops are sharpened, I will ask your majesty to lead an army to attack the nine heavens and kill all these barbarians!"

As soon as Meng Tian said these words, both Xingyue Shen and Gongshu Qiu were shocked!
The various powers displayed by the disc flying objects and the level of their mastery of the principles of heaven and earth are definitely far beyond the human world.

Although the Great Qin army was strong, it was still a long way from this extraterrestrial creature.

However, Meng Tian's aspirations are not all empty talk.

No matter how strong the alien creatures are, they are easily destroyed by heavenly beings.

If the empire can continue to master the various avenues left by the heavenly beings, it may not be unable to kill people above the nine heavens in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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