Chapter 91 I want to conquer all the worlds! ! !
"Hiss~~There are more than just thousands of worlds in this night sky?"

"I. I have not even explored the human world that Da Qin lives in."

After knowing that the human world was not the only thing he saw, the First Emperor deeply realized the insignificance of human power.

Even the human world is just a drop in the ocean of the universe, and he is just like a mere person.

Even if he is the most powerful person in the world and the most powerful emperor in China, he is still so small that he is not even considered as dust in the endless universe.

A feeling of waning interest instantly filled the entire body of the First Emperor.

Sometimes, knowing the truth of this world may not necessarily bring the joy of enlightenment.

What is more likely to be brought about is the endless fear of the Akatsuki Universe.

After gritting his teeth and taking a breath for a while, the First Emperor put aside all the messy thoughts in his heart.

In his eyes, the innate domineering spirit slowly emerged!

"The banner of Da Qin will eventually be planted in every corner of the world."

"At that time, I will raise my head and swing my sword to point at the vast starry sky."

"Even if there are infinite worlds! After I step into the realm of immortality, I will have endless time to conquer the vast starry sky!"

In an instant, after digesting the great fear in my heart!

The First Emperor had unprecedented ambitions!

Since he took over the throne of Great Qin, he has set his ambition to conquer every country he sees.

When the Six Kingdoms were destroyed, China was unified.The First Emperor obtained the world map and hung it above his bed that night.

Just let yourself never forget how big this world is!How many countries are there waiting for Qin to conquer?

Nowadays, we know that besides the human world, there are also worlds like Hengsha.

so what?

As long as he has infinite longevity, one day all the heavens and worlds will belong to Great Qin!
In an instant, the First Emperor suppressed the vigorous ambition in his heart and did not return to the room. He continued to watch the celestial being's self-narration under the hazy moonlight from the sky.

[This kid Fuxi was really frightened by the real world I described.I was probably there for 10 minutes. After Fuxi recovered, he immediately asked me.In our world, have creatures from the outer world visited us? 】

[The first time I heard Fuxi’s words, I didn’t know how to answer.Creatures from other worlds have definitely come, but I shouldn’t answer him like this]

[I told Fu Xi that since I appeared in this world, no one from the outer world has ever come. 】

[Fuxi’s words also caused me to think deeply.I think this is a very good educational opportunity, and I have to set a lofty goal for my disciples. 】

[I told Fuxi that the galaxy closest to us is called the Milky Way.There are about 1000 million worlds in the Milky Way. Among so many worlds, there must be civilizations born.If one day, those extraterrestrial beings.Crossing the eternal galaxy and coming to our world, what do you want? 】

[Fuxi blurted out directly, treating the other party as a friend and sharing food with each other. 】

[I asked again, what if the other party wants to come over to plunder land and food.Just like Chi You who used violence to take all the things you think are beautiful as your own, what should you do? 】

[Fuxi still said without thinking, it would be like beating Chi You back then, beating them back hard! 】

[When I heard Fuxi’s words, I laughed.I said to him, my foolish disciple, you cannot even fly up to the dark clouds.But others can cross the eternal galaxy and come to our world.Why do you think our weapons are comparable to theirs? 】【When I got to this point, Fuxi was stunned and remained silent for several minutes.Then Fuxi raised his head and said firmly, even if he died, he would never allow extraterrestrial beings to trample on our land! 】

When the First Emperor saw this, he was stunned for a moment.

He never thought that extraterrestrial beings would come to earth.

In that case, can the Great Qin Cavalry stop it?Even if you can’t stop it, you have to stop it!
"Fuxi is determined and would rather die than defend the world."

"But the same will happen to a widowed person!"

"No matter what the purpose of the extraterrestrial visitors is, once they dare to invade us, even if we gather all the power of the world, they will use their blood to show the power of our human race!"

The First Emperor's eyes flashed sharply, and he focused on the fairy book again.

I want to see what specific methods the heavenly beings have to resist the extraterrestrial beings with aggressive intentions.

[I nodded with satisfaction and told Fuxi that the great ways I taught him could be used to develop weapons that would destroy the world!We can only protect our world by using weapons that contain the greatest principles. 】

[After my spiritual education, Fuxi began to listen to the lectures more seriously. 】

[At the same time, because of the bowl of chicken soup for the soul that I fed Fuxi, I thought of myself.After I arrived in the Jurassic Period, I found no record of alien visitations.But what happens next?Who can guarantee that there is no extraterrestrial life heading towards the earth at this moment? 】

[I think it’s time for me to make some preparations.It would be great fun if aliens appeared in this world! 】

[In the face of a civilization capable of interstellar navigation, nuclear weapons are simply not enough.Thinking of this, I decided to increase the energy intensity within the weapon unit instead of pursuing the explosion area. 】

When he saw this, the First Emperor's eyes flashed with shock!
His face was full of shock!
"Even the weapons of divine punishment that are terrifying enough to destroy the world are still unable to compete with extraterrestrial life?"

"What kind of terrifying appearance are the extraterrestrial beings that can come to the human world?"

"It seems that I still have a long way to go before I can conquer all the worlds."

Thinking of this, the First Emperor looked at the Celestial Book again, wanting to see what kind of terrifying weapons the Celestials would develop in the future.

[In the universe, energy that is more lethal than radioactive elements abounds.But at this moment, what is easiest for me to touch is the laser weapon! 】

[If one could grasp the terrifying energy intensity at the core of the sun, even silicon-based life would not be able to compete with it. 】

[But if you want to master that level of energy, you won't hesitate to develop controllable nuclear fusion.Alas, this is a long road, but the next research direction is laser weapons. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his eyes almost popped out of his eyes.

He never expected that the weapon Tianren wanted to study was actually sunlight! ! !

"Can sunlight be used as a weapon?"

"Then what kind of power will it be? It won't evaporate the entire sea."

At this time, the First Emperor did not know what form the laser weapon would take.

But my heart was already filled to the brim with a sense of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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