In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 89 The sacred object of the Yin Yang family!The key to the secret key! ! !

Chapter 89 The sacred object of the Yin Yang family!The key to the secret key! ! !
When Meng Tian and others pushed open the door to the secret room.

What is displayed in front of everyone's eyes is a mural like a scroll.

Meng Tian's eyes immediately shone with light, no matter it was the Palace of Heaven, Man and Earth in Lishan Mountain, or the underwater palace on the coast of the Bohai Sea.

The murals inside all depict a dusty history of heaven and man.

At this moment, in the secret room of the organ city, the mural appeared again.Meng Tian even subconsciously moved three minutes faster and led everyone to the mural.

This mural is not divided into many scenes. The majestic figure of heaven and man is in the center, surrounded by twelve disciples.

After seeing clearly the contents of this mural, both Gongshuqiu and Xingyue Shen showed great respect.

All they have learned in their lives are the twelve great roads taught by heavenly beings.

At this moment, seeing the scene of heavenly beings teaching twelve disciples, I couldn't help but think about the past of my own family.

When I saw the twelve disciples using the great road taught by heaven and man to change the heaven and the earth.

Gongshu Chou couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Lu Ban, the ancestor of Gongshu family, and Mozi, the ancestor of Mohist family, were among them.

At that time, the two ancestors were as close as brothers.

But now, their descendants are fighting against each other.Thinking of this, Gong Shuqiu hated Juzi more and more.

"Twelve disciples were taught by heavenly beings, and the various great ways passed down have covered all fields in the world."

"If they come together in one place, they can change the world."

"It's a pity that we, the descendants of future generations, will always have some unruly people who want to misinterpret the meaning of our ancestors!"

Gong Shuqiu couldn't bear the resentment in his heart any longer. He quickly walked out of the secret room and brought in the giant who had lost his arm.

He kicked his joints from behind and said angrily:
"Look at the good things you have done! Think of how respectful our ancestors were back then!"

"The gods have handed down many great ways for us and future generations to use them to benefit all peoples."

"I'm not here to fight for power!"

"You led the Mo family and tried to overthrow the imperial court. For your own selfish desires, you plunged the entire Mo family into ruin!"

"Are your evil deeds worthy of the sage Mozi?"

Gong Shuqiu looked at the giant kneeling in front of the mural, his eyes just wanted to spit out flames.

The giant's face was as pale as paper at the moment, and his broken arm was already scabbed, and he smiled in a self-destructive manner:
"Selfish desires? Haha"

"Your father-in-law and loser joined the violent Qin Dynasty just for your own selfish desires!"

"The whole world is white, but I am the only one who is black! The violent Qin is sweeping across the world, isn't it just like night falling on the earth!"

"I, a member of the Mo family, why not even die in order to split the eternal night in this world?"

"It's nothing more than a winner and a loser!"

"If I lose, I lose. Even if I lose my life, I have definitely not violated the teachings of my ancestors!"

The giant's face was ferocious, and his bloodshot eyes bulged out, like a trapped animal trapped in madness.

Gong Shuqiu pointed at the crazy giant, and was so excited that he could not speak for a long time.

Xingyue God blinked a few times and said:
"Why bother with these people?"

"He himself has embarked on the path of evil, but the inheritance of the Mohist family will not be cut off."

"In this secret room, there must be a wonderful way passed down by the Mohist family through the generations. Once the inherited things are passed on."

"Hmph~ When the time comes that this giant wants to die, we will give him some dignity."

When the giant heard Xingyue God's mocking words, he was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. Even though the shackles were covering his body, he still struggled to stand up.

He roared angrily:
"You guys!!! You can't steal my Mohist inheritance!"

"You, you treacherous people! When gods come to this world, they will definitely be punished!"

"When the time comes." Just when Juzi was about to say something, Xingyue Shen slapped him directly, almost knocking him out of breath.

While Meng Tian and others continued to search in the secret room.

Sure enough, I found the treasure inherited by the Mohist family - "Zazazhi"!
Meng Tian touched this thing with his hand, and felt that the material used in this "Za Wu Zhi" was the same as the book of gods and humans.

Gong Shuqiu, who was on the side, only saw the three words "Za Wu Zhi", and his eyes instantly lit up like stars.

"This is the holy thing given to Mozi by heaven!"

"Here are recorded all the important secret techniques passed down by the Mo family!"

"Whether it's the four sacred beasts of the machine, the human puppet, or this city of machines. We can use this 'magazine' to bring it back to the world!"

"As long as we have this 'Za Zhi' in hand, we have the entire Mohist family!"

When Meng Tian heard this, he immediately carefully put away the "Za Zhi".

This is a sacred object left by the gods to the twelve disciples. If they are combined into one place, the great secrets within it can be revealed!
It was one of the treasures that the First Emperor clearly wanted to obtain in his secret decree.

In addition, next to "Magazines", there is a secret box.

Just seeing this box, Meng Tian was shocked all over again!

"This box is hidden in such a secret place, and it is placed together with the sacred objects of gods and humans."

"It must be the box that Juzi took away from Yan State back then!"

After Meng Tian put away the box, his face was filled with joy and he couldn't hold it back.

With these two artifacts in hand, he has completed the mission entrusted to him by His Majesty.

Although Meng Tian achieved the purpose of his trip, Xingyue Shen beside him had a pair of almond-shaped eyes full of solemnity.

This secret room is not big at all. She has just rummaged through it all, but even the sacred objects of heaven and humans and the boxes inherited from the Seven Kingdoms have been found.

But there was no trace of the Phantom Sound Box, the most important treasure of her Yin Yang family.

"Could it be that the Phantom Sound Treasure Box is not in the Mo family?"

Xing Yue Shen's face was full of doubts, and he carefully recalled in his mind the past dispute between the Yin Yang family and the Mo family.

The next moment, he murmured firmly:

"Impossible! The Phantom Sound Treasure Box was definitely taken away by someone from the Mo family!"

Having said this, the Xingyue God came to the giant, and the true energy all over his body spurted out like a drizzle.

It turned into an icy murderous aura, covering the seriously injured and dying giant, and said in a cold voice:

"Hurry up! Where did you hide the phantom sound treasure box of my Yin Yang family?"

Looking at the Xingyue God who exuded murderous aura in front of him, Juzi's eyes flickered for a moment and he said doubtfully:
"Phantom Sound Treasure Box? Isn't that a treasure from your Yin Yang family? How come it appears in my Mo family?"

"God of Stars and Moon, I think you are confused. If you don't ask God Taiyi about this matter, what's the use of asking me?"

After speaking, the giant shook his head and said nothing more.Anyway, he is now behind bars, and the Mo family has been destroyed.No matter what the other party wants to know, he will keep it quiet.At most, it was just some torture. After experiencing all the ups and downs in life, he had long ignored the slight physical pain.

When Xingyue God saw the giant's appearance, the sharpness in his eyes became more and more intense, as if two sharp swords were about to poke out from them.

Seeing this, Meng Tian was confused and said:

"Phantom Sound Treasure Box? Is this a sacred object of your Yin Yang family? Why did it fall into the hands of the Mo family again?"

At this time, Gong Shuqiu was also on the side, looking at Xingyue God with great interest.

Xingyue God slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and explained:
"Although the Phantom Sound Treasure Box is not one of the twelve tokens passed down from heaven and man, it is also something that has been passed down from generation to generation by the Yin-Yang family."

"I don't know the specific function. But according to the ancient books of the Yin Yang family, the Phantom Sound Box may be a key."

As soon as Xingyue God said these words, Meng Tian and Gong Shuqiu were both shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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