In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 93 The shocking secret hidden under the main altar of the Mo family! ! !

Chapter 93 The shocking secret hidden under the main altar of the Mo family! ! !

After Li Si thought deeply for a while, he said to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty, with the majestic magical powers of heaven and man, you have already been researching towards stronger weapons."

"Those weapons must be enough to deal with extraterrestrial beings that may come to the world!"

"If we continue to search for the miracles of heaven and man, we may be able to discover all kinds of amazing weapons developed by heaven and man to deal with extraterrestrial beings!"

As soon as Li Si finished speaking, the First Emperor nodded and said:

"I think so too."

"With the magical power of heaven and man, it is absolutely superior to all the outside world!"

"If we can obtain the amazing weapons studied by heavenly beings, even if one day extraterrestrial beings really come to the world, I, the Qin Dynasty, will not be without the power to resist!"

"Furthermore, if our Great Qin Empire can inherit all the blessings left to the human world by heaven and man."

"Maybe one day I can send my troops straight up and conquer the vast starry sky!"

At this moment, the First Emperor burst out with his innate royal aura.

When all the civil and military officials saw this, they all calmed down.

Not to mention that the beings from outside the world have not yet arrived. The human world has both the inheritance of heaven and humans and the leadership of a wise king. Why should we be afraid?
Just when the whole court was having complicated thoughts because the truth of the world was revealed.

Outside the court, urgent news came from eight hundred miles away.


"General Meng led one hundred thousand cavalry to defeat the Mohist clan. The leader of the Mohist clan, the giant, and all other commanders have all become prisoners!"

As soon as this urgent report sounded, the court hall immediately became excited!
The crusade against the Mohist family was the first time that the Qin Dynasty launched a military offensive after unifying the world!
Counting from the day Meng Tian led his army out of Xianyang, there were only three days left for the full attack.

In just three days, the Mohist family, which was considered the most powerful among the hundreds of scholars, was completely destroyed.

With such a great victory, how could the civil and military officials not be excited about it?
The First Emperor was also overjoyed and said:

"Meng Tian really did not disappoint me!"

"Submit the urgent report quickly!"

The purpose of sending Meng Tian to attack the Mohist family this time was not just to eradicate this cancerous and rebellious person.Before Meng Tian went on the expedition, the First Emperor ordered Meng Tian to search for the heavenly and human tokens inherited by the Mohist family, as well as the box passed down from the Yan Kingdom.

Especially after knowing that there is a world like Hengsha outside the sky, the First Emperor became more and more coveted to set foot in the realm of immortality.

As long as he has a long longevity, he will have enough time to develop the empire. In the years to come, Great Qin may not be able to expand its territory to the galaxy!

After the First Emperor received the emergency report from his chamberlain, he glanced at it, and his face instantly showed excitement!
In addition to describing the battle damage, the emergency report also contained detailed records of the various gains in the secret rooms of the organ city.

When the First Emperor saw that Meng Tian had obtained the box from Yan State, the big stone in his heart finally fell.

"In this way, we have collected all seven boxes!"

"I want to take a look! What is hidden in the secrets of the Seven Kingdoms!"

Just as the First Emperor was thinking, after gathering the boxes inherited from the seven countries, what was opened was the secret of immortality or other magical powers of heaven and man.The soldier who returned from the Mohist General Altar City reported again:

"Your Majesty, after the defeat of the leader of the Mo family, Juzi, he tried to escape on the sacred beast Suzaku."

"Later, according to Master Gongshu, the mechanical sacred beast Suzaku can soar ninety thousand miles in an instant! Its flying speed is several times that of a sweaty horse!"

"And even if you fly for several days, you won't feel tired at all!"

As soon as the soldier said these words, the entire court was shaken back and forth!
All civil and military officials were frightened by the sacred beast Suzaku that the soldiers said!

"Can it soar ninety thousand miles away?! Can this still be considered a mechanism? This is probably because the ancient ferocious beast has resurrected!"

"With such an artifact, wouldn't it mean that even ordinary people can walk among the white clouds and dogs like the legendary immortals?"

"Such an exquisite and precious treasure must have been left by heaven and man, and it is absolutely impossible to be developed by the Mohist family. If the Mohist family had such superb technology, how could it have reached this point?"

"Hmph! The Mo family is lucky enough to have inherited such a divine weapon from a heavenly being! It's a pity that there is a traitor in the back of the head. Even with the divine weapon in hand, it is on the road to destruction!"

For a time, all the civil and military ministers in the court were talking about the terrifying function of the sacred beast Suzaku.

In this era, these creatures that can soar in the blue sky are already existences beyond their cognition.

From ancient times to the present, no one has imagined that they can soar in the blue sky like a bird.

At this moment, when they really heard that there was a creation that could allow people to walk freely among the white clouds, everyone just felt like they were struck by thunder from the nine heavens, and there was no place in their body that did not tremble.

The First Emperor's eyes even shone with light.

The various descriptions of the armored sacred beast Suzaku by the soldiers reminded the First Emperor of the heavenly vehicle mentioned by the old man on Turtle Snake Mountain!
In ancient times, the vehicles used by the gods to travel around the world with Fuxi were like the sacred beast Suzaku, which could fly at high altitudes and extremely fast!
The First Emperor was extremely excited, and he was increasingly looking forward to the gains from this crusade against the Mohists.

In the secret room of the organ city, Meng Tian and others continued to explore the secret room with great excitement after getting the biggest gains of their trip.

After all, this secret room in the organ city contains the treasures of the Mohist family from past generations!
After thousands of years, the foundation has become so rich that everyone is coveted.

"Huh?! Come and see!"

“The murals here seem to record some remarkable things!!!”

When Gongshu Qiuben was excitedly checking out the thousand-year history of the Mohist family, he suddenly discovered that there was a secret mural deep in the secret room, and he hurriedly called out.

As soon as his urgent voice sounded, Meng Tian and Xingyue Shen immediately gathered around.

A few people took a closer look and saw a long and narrow mural in the dim light, which was different from the magnificent carving technique before the secret room.The mural here seems to have been directly changed into a different painting style, and the lines are much simpler.

Moreover, the content depicted above seems extremely strange.

Meng Tian, ​​Xingyue Shen, and Gongshu Chou all opened their eyes and carefully observed the content depicted in the mural.

From the void space above the nine heavens, there was a disc-like instrument with some humanoid creatures sitting on it, descending to the human world.

The disc instrument also had the ability to soar into the sky, and it seemed to be surrounded by light. When it first arrived in the human world, heavenly beings appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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