In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 116: Destroy his clan and destroy his species! ! !

Chapter 116: Destroy his clan and destroy his species! ! !
Meng Tian looked at the retreating Huns army in front, his face full of joy, and his eyes bursting with murderous intent.

The right hand came to the stage and said sternly:

"Stop the gun!"

"Paozes! Draw out the weapons in your hands!"

"Follow me and cut off the heads of these wolf cubs with your own hands!"

The moment the sound of thunder stopped, Meng Tian rode forward with a halberd in one hand, followed by a hundred thousand elite Qin soldiers with their swords drawn.

Facing the chaotic Huns army, Great Qin's sharpest butcher knife was revealed!

The Huns army, which had been scattered by the Shenwu cannon, found that the continuous thundering sound had slowly stopped.

Muster up all the courage in your heart and raise your head.

What he saw was the hundred thousand elites of Great Qin who were murderous and wanton!

Those sharp soldiers carry an indomitable momentum!
When the forward troops of Great Qin had already set foot on the land of flesh and blood blasted out by the Shenwu cannon, an even more brutal massacre began!

Facing the elites of the Qin Dynasty who had reached the peak of their anger, war thoughts, and murderous intentions, the Huns army was in a state of panic and was unable to compete.

The soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty concentrated all their strength on the Changge in their hands. The Changge, carrying the unparalleled power, could easily penetrate the Huns' bodies.

The Xiongnu's iron smelting technology was far inferior to that of the Qin Dynasty.Most of the Xiongnu army this time were wrapped in thick animal skins.

But no matter how thick the fur is, how can it resist Chang Ge who carries a fierce fighting spirit?
The Hun soldiers, who were already in panic, fell to the ground in pieces like wheat spread by a gust of wind.

The black dragon flag representing the Qin Empire fluttered in the bloody wind that carried the enemy's blood.


The decline of the Xiongnu army further stimulated the fighting spirit in the hearts of the Qin soldiers.

Screams and screams echoed throughout the grassland.Those who roared in anger were all Qin soldiers wearing iron armor.And those who kept screaming and running for their lives were all Huns who used animal fur as armor.

One hundred thousand Qin elites, like a rushing black ocean, completely rushed the 15 Xiongnu army into chaos.

Under the violent bombardment of the previous five hundred artillery pieces, the Huns' courage had long been exhausted, and the overall military formation could not even form a unified organization.

An army of more than [-] people fought, and one side was in high spirits, with iron-blooded generals leading the way.

One party was worried and panicked, and the general did not know life or death.

The result can be imagined.

Meng Tian was covered in blood, his fighting spirit was constantly gushing out, and the halberd in his hand was swung like a dragon.

When he thought of the tragic situation in the northern border villages, Meng Tian was filled with anger and turned into unparalleled strength in his hands!

Wherever the weapon was directed, every Hun in front of him who was in the way would be torn apart in an instant as long as he slightly collided with the halberd.It turned into flesh and blood and scattered on the land.

With Meng Tian, ​​the most fierce general in the world, leading the charge, all the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Qin Dynasty turned into a violent wave.Like a black tide, it completely submerged the Huns army that was already fleeing in panic.

The Xiongnu were a nation that struggled to survive in a bitter and cold land.In this desperate situation, he tried to muster the last bit of madness in his heart and turned around to fight with the soldiers of Great Qin.

But the fur armor on their bodies was a good material to withstand wind and cold, but how could it compare to the iron armor of Great Qin in the face of defense against weapons.

Having lost their advantage in horse warfare, and with weapons and armor inferior to those of the Qin soldiers, even in a one-on-one fight, the Xiongnu soldiers were still at a disadvantage against the Qin soldiers.

What's more, facing the hundreds of thousands of Qin soldiers who worked together, the entire Xiongnu army became lambs to be slaughtered.

After a few limited resistances and being wiped out by the Qin soldiers, the Xiongnu army was completely defeated.

I don’t know how long this killing lasted.

When Meng Tian's halberd stopped dancing, there was not a single flag belonging to the Huns standing on the entire grassland.

What was originally a withered yellow grassland was completely reduced to a flesh and blood purgatory.The bones of Huns were scattered all over the ground, randomly placed on the ground.

Even though the body has been completely dead and alive, the meridians in the dead flesh are still trembling unconsciously.

The fear before death still remained in the staring eyes.


Meng Tian waved hard with one hand and shook off all the remaining blood on the euphorbia in his hand.

Looking at the corpses of Huns all over the ground, I felt happy in my heart.

At this moment, the battlefield has reached the final stage.The Huns either fell to the ground or were about to run out of sight.

Under Meng Tian's order, one hundred thousand Qin elites began to clean up the battlefield.

Give the Huns who were still breathing on the ground a sharp stab in the chest.

The 15 Xiongnu army had been bombarded by [-] Shenwu cannons and killed more than [-] during their collective charge.

In the chaotic trampling that followed, countless Hun soldiers died at the feet of their own people.

And when one hundred thousand Qin soldiers exposed their butcher knives, they came into close combat with the Xiongnu soldiers.

The number of armies on both sides was, to a certain extent, almost the same.

It's just that one party is already panicking and just wants to turn around and run away, like a flock of sheep without a leader.One party has high morale and comes with the intention of killing.

As a result, the remaining [-] Xiongnu troops were almost completely killed or injured in hand-to-hand combat with the Qin elite.

There were less than [-] Xiongnu deserters, and while the Qin soldiers were massacring their own people, they quickly ran deep into the grassland.

"Report! General Meng! We have captured the Huns commander!" came a loud shout containing surprise.

Meng Tian suddenly turned around and saw two Da Qin soldiers dragging a Huns wearing a golden sable hat like a dead dog.

The clothes on the Huns were obviously much more luxurious than the other Huns, and the bones on their necks were carved into magic beads.

As soon as he saw the clothes on this person, a sharp light burst out in Meng Tian's eyes. This person must be from the royal family of the Huns!

Meng Tian slowly stretched the halberd forward, put the halberd blade against the man's neck, and slowly raised the man's face.

"The Huns, tell me your name!"

Meng Tiansen's cold voice was full of fierce murderous intent.

As soon as Luo Tanbao's chin was touched by the bloody sword blade, his whole body could not stop trembling.

In this battle, all his ambitions were completely destroyed by the Qin army!

Those five hundred divine cannons attacked like a divine punishment, making Luo Tingbao realize that even the gods were on Da Qin's side.

Otherwise, how could the Qin army summon the divine thunder from the sky to the mortal world?

The one hundred thousand Great Qin soldiers seemed to be possessed by divine power.Such a terrifying army destroyed all the pride that Luo Tabao had before.

Feeling that the murderous aura of the person in front of him was getting stronger and stronger, Luo Danbao said with trembling fear:

"I am the eldest son of Touman Shanyu, Luotangbao. I am the commander-in-chief of the Xiongnu army this time."

When he said the first sentence, Luo Tanbao's head started to spin rapidly.The Huns had underestimated the strength of the Qin Empire before.His stupid father actually tried to engulf the terrifying [-] Qin troops in front of him, forcing the First Emperor of Qin to pay tribute.

How could he be born into a special target by such a stupid father?

At this moment, Luo Tanbao's mind was filled with thoughts on how to survive, and he quickly continued:

"General, I also have a lot of prestige among the Huns!"

"This intrusion into Da Qin was all proposed by my stupid father."

"I know all the military arrangements of the Xiongnu Royal Court. I. I am willing to lead the Great Qin Heavenly Army to attack that stupid father of mine!"

"As long as my stupid father dies, the Huns will also listen to my orders. At that time, under my control, the Huns are willing to be the slaves of the Qin Dynasty for generations! Never betray!"

Luotingbao became more and more fluent in speaking, and finally even came up with a way to manage the Huns for Da Qin.

A pair of eyes, full of expectation, looked at the mighty Meng Tian in front of him.

On his bearded face, he tried his best to express respect.

Meng Tian looked at Luo Tanbao's surrender with an expressionless face, and with a slight exertion of his arm, the sword advanced one foot.

A blood flower bloomed, and a smelly head rose into the sky.

Meng Tian said calmly:
"Great Qin does not need living Huns!"

Then, he said to the surrounding soldiers:

"Cut the head of Luo Tabao and bring it back to Xianyang!"



The defeat of the 15 Xiongnu army did not cause much loss to the [-] Qin army.

The Qin Dynasty's [-] elite troops repaired and regained their strength in place, and then, under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​marched towards the Xiongnu royal court in one go.

The royal court of the Xiongnu was first established and was built on Langjuxu Mountain.

Langjuxu Mountain is a sacred mountain that the Huns have worshiped since ancient times. It is said that a god once descended on this mountain.

Therefore, Touman Chanyu Luotanyan, after unifying all the Xiongnu tribes with his strong strength.

He also learned from the cultural traditions of the Central Plains and proclaimed himself Chanyu on Langjuxu Mountain, the son of the God of Heaven.

The power of uniting these wolf-like nomads into one place greatly swelled Touman Chanyu.

After sending his eldest son Luo Tibao to stop the Qin Dynasty's [-] troops, Touman Chanyu enjoyed himself in the royal court with peace of mind, waiting for the good news from the front line.

When he thought of it, he blocked a hundred thousand Qin troops at the border and forced the Qin Emperor to sue for peace and pay tribute.

Touman Chanyu's face was filled with pride, and he held his concubine in his arms and kneaded her constantly.

"Humph! I heard that the land in China is fertile and the women they raise are extremely delicate."

"This time! We must let Da Qin pay a few tributes."

Touman Chanyu admired the pain on his concubine's face while imagining the bright future of the Huns.

At this moment, warriors on the left and right rushed into the tent. Xiang Touman knelt down on one knee and said in horror:
"King! It's not good!!!"

As soon as he said this, Touman Shanyu had a look of displeasure on his face. He picked up the bronze quilt at hand and threw it at the Hun warrior.

He cursed loudly:
"Say something frustrating!"

"My eldest son is leading 15 Xiongnu warriors to fight against the Qin army."

"Are you saying such depressing words now to curse my son with defeat?"

(End of this chapter)

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