In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 94 The gods are furious and kill to stop killing! ! !

Chapter 94 The gods are furious and kill to stop killing! ! !

The heavenly beings stepped on the void, facing each other far away from the disc instruments.Several four-headed humanoid creatures came out of the disc instrument.

A small torso, holding a huge head, when you see the close-up of the creatures outside that day.Meng Tian and the three of them all had a sense of humor, but when they saw the dark eyes of the creatures outside that day, they felt a little more nervous.

Such human-shaped creatures come from the sky on disc-shaped instruments.In their eyes, they are almost the same as monsters.And this kind of honor is a bit like those monsters and ghosts imagined in the market.The head is huge, the dark eyes take up a huge proportion of the face, and it doesn't even have lips for eating.

Although the mural is just a depiction of simple threads, several people have felt a full sense of oppression from this extraterrestrial creature after thousands of years!

This sense of oppression comes from human beings' self-imagination of the unknown.

In the mural, the posture of the heavenly being stepping into the void seemed to frighten those extraterrestrial beings.

The two sides seemed to be sitting and talking, and it was clearly stated in the mural that the beings from outside the world nodded frequently towards the heavenly beings.It seems like a group of students are listening to the teachings of heavenly beings.

Seeing this, Meng Tian frowned. In his understanding of heaven and man, there seemed to be no record of this incident.

Meng Tian couldn't help but look at Xingyue Shen and Gongshuqiu. These two people also came from the sect passed down by disciples of heavenly beings.Perhaps there is also a description of this period of history in the inheritance of the two families.

Thinking of this, Meng Tian turned to look at Xingyue Shen and Gongshu Qiu, and said in confusion:

"You two, you are both descendants of heavenly beings. What are your opinions on the content depicted on this mural?"

The Xingyue God's almond-shaped eyes were full of thoughts, staring at the scene in the mural where heavenly beings and these extraterrestrial visitors were sitting and talking, and slowly said:

"The existence of heavenly beings is definitely the supreme being in this world."

"The mythical figures we are familiar with have all been enlightened by gods and humans."

"These strange creatures from outside must be a strange existence independent of our human race."

"By chance, I met the gods face to face and listened to the teachings of the gods."

"Since heaven and man are the ancestors of all dharma, they naturally have teachings and no distinction. As long as all creatures in the world have the heart to follow the Tao, heaven and man will not be stingy in imparting their knowledge."

"These extraterrestrial beings are lucky enough to meet heavenly beings on the vast earth."

Meng Tian frowned deeper after hearing Xingyue God's explanation.

Even though Xingyue God said it, he couldn't find any big fault.But he always felt something was wrong. It seemed that the close-ups of the faces of extraterrestrial beings in the murals made Meng Tian feel that these strange beings from the extraterrestrial world were not kind people.

"No! I don't feel like it! This extraterrestrial being doesn't seem to come with good intentions!"

As soon as Xingyue God finished speaking his opinion, Gong Shuqiu immediately objected:
"Look! There seems to be weapons on that disc creation!"

"Isn't that column-like component just like a weapon made by heavenly beings?"

Gong Shuqiu pointed to the mural. When the flying disk creature came to the world, the disk suddenly stretched out a cylindrical machine.The more Gong Shuqiu looked at it, the more it seemed like a weapon.

Gongshu Qiu then concluded:
"When these extraterrestrial beings first came to earth, they definitely did not come with good intentions."

"But the aura of the gods and the emptiness seems to have shocked them all!" "Under the power of the gods, these extraterrestrial beings seem to have become 'reasonable' one by one."

According to Gong Shuqiu's words, Meng Tian and Xing Yueshen looked at the mural again.

Sure enough, when the disc creation came to the world, a strange metal column did stick out.After seeing various heavenly and human weapons, several people naturally associated the metal cylinder with some kind of weapon.

However, after the Celestial Being appeared, the group of extraterrestrial beings instantly became like children studying for school, causing Meng Tian and Xingyue God to subconsciously forget the purpose of those extraterrestrial beings.

Everyone continued to look behind the mural. Through the dim lights, several people saw a scene in which the content suddenly changed!
After listening to the teachings of heavenly beings, I don’t know how much time passed.

One day, another disc flying object appeared in the sky!

This time it’s not one, but a group!
They are like dark clouds, permeating the sky of the world, and there are more and more trends!
The human race that has formed tribes on the earth seems to be extremely panicked by the flying disk above their heads!

Everyone had a horrified expression, as if the end was coming.

Seeing this, Meng Tian, ​​Xingyue Shen, and Gongshu Chou looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong!
This group of extraterrestrial beings is the disaster itself, the end of the world, and another major disaster that will destroy the world!

In an instant, all three people in the room felt a great sense of terror.His eyes widened three-thirds, and he looked carefully at the content shown behind the mural.

At just one glance, all three of them felt cold all over their bodies, with extremely angry expressions on their faces.

After countless disc flying objects descended into the world, they all suddenly protruded a cylindrical weapon around the disc.

Countless flame-like and thunder-like energy spurted out from the column.

The entire human land is littered with corpses and withered bones covering the scorched earth.
A scene of purgatory on earth went straight into the minds of the three of them!
The three of them were horrified at the sight, and they all clenched their teeth, wishing they could eat those extraterrestrial creatures that were killing the human race!

The bloody scene in front of them made the three of them deeply aware.Those extraterrestrial beings are simply not something that the ancient human race can contend with.

No, not just the ancient human race.Even in today's era, if a disc flying object that covers the sky appears, today's human race will regard it as a god.

Facing the raging fire and the terrifying thunder, the human race had no way to resist.

The only people humans can rely on are heavenly beings!

Sure enough, in the next mural, the figure of the heavenly being appeared! ! !
In the mural, the heavenly beings seemed to emit overwhelming anger after seeing the dead bones scattered all over the human world.

In terms of detailed description, the space around Tianren seems to have a faint sense of fragmentation.

At this time, the disc flying objects that filled the sky seemed to have lost their initial respect for heaven and humans because of the group.

He even aimed the cylindrical weapon at the heavenly being.

The next moment, the heavenly being takes action!
In the murals, the heavenly beings seem to ignore all the constraints of this world, as if there are invisible stairs under their feet, walking step by step towards the Cangming.

One person is alone, facing the flying disk that blocks the sky and the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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