In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 123 Farmer’s Artifact: The Survival of the Dragon Ball! ! !

Chapter 123 Farmer’s Artifact: The Survival of the Dragon Ball! ! !

When the dragon ball was completely stable, all the farmers subconsciously wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

After Chen Sheng was tired, he turned around and said excitedly to everyone:

"Everyone, this dragon ball is an artifact left to my farm by heaven!"

"It has the ability to change the world. Now, the Dragon Ball, which has been dormant for thousands of years, has once again burst into monstrous movement."

"I'm afraid, this is a message from heaven to us!"

"It's time for us to make a choice!"

As soon as Chen Sheng's words came out, everyone in the farmhouse started talking about it.

All this time, the peasant family has not expressed any attitude towards Da Qin, all because they don't know whose side they are on.Therefore, unlike Confucianism, he did not serve the Qin Dynasty.It is not like the Mohist family who held high the banner of anti-Qin.

But now the dragon ball, the farmer's most precious treasure, has awakened, and the heavenly being is about to appear.All the farmers were so excited that they didn’t know why.

Chen Sheng stretched out his hands to suppress the chaotic sounds around him, and then said:
"The techniques inherited by my farm family for generations are all ways for all people to recuperate and recuperate. This technique is most suitable for assisting the emperors of the world."

As soon as Chen Sheng said this, a farmer's hall leader frowned and asked:

"What do you mean, we should follow the example of Confucianism, use the strength of farmers, and join the Qin Dynasty?"

Just finished speaking.

Chen Sheng smiled and said:
"No, does the prince and general Xiang Ning have the guts?"

"A person who is a king may not be in the temple at this moment."

"What we are really looking for is the destined person designated by heaven and man!"

"How can the majestic supernatural powers of gods and humans not be compared to what they are today?"

"Since the Dragon Ball is showing strange phenomena at this moment, it proves that the destined person has appeared!"

"It's time for us farmers to go out into the mountains."

In Xianyang City, many spies from Black Ice Platform were like petrels in the rain, rushing to all parts of the Qin Dynasty.

Under the order of the First Emperor, intelligence agencies from all over the country were searching for information due to this sudden change in the climate of heaven and earth.

In Zhangtai Palace, from the moment the dragon's roar resounded across the earth, the First Emperor was in silence, staring at the earth shrouded in lightning and thunder.

It was still daytime, but due to the tide-like dark clouds above the sky, the sky and earth appeared dim.

Electric snakes dance wildly, and heavy rain pours down.

But the roar of the dragon that came from nowhere gradually stopped.The tidal clouds in the sky also seemed to have received some kind of instruction.It quickly dissipated in an instant, the thunder that resounded across the earth disappeared, and the pouring rain also stopped.The sun, which had been shrouded for several hours, reappeared in the world.

The rays of the setting sun fell on a muddy land.It was as if the scene of dark clouds covering the sky and sun just now had never happened.

This sudden change in the weather made the silent First Emperor feel as if someone had punched him hard in the chest, and his whole body was experiencing strong shocks!

"In the past few hours, the weather of heaven and earth has changed suddenly twice!"

"This must be the dragon ball somewhere, showing its overwhelming power!" The First Emperor's eyes showed a look of horror, and he even walked out of the palace, feeling the water vapor in the air.

The sudden changes in the weather of heaven and earth were displayed in front of the First Emperor, but after experiencing all this, he even felt unreal.

The First Emperor would never believe that the four seasons changed so drastically in an instant. This was the natural state of heaven and earth.

With these mysterious changes in the celestial phenomena, coupled with the strange roar of the dragon before, the First Emperor had 1 reasons to believe that this strange phenomenon in the sky and the earth was due to the dragon beads!

"It is worthy of being a dragon ball, worthy of being a magic weapon refined by heaven and man!"

"If such a miracle that changes the sky in an instant falls into the hands of a few people, how powerful will Great Qin be?"

At this moment, the First Emperor's whole body was trembling slightly with excitement.For the Dragon Ball in this world, I already have the determination to get it!
"Such a divine weapon can only be used to its fullest effect if it is in the hands of the empire."

"Only with the power of the imperial court and reasonable use of dragon beads can we benefit all people in the world!"

After the excitement passed, the First Emperor walked back to the palace and came to the desk.

Open the fairy book and study the next deeds of the heavenly being, trying to find out where the heavenly being left the dragon ball.

[After I left the aircraft formula behind, the Mayans finally stopped their suicidal test flights and instead worked hard to study the flight formula I left behind. 】

[Seeing that the entire Mayan civilization was devoted to the search for the Feitian Avenue, I left the Mayan ethnic group.In a beautiful place, I found a small island for seclusion. 】

[Perhaps this is the meaning of the journey, seeing the scenery of different places, living in different places, and feeling the natural taste of different places.I am very satisfied with the environment here and enjoy this leisurely life. 】

[In my leisure days, I often fish in the sea water, although I no longer need to digest the energy provided by living creatures.But fishing is a leisurely attitude.If you don't even go fishing all day long, can you say that your life is leisurely? 】

[Every once in a while, I will check on the research progress of the Mayans.This group of Mayans finally figured out the flight formula I left behind after the whole family's exploration. 】

[In strict accordance with the principles of flight formulas, equipment that can carry people to glide appeared.Although it was just a short glide against the strong wind.This was an unprecedented breakthrough for the Mayans.At the very least, they were freed from the shackles of the earth for the first time. 】

[I saw that this group of Mayans have such a strong spirit of exploration.Then he casually passed on some other basic scientific knowledge to them, as well as preliminary medical knowledge. 】

[These Mayans regard all the knowledge I imparted as revelations from the gods.With a pious attitude, study carefully what I teach. 】

[After a period of time, the technology of the Mayans advanced very quickly, and they developed all kinds of assisted living equipment.Because of the initial medical protection, the population of the entire Mayan civilization expanded rapidly, and gradually ushered in a period of rapid population development. 】

[After some time passed, I did not teach any social system.The Mayan civilization developed city-states on its own due to population expansion. 】

[I discovered that when the Mayan civilization appeared in various city-states, they were no longer as peaceful as before.Perhaps it is because there are no external worries and there is no shortage of food.Several city-states began to attack each other in order to compete for more abundant resources. 】

[I did not intervene in any of this. I just watched quietly from the perspective of a bystander.I did not appear in their sight for a long time, so these Mayans gradually forgot that I existed as a god. 】

[Until one time, one of the most powerful city-states found the news that I was living in seclusion on a small island in the legends of my ancestors.When I know that I am still alive and will live forever on the island.These city-states did something that I didn't expect. 】

[Led by the strongest city-state, all the city-states united in one place and actually came to attack the island where I lived in seclusion. 】

[Moreover, they kept clamoring to snatch the immortality elixir from my hands. 】

[Ha~~~Am I too gentle, making them think that gods will not be angry? 】

(End of this chapter)

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