Chapter 118 Dragon Ball Appears! ! !

When the sound of urgent news was heard at the entrance of the court.

The First Emperor and all the civil and military ministers suddenly felt moved and stopped what they were discussing.All eyes were directed towards the entrance of the court.

Seeing that the messenger didn't have a look of great sadness on his face, everyone subconsciously relaxed a little.

The First Emperor looked at the messenger with twinkling eyes and said excitedly and majestically:

"Read! Read Meng Qing's report loudly in this court hall!"

The First Emperor had full confidence in the [-] elite men of the Qin Dynasty led by Meng Tian.Seeing that the messenger looked happy, he was sure that the news coming was a good one.

When the messenger heard what the First Emperor said, he immediately reported loudly:
"General Meng led 15 Qin elites to defeat the [-] Xiongnu army at the northern border, and beheaded the Xiongnu prince Luotibao in front of the battle line."

"After that, one hundred thousand elites of the Qin Dynasty marched straight in and attacked the royal court of the Xiongnu from the north. The entire Xiongnu clan was wiped out by the Qin warriors. The head of the Xiongnu Shanyu was beheaded in front of the tent."

"After that, General Meng fired five hundred divine cannons and used the power of heaven and man to destroy the Langjuxu Mountain that the Huns had worshiped for many years!"

"Now, General Meng is on his way back to the court with the heads of Touman Chanyu Luutayan and the Xiongnu Prince Luutabao."

After the herald's general's report has been read out.

The whole court suddenly felt a look of surprise.

All civil and military officials expected that the Qin elite would definitely defeat the Xiongnu army, but they never imagined that this victory would come so quickly!
Even the 15-strong army led by Meng Tian, ​​after annihilating [-] Xiongnu troops on the northern border, marched straight in and directly slaughtered the entire Xiongnu clan.

If we count the time, the two armies would have been fighting for less than half a day! ! !
Such a shocking victory, although it cannot be said that the Huns' 15-strong army was made of rags.That's not much different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!
The First Emperor, who was sitting upright on the dragon chair, slapped the armrest excitedly and said excitedly:

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Qing Meng is worthy of being the sharpest halberd in our Qin Dynasty! You have made great achievements this time, and when you triumph, I will be rewarded heavily!"

"Hmph! If we eliminate the time allocated by the elites of Great Qin, I'm afraid that the 15 Xiongnu army won't even last half a day!"

"Such a small clan dares to covet the rich land of our country. It is simply a shame to die!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials nodded subconsciously.

The nomads in northern China have been trying to find opportunities to invade the land of China when the Seven Kingdoms were still there.

After that, a man called Luo Tyanyan appeared on the grassland, calling himself the Son of God.With strong strength, he unified all the Xiongnu tribes and became the first chanyu in history.

At first, all civil and military officials were somewhat wary of the unified Huns.

In particular, when I heard that 15 Xiongnu troops were approaching the border, I felt even more worried.

Unexpectedly, the 15 Xiongnu army looked huge.But when they really meet the elites of Great Qin, they are just eggs disguised as stones.

In one day, not only the 15 Xiongnu army were annihilated, but the entire Xiongnu clan was also eliminated from the world.

This kind of battlefield performance made the civil and military officials somewhat despised.

Li Si came out at the right time and said:
"Your Majesty, it's not the nomads who are weak."

"It's true that we are blessed by heaven and man, and the soldiers are very ambitious."

"In front of such a master of kings, no matter how ferocious the wolves, tigers and leopards of the north are, how can they stand up to the power of my empire!"

Hearing Li Si's words, the First Emperor couldn't help but nodded.

If it were the old Qin Dynasty, it would definitely not be an easy task to destroy the Xiongnu.Even a full-scale war with the Xiongnu would shake the country.

Otherwise, the First Emperor would not have allowed the Xiongnu clan to exist until now.

But Shenwu artillery, a battlefield killer, plays an extremely important role when the army is fighting.

The [-] Qin army was equipped with a full [-] divine artillery pieces. I am afraid that even the gods worshiped by the Huns would have to be blasted back if they really came to the world.Thinking of this, the First Emperor stroked his beard and laughed and said:

"The Huns are naturally not weak. Otherwise, the gods would not have to send omens with the star of Yinghuo."

"But our Qin Dynasty has heaven and man to help us, so naturally the Huns can only become chickens and dogs!"

"Now that the Xiongnu bloodline has been slaughtered, their so-called sacred mountain has also been destroyed. There is no longer a Xiongnu clan in this world."

"In this way, 'Hu Ye is the one who destroyed Qin' will naturally not happen."

"We, Great Qin, will surely be able to last for eternity from now on! Create an unparalleled dynasty!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, all the civil and military officials were filled with joy.The entire court suddenly fell into a sea of ​​celebration due to Meng Tian's victory.

Once the Xiongnu were eliminated, there would no longer be a threatening force around Da Qin.

At this point, the Great Qin Empire's foreign troubles were all wiped out.

After resigning from the court, the First Emperor thought of the prophecies from heaven and man on the Yinghuo Star that there would never be a chance of it happening again.

In excitement, I came to the place where Yinghuo Star was stored.

Looking at the Yinghuo Star placed quietly here, and the words written on it, 'When the First Emperor died, the world was divided, and the one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye. 'A few big words.

The First Emperor couldn't stop feeling happy, and he felt that every part of his body was relaxed.

"Hmph, how dare a mere barbarian clan threaten our Great Qin?"

"I want to see if after destroying this Huns, which wolf will dare to show up!"

At this moment, the Huns have been destroyed, and the warning from heaven and man on this Yinghuo planet has had its due effect.

But after the external hidden dangers of Great Qin were eliminated, a new problem appeared in front of the First Emperor.

As early as in the immortal book of heaven, the First Emperor had already known that the Yinghuo Star itself was a huge black stone with incredible power.

It is also recorded in the ancient books of the Yin Yang family that whoever gets one of the black stone and the dragon ball can change the world!

"Although I don't know what the dragon beads are yet."

"But the Black Stone is actually in front of me!"

"How to trigger the magical power of this black stone?"

The First Emperor frowned and looked at the black light in front of him.

Previously, the First Emperor thought that the dragon beads were the inner elixirs obtained by heavenly beings who killed dragons in ancient times.

But after reading the follow-up content of the fairy book, the First Emperor realized that the dragon inner elixir was just the main ingredient of the immortality elixir.

It is really far-fetched to say that the dragon's inner elixir is the dragon pearl and that obtaining it can cause great changes in the world.

Since I don’t know what the dragon ball is, but the black stone is right in front of me, how can I make this black stone appear magical?

Just as the First Emperor was frowning, thinking hard about this matter.

The meteorite falling from the sky in front of me suddenly seemed to be affected by some special feeling!

Unexpectedly, he was suspended in surprise without any warning!
The extraterrestrial meteorite, which weighed thousands of people, floated quietly in front of the First Emperor, as if there was an invisible force pulling it.

This incredible scene made the First Emperor freeze on the spot for a moment, and his chest was filled with shock.

"Is this the case that the Dragon Ball has appeared?"

(End of this chapter)

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