In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 122 The real dragon comes to the world? !The light of heaven and man! ! !

Chapter 122 The real dragon comes to the world? !The light of heaven and man! ! !

The confidence in the eyes of all the arithmeticians slowly disappeared with the rapid thinking in their minds, turning into an empty look.

The oldest one's hair was all white, and the old tendons on his forehead were bulging out, looking like he had seen a ghost.

That excited look made Li Si afraid that the other party would lose his temper in the next moment.

After a long moment of silence, the arithmeticians had to admit that they couldn't understand this aircraft formula either.
Regarding the performance of the arithmeticians, the First Emperor frowned and turned a few more pages of the fairy book.But no further explanation of the flight formula could be found.

After the First Emperor pondered for a moment, he slowly said:

"Copy this formula."

"After all, this is a formula left by heavenly beings, which contains the Feitian Dao. In a short time, even with your talents, you may not be able to decipher it."

"This matter is indeed normal. After copying this formula, several people still have a lot of time to study it. Why worry about not being able to find out the way to fly to the sky contained in it?"

The First Emperor did not blame these arithmeticians for their failure to crack the aircraft formula.Nothing left by heaven and man is simple.Just looking at Gong Shuqiu's research on the armored warship, he still hasn't been able to imitate the first or second finished product, let alone the Feitian Avenue that is enough for people to soar into the sky!

When Li Si and the arithmeticians retreated.

The First Emperor walked to the entrance of the palace and stared at the vast sky.

As far as the eye can see, against the large blue background, several white clouds are slowly floating in the sky.

Several unknown birds flapped their wings happily and shuttled under the blue sky and white clouds.

As the most powerful person in the world, the First Emperor couldn't help but feel envious when he saw those birds flying freely in the sky.

"I wonder if those Mayans also saw bluebirds soaring in the sky thousands of years ago."

"In order to study the power of flying, you have to sacrifice your life one after another."

"I am lucky enough to be able to directly obtain the formula left by heaven and man, which contains the secret of flying."

"I hope they don't disappoint me."

Just when the First Emperor was thinking and studying the mystery of human flying.

Suddenly, it was a beautiful scene with blue sky and white clouds just now.In the blink of an eye, Guangfeng became angry!
The blue sky was covered by a large tidal cloud of dark clouds!

The surging dark clouds are like the sea water in the depths of the ocean where no sunlight can be seen, as dark as ink!

The strong wind roared between the sky and the earth, like ghosts crying and gods howling.What shocked the First Emperor even more was that in the distance of the vast land, there seemed to be waves of dragon roars!

"Why does the climate of this world change so quickly?"

"Is this the sound of a dragon's roar, or is it just an illusion of the roaring wind?"

The First Emperor's eyes widened, filled with horror.

In the thick dark clouds, thunder gradually appeared!
The thunder turned into an electric snake, like a tree root, twisting wildly with intertwined canine teeth among the thick dark clouds!

As the roar of the dragon coming from nowhere became clearer and clearer, majestic heavy rain fell from the clouds.Because the rain was so heavy, even the little bits of heavy rain seemed to form a line in the sky, pouring over the land of China.

Such a sudden change in the weather, coupled with the roar of the dragon coming from nowhere, made the First Emperor feel more and more that this matter was not simple!
"Could it be that a dragon has appeared between heaven and earth?"

"Or is it that the dragon ball left by the heavenly being has appeared in this world?"

All kinds of chaotic thoughts surrounded the heart of the First Emperor, causing a furrow to form between his brows.

"Zhang Han!"

As the majestic voice of the First Emperor sounded.Zhang Han, the leader of Black Ice Terrace, appeared from behind the First Emperor.

"Your Majesty, please order!"

The First Emperor didn't even look back, staring at the sky that was like a large black tide, and said sternly:
"You lead the Black Ice Station to investigate the cause of the great weather change!"

"The focus is on whether there is a true dragon appearing in this world!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, Zhang Han hurriedly said:

Afterwards, he quickly disappeared and arranged for members of the Black Ice Platform team to investigate the matter throughout Daqin.

The land of Daze Mountain.

This is where the farmhouse is located.

Among all the schools of thought, the peasant family was no less powerful than the Mohists and Confucians.But the peasants did not surrender to the Qin Dynasty like the Confucians did.It is not like the Mohist family who directly carried a clear anti-Qin banner.

As one of the largest forces among hundreds of scholars, the Nong family has been trying to do anything out of the ordinary since the Qin Dynasty unified the world.

It seems to be independent from all living beings, without any involvement in the empire.Or maybe he has been waiting for the opportunity to overthrow the empire in one fell swoop!

There are disciples of farmers all over the world. In terms of number of disciples, none of them can compare with the disciples of farmers.

Many farm disciples respected Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.

These two sages have lived in seclusion in the Tomb of Emperor Yan, a sacred place in the farmhouse, for a long time. Legend has it that they have been studying the treasures left by heavenly beings in the farmhouse.

Now, in Emperor Yan's Tomb, the elite farmers gathered together, and all the hall masters returned to the main altar.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, on the other hand, had expressions on their faces as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

This tense situation is all due to the important treasure left by the gods at the farmhouse, and there is a huge movement at this moment!

In front of the crowd of farmers, there is a black luminous pearl floating in the sky. This object is the great treasure left by the gods in the farmhouse.

The whole body is as black as ink, like a large pearl.

But this precious treasure, which had been silent for who knows how many years, now seems to have come alive.

Suddenly it floated into the air, blooming like stars.Just like a heart, beating from time to time.

Even, dragon roars burst out from inside the heavy treasure.

It's like there are thousands of dragon souls sealed in this heavy treasure!
Under the roar of many dragon souls, the colors of the sky and the earth changed, dark clouds covered the sun, and lightning and thunder roared!
Such a monstrous vision made Chen Sheng, Wu Guang and other wise men quickly summon all the master farmers to the Yandi Tomb.

At this moment, seeing all the masters from the farm family gathered together, and the vision emitted by the dragon beads not stopping, Chen Sheng said to the farmers seriously:
"Fellow farmers, follow me to set up the Dize 24 Formation to stabilize the strange phenomenon of the 'Dragon Ball'."

As soon as Chen Sheng said these words, all the masters of the farm family came together with many disciples.Led by the two sages Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, they set up the Dize 24 formation that was passed down from heaven and man to the farmers.

This formation contains the changes of 24 solar terms and is the first formation among hundreds of scholars.As long as you fall into this formation, everything in the forest can be controlled by the people in the main formation.

It's like being trapped in a vast illusion, and you can't even tell whether the surroundings are reality or an illusion created by the formation.

The masters from the farm, following Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, set up the Dize 24 formation with Longzhu as the center according to the established positions.

When the 24th formation of Landscape was completely formed, although the dragon beads were still shining brightly, the roars of the thousands of dragon souls within them had gradually subsided.

The light emitted from the dragon ball also slowly disappeared under the cover of the 24 large formations of Dize.

(End of this chapter)

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