Chapter 117 God descends to earth! ! !

Touman Shanyu's eyes flashed fiercely, after concentrating all the power of the Xiongnu clan.The Chanyu has the power of life and death over everyone, and he can even take any girl he likes directly back to his tent.

The Hun warrior in front of him said such ominous words during the battle, which only made Touman Shanyu furious.

Feeling Touman Chanyu's displeasure, the Hun warrior still had to report:
"The great battle with the king has just ended."

When Touman Chanyu heard this, his eyes immediately changed, his brows furrowed slightly, and he hurriedly said:

"The battle with hundreds of thousands of troops ended so quickly?"

"Is it the general of the Qin army who rushed in???"

At this moment, Touman Shanyu already felt something was wrong.If the Great Qin Empire could end the Warring States Period in the Central Plains, then the Emperor of Great Qin would definitely not be a mediocre person.

The general he dispatched is even less likely to be a fool.In Touman Shanyu's mind, the two sides should have been facing each other for more than ten days. The Huns army relied on their numerical superiority and excitement to fight immediately.The Qin army of [-] people was left helpless.In the end, the Qin army had no choice but to retreat due to food and grass problems.

When the time comes, he can threaten to invade the border towns of Da Qin and ask the Emperor of Da Qin to pay tribute of some grain.

But how long did it take before the war was over?

How could a battle involving a total of 25 armies from both sides end so quickly? !
Touman Chanyu did not believe that the generals of the army were idiots, let alone that the 15 Huns army would be defeated!

He was staring closely at Touman Chanyu with his ferocious beast-like eyes.

The Hun warrior trembled all over and said with fear in his eyes:

"Report to the king. All of our 15 troops have been defeated by the Qin army. Only a few scattered soldiers are left and have fled back to the royal court."

"They all said in a panic that Da Qin has gods to help them, who can summon the thunder of the nine heavens to help them fight, and the soldiers of Da Qin are as powerful as ghosts and gods."

The Hun warrior finished these words with a pale face, his tall body like a frightened cub. .

Touman Shanyu looked at the report of the person in front of him with a look of disbelief on his face.

After being numb for a long while, I finally realized what the other party had said.

"Fuck your mother's sheep! What gods are helping us! The gods are on our Langjuxu Mountain!"

"You have lost your mind and gone crazy! Someone, drag the crazy person down and chop him into pieces!"

Touman Shanyu's eyes widened and he refused to believe the report of the Huns warrior. He threw away the concubine in his arms and walked out of the tent as if he was crazy.

Everywhere he looked, there were already Hun soldiers returning one after another in the royal court.

Each of them had a look of extreme fear on their faces, as if they had just escaped from purgatory.

Just seeing this scene, Touman Shanyu felt a chill in his heart!
"Could it be that the Huns army was really defeated in just one day?"

Touman Shanyu's originally red and rough complexion slowly turned pale in an instant.

When he thought that the 15 Xiongnu army might be destroyed in the hands of the Qin army, Touman Chanyu felt chills all over his body.

Without the 15 Xiongnu army, his newly established Xiongnu royal court would probably collapse soon!


Just when Touman Shanyu was looking frightened, a desolate horn sound came from the distance!
Immediately afterwards, large swaths of black dragon flags came into the wind.

Flying not far from the royal court of the Huns.
Seeing only the black dragon flag that covered the sky and the sun, Touman Chanyu lost all his strength in an instant, and he collapsed on the ground as if he had no bones.

"They are here."

"The Qin army is really here."

"The Huns are finished."

"God. God is really on the side of Da Qin." In an instant, Touman Shanyu's eyes were empty, as if he had seen the future of the Huns.

He has been a slave of the Qin Dynasty for generations, or he has been exterminated by the hundreds of thousands of Qin troops in front of him!

After the Xiongnu lost their 15-strong army, the entire Xiongnu royal court could no longer muster a decent resistance force.

Even from the moment the Shenwu cannon exploded in the royal court, all the wolf nature in the hearts of the Huns had been dispelled.

Faced with the attack that was like the lightning from the Nine Heavens descending on the earth, it would be a good thing if the Huns could resist not to kneel on the ground.

Under Meng Tian's control, [-] Qin troops formed an outflanking force, completely trapping the entire Xiongnu royal court and strangling them.

After the Huns' backbones were broken by artillery, they faced Qin's ruthless blade again.

The well-organized Qin army, equipped with sophisticated weapons, could not form a battlefield when facing the Huns who had lost their will to fight.

It can only be regarded as a slaughterhouse for the Qin army to hone their swords.

The Huns were cattle and sheep under the sword of the Qin army.

Meng Tian strictly abided by the orders of the First Emperor and never spared a single Huns!

In the newly built Xiongnu royal court, this nomadic nation was completely destroyed here.

When the thunder of the Shenwu cannon exploded towards Langjuxu Mountain, this sacred mountain that the Huns had worshiped for thousands of years was completely reduced to ruins.

The faith in the hearts of the Huns was gone, and all the bloodlines left in the royal court were slaughtered.Even if there are some old, weak, women and children left in the corner, without the sacred mountain in their hearts, they no longer dare to call themselves Huns.

The Xiongnu, a nomadic people with a great reputation, have since been eliminated from the human world.

Xianyang, above the court.

It was a day that started early morning as usual.

After the Mo family was destroyed, the anti-Qin forces in the shadow of Da Qin seemed to have disappeared in an instant.

Furthermore, among hundreds of schools of thought, many low-ranking disciples came to vote.The entire Da Qin court showed a rather busy scene.

Especially the Shaofu General, who was responsible for Gong Shuqiu, since all the firearms in the Shaofu General were delivered to the Shenji Camp.The huge warehouse of General Shaofu became empty in an instant.

The entire general's office must not only step up the casting of new firearms, but also study how to imitate armored warships.

Even during the morning court, the voices of various ministers' discussions never stopped.

The First Emperor also frowned and made firm decisions on various matters in the Qin Dynasty.

The entire court was a busy scene.

But under this extremely busy appearance, everyone subconsciously did not mention one thing, and they were also subconsciously worried about that matter.

Meng Tian's [-] troops attack the Xiongnu!
This is a national war, a life and death struggle between two nations.

Although he has full confidence in the firearms handed down from heaven.But when the Qin army moved to the northern part of the empire, it directly started a decisive battle with the Xiongnu army.

Everyone, including the First Emperor, subconsciously became nervous.

This busy scene seemed more like a deliberate effort to cover up the tension in the court.


"Expedited report eight hundred miles from the border!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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