In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 92 The ambition of the First Emperor: If he can live forever, the world will be in the hands

Chapter 92 The ambition of the First Emperor: If he can live forever, the world will be in the hands of just a few!

Throughout the night, the First Emperor was immersed in thoughts about the outer world.

The celestial being's narration about the starry sky above his head is simply equivalent to opening another door to the world view of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor had never imagined that the stars, as numerous as the sands of Hengsha, were all just like the human world.

In such vast and countless worlds, it is very likely that a civilization far beyond humankind has been born.

They may have weapons that are incomprehensible.Maybe if you walk out of a life at will, you can destroy a world.

A magnificent, eternal and infinite universe was completely displayed in front of the First Emperor.

While a sense of urgency arose in his heart, the First Emperor's ambition was also ignited!
"As long as you can set foot in the realm of immortality, one day, the territory of Great Qin will sweep across the galaxy above your head."

Unknowingly, the darkness of night has receded.The sky in the east has turned as white as a fish belly.

The First Emperor withdrew his eyes and carefully arranged the books on heaven, humans, and immortals.

A new day has begun again. The rising sun that shines on the empire today will surely be even redder.
above the hall.

All civil and military officials gathered together, and the First Emperor thought about the vast world shown in yesterday's fairy book.

He couldn't help but ask the ministers:
"My lords, what do you think of the starry sky that has appeared above our heads since ancient times?"

"Does there really exist any living beings in Cangming, which is an unknown distance away from us?"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials looked at each other in awe.I don’t know why the First Emperor suddenly asked such a profound philosophical question covering astronomy.

The line of military commanders naturally follows the eyes and the nose, and the nose reads the heart.Such talk and analysis of astronomy and philosophy have never been relevant to them.

On the civil servants' side, after everyone looked at each other, Prime Minister Li Si stepped forward and said:

"Your Majesty, the stars are like a picture scroll, and like the blue sky during the day, they are the appearance of the mist above our heads."

"It's just that at night it's covered in stars, but during the day it turns into blue."

"As for whether there are any living beings in Cangming?"

"In my opinion, those who can live in the vast ocean must be the eternal gods."

As soon as Li Si's words came out, all the civil and military officials nodded slowly.The explanation given by Li Si is almost the common understanding of all learned people in this era.

In their perception, the earth is vast and boundless, and the mist above their heads covers the earth like a canopy.

Depending on the day and night, Cangming will also change the scroll with different appearances.

The starry sky with twinkling stars is a picture of the night.If you want to ask if there are any living beings above the Cangming.Even a commoner who has never read the book will definitely answer that there are gods living there.

Li Si's answer did not go beyond the expectations of the First Emperor. This was the limitation of the times and the understanding of everyone in this era.If the First Emperor had not obtained the Immortal Book, he would have thought the same way.

Facing the doubtful looks of the ministers, the First Emperor Weiran sighed:

"You are wrong! If there are gods living above the sky, why did people walk on earth that day?"

"Isn't the existence of heavenly beings eternal enough?"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials were awakened!

If there are so-called gods living in Cangming, the existence of humans that day cannot be explained at all.Since the Heavenly Man and Earthly Palace appeared in Mount Li, Heavenly Man has slowly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Only then did the courtiers of the Great Qin Dynasty realize that in the ancient times, there was a god who reached the heaven and the earth and came to the world.Moreover, he has taken action many times to prevent world-destroying disasters.In fact, even if the human race can grow up, it is under the wings of the other party.

After the deeds of heavenly beings slowly spread.For a time, the gods that people worshiped in the past were nothing in front of the gods.

If someone says that heavenly beings are not qualified to live above the sky, I am afraid that all the civil and military officials will criticize him with words and writings!
At this moment, when the First Emperor mentioned the matter of heavenly beings inhabiting the human world, all the civil and military officials were a little stunned.They all thought deeply about this matter, and the more they thought about it, the more confused they became.

Even if heavenly beings still live in the human world, which god is qualified to live in Cangming?
Could it be that there is really no god above the sky?
The First Emperor looked at the civil and military officials in the hall, who were all deep in thought, and then slowly told the truth about the universe as stated in the fairy book!
"My lords, I only understood the true face of this world outside the sky when I read the fairy book at night yesterday."

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, he immediately attracted the attention of all the civil and military officials.

"The gods say that the stars that fill the sky at night are all a square world!"

"It's just that some worlds are dead and silent, while other worlds, like ours, have developed splendid civilizations!"

When these words fell, it was like dropping a piece of dry land thunder in the court!

All the civil and military officials were shocked by what the First Emperor described!

Who hasn’t looked up and stared at the night sky?

Can you count the stars on the night sky?

If those stars are all in one world.Then there are more than three thousand worlds in this universe?
In an instant, the hearts of all the civil and military officials were broken by the words of the First Emperor!
I just feel like my perception of this world has been completely shattered by the collapse.

Some old ministers even trembled all over and stared at the First Emperor with their eyes wide open.

If the First Emperor hadn't made it clear, this would have been what the gods said.I'm afraid these veterans will be questioned in court.

Among the courtiers, Chunyu Yue, a conservative Confucian, was shaking all over as if he had experienced a serious illness. He gasped loudly and asked the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty. Your Majesty's talented words are spoken by the gods themselves."

"Or did your Majesty infer it on your own based on other deeds?"

If it were anything else, given the majesty of the First Emperor, no one would dare to ask like this.

But what the First Emperor said just now has almost completely reshaped everyone's cognitive outlook.

Even this world is no longer the world they knew before.No matter how strong the majesty of the First Emperor was, under the collapse of the world view, there would still be people who would say too many questions.

Facing the courtiers in the hall with doubtful eyes, the First Emperor nodded firmly and said:
"But it was said by the heavenly being himself!"

"Furthermore, the gods also said that in that world like the sand of Hengsha, not every civilization will be friendly."

"Once they can reach our world, they will most likely start plundering and enslaving people. Since they can cross the galaxy, the power of their weapons is definitely superior to ours."

"The heavenly beings were also worried about this matter and began to research more powerful weapons based on the world-destroying divine punishment weapon!"

After the First Emperor finished speaking, the heads of the civil and military officials were buzzing!
Suddenly hearing that there are countless worlds outside their own world is enough for them to accept it.

But those creatures spawned from the outer world can actually cross the galaxy and reach the human world to plunder!This is tantamount to telling civil and military officials that there is a sharp sword hanging above their world, and it may fall down at any time.

Even the gods think that the world-destroying artifact is not enough to deal with the extraterrestrial beings. How strong should they be?
No one dares to think about it?

Don’t know what to think?

(End of this chapter)

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