In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 90 In the eyes of heaven and man, Da Qin is just a drop in the ocean!

Chapter 90 In the eyes of heaven and man, Da Qin is just a drop in the ocean!

"Isn't it a treasure box? How can a treasure box be used as a key?"

Gongshu Qiu asked in shock.

Facing the confused looks of the two people, Xingyue God slowly shook his head and said:
"I don't know the details of the inside story. I just heard that the Phantom Sound Box is the key to finding the heavenly being."

"The specific situation can only be discovered after obtaining the Phantom Sound Treasure Box."

When Meng Tian heard this, he immediately realized how important the Phantom Sound Box was.

Everything related to heaven and humans has been mentioned to the most important level in today's Great Qin.

Since the Phantom Sound Box is related to the traces of heavenly beings, Meng Tian must search for this object even if he turns the entire secret room of the machine city upside down.

The next moment, Meng Tian's fierce eyes fell on Juzi, "If you don't want the other hand to leave your body too!"

"Hurry up and tell me the whereabouts of the Phantom Sound Box, otherwise, I will cut you into a pigeon on the spot!"

Meng Tian's eyes flashed with blood, and his murderous aura was more than three times stronger than that of Xingyue God?
The giant was shrouded in murderous aura like a cold wind, and a terrifying sight of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood seemed to appear before his eyes.He believed that Meng Tian would do what he said.If he didn't reveal the whereabouts of the Phantom Sound Box, Meng Tian would most likely crush his other three limbs in the next breath.

However, even the Mo family has been destroyed, and he himself has become a cripple.All hope in life has disappeared, so what is there to be afraid of?

"Haha~~~I do know the whereabouts of the Phantom Sound Box"

"But, I swear to the death not to tell you! In the worst case, I will cut off my own meridians and die!"

"What's the point of leaving a mutilated body for you to humiliate Qin?"

"Phantom Sound Treasure Box! Hum! You will never find it in your life!"

Just when Meng Tian and the other three were furious.

Suddenly a soldier came over and reported loudly:

"General, we found a strange raised location, which seems to be the location of a mechanism!"

As soon as these words came out, the proud look on Juzi's face instantly froze.

Meng Tian and the other two people only saw Juzi's stunned expression.Dang even realized that that mechanism was most likely related to the Phantom Sound Box.

Several people hurriedly followed the soldier and arrived at the place where the mechanism was located.

With mixed emotions of excitement, nervousness, and apprehension, Xingyue God slowly pressed the raised mechanism.


After a sound of stones rubbing together, a hidden grid appeared in front of everyone.

Xingyue God took a closer look and saw a red wooden box with a pentagonal appearance, lying quietly in it.

The next moment, Xingyue God quickly took out the red wooden box from the secret compartment.

He put it in front of his eyes and observed it carefully for a while, and said excitedly:
"This object is the most precious phantom sound box of my Yin Yang family!"

As soon as Xingyue God said these words, a big stone fell in Meng Tian's heart.Looking at the phantom sound treasure box, he said slowly:

"Although this object is a valuable treasure of your Yin Yang Family, it is related to heaven and humans. After returning to Xianyang, your Yin Yang Family will have to tell His Majesty personally about it."

Hearing Meng Tian's words, Xingyue God also nodded and said:
"Of course it is. Our Yin Yang family is searching for the Phantom Sound Treasure Box naturally to explore the secrets of heaven and man."

"After returning to Xianyang, Taiyi Shen, the leader of the Yinyang family, will explain the cause and consequences to His Majesty." Then, Meng Tian looked at the huge secret room with excitement.

The Mohist tradition has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are so many treasures.

For a while, it was impossible to completely clean it up.

While Meng Tian was commanding his soldiers, he was searching for the details of the Moh family.While arranging fast horses, all the news here will be sent back to Xianyang.

Night, Xianyang City, Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor lit the candle and continued to read the book of gods and immortals.

[One day, the sky was covered with dark clouds and it rained heavily.Every time this kind of heavy rain comes, the human tribes of various tribes will frantically run to the nearest place to avoid it. 】

[They seem to be naturally afraid of this natural phenomenon, especially when there is lightning dancing wildly in the dark clouds. They all gather together and tremble like panicked cubs. 】

[But among the billions of identical things in the world, there are always exceptions.The most exceptional one among the human race is still my stupid disciple Fuxi. 】

[I don’t know whether to call him stupid or stunned.Whenever a heavy rain comes, he has no fear at all.Even staring at the violent storm and carefully watching the lightning in the clouds.That way, you look as stupid as you want. 】

[Of course, I was also moved by his energy, which is why I accepted him as my apprentice.His silly look reminded me of that royal nobleman Newton.I wonder if Newton was like Fuxi when he was hit in the head by an apple. 】

[I asked Fuxi, what are you planning to do when you stare at the flashing thunder and lightning in the clouds?If you want to catch Raiden, I can teach him how to do it. 】

[To my surprise, Fuxi told me that the power of thunder and lightning was too terrifying and he did not want that terrifying power.He was thinking whether there were gods living above the clouds. 】

[When I heard Fuxi’s words, I laughed.I told him that if the one who can control thunder is a god, then everyone in the world can be a god. 】

[Fuxi was frightened by my words. From his perspective at this time, he still couldn't understand how the manic power of thunder could be used by ordinary humans.He then asked, are there any living beings above the clouds? 】

[I said, clouds are just part of our world.Even if there is life living in the clouds, they are part of our human world. 】

[Just when Fuxi thought that there was no other world except ours.I gave him enough to expand his world view countless times. 】

[I told Fuxi that every star he gazed at at night represented a world.The stars, which are as numerous as the eternal sand, are countless worlds twinkling. 】

[Some worlds may be completely silent.Some worlds may be rugged with ferocious beasts.Some other worlds may have developed brilliant civilizations and begun to plunder resources from other worlds. 】

When he saw this place, the First Emperor was shocked to the spot by the truth of the universe revealed by the gods.

A trembling feeling spread all over the First Emperor's body instantly.

The First Emperor could imagine how shocked Fuxi was when he heard such words from heavenly beings in ancient times.

Even when I, who have already unified the world, learn that every star in the sky represents a world, a slice of humanity.The entire brain of the First Emperor stopped thinking in an instant.

The next moment, the First Emperor suddenly walked out and came to the courtyard with the Book of Heavenly Beings in his hand.

After stopping for a few breaths, the First Emperor slowly raised his head and looked at the night sky that filled his field of vision with a hesitant, hesitant and confused look.

The stars are like the eternal sand, and from ancient times to the present, no one has ever counted them all.

At the same time, everyone only regards the stars that fill the night sky as decorations for the higher world.

No one has ever thought that every star is a world like the human world!

(End of this chapter)

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