In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 140 The dawn of the Qin Dynasty is today! ! !

Chapter 140 The dawn of the Qin Dynasty is today! ! !

Xunzi immediately showed excitement and said excitedly:
"Your Majesty, this method takes very seconds, very seconds!"

"In this way, all talents selected by the court will use a unified inspection system!"

"This move will definitely help the court control ideology and culture! Those elected talents will definitely maintain the stability of the empire's rule and become the guarantee of the empire's prosperity!"

"What's more important is that His Majesty examines the world's talents with detailed knowledge categories. From now on, those aspiring people from poor families will study the classics of hundreds of schools of thought in order to enter the court and contribute to the construction of the empire."

"This will undoubtedly promote the further prosperity of folk culture and education."

After Xunzi finished speaking, the First Emperor nodded slowly with a smile.

Guiguzi also immediately added excitedly:
"I'm afraid that the benefits of such a clear electoral system are far from that!"

"Except for the talented people who are already famous all over the world, the current officials of the empire are all recommended by the ministers."

"But among the people they recommended, which one is not their own son?"

"If Your Majesty implements such a perfect electoral system, it will be tantamount to breaking the shackles of class!"

"Let people from poor families in the world be able to step over the noble clans and step into the court through one road."

The First Emperor listened with satisfaction to the analysis of Xunzi and Guiguzi, and said with a smile:
"That's right. Most of the officials in this imperial court are from clans!"

"They are connected to each other by marriage, and they are so intertwined that they have packed in so many dead people!"

"I just want to establish a detailed electoral system to open a heavenly gate for the poor people in the world!"

"Let these people with lofty ideals have the opportunity to shine for the world!"

Speaking of this, the First Emperor's eyes showed another moment of thought, and then he said firmly:

"The electoral system proposed by me is called the Imperial Examination!"

"Given time, the imperial examination will definitely be carried out throughout the Qin Dynasty!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, Xunzi and Guiguzi were inexplicably excited.

The imperial examination system and the knowledge used in the examination all came from various schools of thought.At the very least, the first batch of officials selected through the imperial examination were all the outstanding descendants of their hundreds of scholars.

Their descendants can all join the court and serve as officials. How can this not make Xunzi and Guiguzi excited?
However, the three people present looked happy.But Bei Mingzi frowned slightly after hearing all the plans of the First Emperor.

Bei Mingzi inherited the philosophy of Taoist Tianzong and believed in the nature of heaven and earth and the freedom of all things.

But in the imperial examination system, the knowledge used to examine talents came from hundreds of schools of thought.

Such a clear direction of investigation is tantamount to a cage!Let the ambitious people in the world search for it in that cage.To a certain extent, this undoubtedly puts another layer of shackles on people’s thoughts.

Bei Mingzi's expression was very different from that of Xunzi and Guiguzi, which immediately attracted the attention of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor's eyes fell on Bei Mingzi and asked doubtfully:

"Bei Mingzi, do you have a different opinion?"

"You can tell me all of them."

As soon as the First Emperor's words came out, Bei Mingzi couldn't help but think about it and said:

"Your Majesty, if the imperial examination system has detailed inspection directions."

"It is tantamount to making people all over the world work hard towards the imperial examination."

"This is like putting a layer of ideological shackles on those who want to learn."

"Although the talents selected in this way can be regarded as learned people, all the talents are studying the same knowledge."

"Then in the future, how can anyone be willing to pioneer and innovate?" After Bei Mingzi said this, Xunzi and Bei Mingzi also realized the shortcomings of the imperial examination.

The excitement on the faces of the two people has slowly dissipated.

It is true that they have studied classics all their lives, but after all, the path they have traveled was blazed by their predecessors.

If we continue to use this old path as a benchmark to elect the world's talents, it will be tantamount to letting future generations continue to follow this old path.

If things continue like this, how can anyone be willing to open up a new path?
Aren’t the ideas circulating in the world always going to stay where they are?
Xunzi and Guiguzi both looked silent and frowned because of Beimingzi's words.

However, the First Emperor always looked indifferent and did not take this shortcoming to heart at all. The First Emperor said:

"I am naturally aware of these shortcomings. But now, almost all the new officials in the empire come from the recommendation of the clan."

"Of those new clan members, which one is not a loser?"

"If I don't continue to implement this imperial examination system, I'm afraid it won't be long before the Qin Dynasty has an invincible army, but the court is full of decay!"

"In order to solve the root of the empire's corruption! I have no choice but to implement this imperial examination system!"

"Even if it means scraping the bones to heal the wounds! I still want to make the empire's territory include all the lands that can be seen in the world!"

When the First Emperor finished speaking, his aura of emperor slowly rose.

The strong imperial power made Xunzi, Guiguzi, and Beimingzi subconsciously lower their heads!
Since the First Emperor had made up his mind, they did not dare to say any more.

After Xunzi, Guiguzi and Beimingzi retreated.

The First Emperor stood alone at the highest point of Zhangtai Palace.

Looking at the end of the vision, this huge territory is the land of Great Qin!
In order to unify this land of China, countless soldiers will sleep under the soil forever.

Since the First Emperor ascended the throne, he has never slacked off for a day!
What he wants is nothing more than to establish a peaceful and prosperous age!
Let the Great Qin Empire be passed down forever.

Let everyone in the world have enough food and clothing.

Let all lands under heaven fly its black dragon flag.

To do this, all the eroded soil in the court must be removed!

Only by allowing educated people in the world to have the opportunity to enter the court can the empire further prosper!

In the past, even if the First Emperor knew about the corruption in the court, he had no way to change it.

But now, the imperial examination is like a sharp sword given by heaven, cutting through the darkness lingering in the shadow of the empire!

The First Emperor could imagine the day when the imperial examination system was fully promoted.People with lofty ideals in the world will be so happy.

An empire with many talents working together!

It will be immortal like the great sun above your head!

Just when the First Emperor was complacent, a secret agent from Heibingtai appeared behind the First Emperor.

A respectful report to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty, Liu Bang's traces have been discovered!"

"Liu Bang, who claims to be the son of the Red Emperor, is with the peasants at the moment!"

"It seems that the two wise men, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, are vaguely dominated by Liu Bang."

(End of this chapter)

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