Chapter 141 Dize 24 Formations! ! !
The secret agent of Black Ice Platform has just finished reporting the matter.

A chill suddenly appeared on the face of the First Emperor, and the fierce murderous intent in his eyes was slowly brewing!
"Hmph! Farmer! Did I think you would never be ready to leave the mountain?"

"Unexpectedly, a son of the Red Emperor was secretly cultivated!"

"It seems that you are restless and living in the mountains and forests!"

The peasant family is the most powerful family among hundreds of scholars.The number of disciples under his command is even much greater than that of the Mohist family.

How could the First Emperor not pay attention to such a huge force?

However, the capable strength of the previous farmers has always been hidden.

No matter whether it was the miracles of heavenly beings appearing in various places or the Yinghuo planet with the prophecies of heavenly beings, the farmer did not send anyone to intervene.

Even when the Mo family was destroyed by the empire, there was no movement from the peasant family.

When the First Emperor returned to this farmhouse, he really placed his affection on the mountains and fields.It turns out that a big one was secretly prepared!
He actually launched a son of the Red Emperor!

what do they want?
Do you still want to overthrow the world controlled by Da Qin?

The murderous aura emanating from the First Emperor became more solid, and the First Emperor said coldly:

"Send the order to Zhang Han to intercept and kill Liu Bang!"

"If any farmer dares to block it, he will be killed by me too!"

The First Emperor said these words with murderous intent.

Looking at the golden land illuminated by the sun in front of him, the First Emperor secretly said in his heart:
"No one can destroy the great achievements of the Qin Dynasty!"

"Even if it's a farmer's house after the heavenly being!"

The secret agent from the Black Ice Platform felt the cold murderous intent on the First Emperor's body and hurriedly said respectfully:

Then, his figure was like an arrow leaving the string, running towards the outside of the palace.

On Zhang Han's side, he was leading the elite of Black Ice Terrace to closely track the peasants.

The Nong family has the largest number of disciples among hundreds of scholars.She has never had any conflict with the empire before, and she is the Queen of Celestial Beings.

When Zhang Han discovered that Liu Ji, who was running around in a hurry, was actually hanging out with people from the farmer's family, and two wise men from the farmer's family were always by his side.

Zhang Han immediately realized that this matter was no longer something he could easily decide.

Zhang Han did not dare to act rashly before waiting for the clear order from the First Emperor.

The spy who was simply sent back to report to the First Emperor was the person best at Qinggong in the Black Ice Platform.

It didn't take long for Zhang Han to receive the order from the First Emperor.

It should be known that the First Emperor vowed to put Liu Ji to death.Zhang Han didn't waste too much time and immediately led all the Black Ice Platform troops to encircle and suppress the farmer's large army!

Even if we know that farmer Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Erxian are also in the team.

Zhang Han was not afraid at all. Which of the elites on the Black Ice Platform was not a person with outstanding martial arts skills?
As the sharpest sword in the hands of the First Emperor, the spies of Heibingtai have undergone rigorous martial arts training since the day they joined.

When it comes to the ability of a single soldier to kill, he stands at the top of all the organizations in the entire empire!
Furthermore, under the emperor's order, even if there is an abyss ahead, Zhang Han will jump down without hesitation!

The people on the Black Ice Platform led by Zhang Han were like a pack of wolves filled with murderous intent, rushing toward the farmers.

The strong murderous aura was finally felt by the farmers.

In the team of farmers returning to Daze Mountain, a disciple immediately reported to Chen Sheng and Wu Guang:
"Two sages, ten miles behind my troops, there are many spies from the imperial court at Heibingtai!" "They are all murderous, and they seem to want to encircle and suppress us!"

The peasant disciple had just finished speaking, but Chen Sheng and Wu Guang had not yet had time to say anything.

Liu Ji's face turned pale with fright, and he said in a panic:
"Oops! The imperial court is going to take action! It's going to kill me!"

"I just had the desire to rebel, but I haven't had time to do anything yet!"

"That's the Black Ice Platform! The most elite secret force of the imperial court!"

"It's over now! It's over now! Could it be that my Liu Ji's grand hegemony will collapse in the middle?"

The reputation of Black Ice Platform has already spread throughout the empire.Everyone knew that the First Emperor held such a sharp blade in his hand.Liu Ji had previously been a pavilion chief, so he was naturally aware of the reputation of Black Ice Terrace.

Moreover, drunk people like to make wild claims that deviate from the truth, and occasionally talk about Black Ice Platform with colleagues.All Liu Ji heard described Hei Bingtai as a group of inhumane executioners.

To this day, in Liu Ji's eyes, Black Ice Terrace is simply a shelter for a group of monsters.

He had just become rebellious and wanted to raise the flag of rebellion, but he was surprised to hear that the black ice platform, which looked like ghosts and gods, was already encircling and suppressing them.While his mind was shocked, he couldn't help but show a hint of fear.

"Hey, there's no need to worry, Wise Master. We can deal with the killers on the Black Ice Platform in our own way."

Liu Ji's attack on the Black Ice Platform was like the end of the world.But Chen Sheng and Wu Guang didn't show much fear.

At this time, Chen Sheng comforted him and said:
"The wise master doesn't know something. Although all the beasts on the Black Ice Platform are not simple people."

"If a single soldier fights alone, his strength is still higher than that of my peasant disciples. But my peasant family is inherited from heavenly beings!"

"Heaven once left a set of Dize 24 formations for my farmhouse! Once this formation is activated, even if the opponent is an evil ghost crawling out of the ground, he will not be able to wait for me!"

Hearing Chen Sheng's extremely confident words, Liu Ji's face was no longer as flustered as before. He looked at Chen Sheng with a hint of hesitation and asked:

"That Dize 24 formation is really as powerful as you say?"

Facing the hesitation on Liu Ji's face, Chen Sheng smiled and explained:
"I wonder if the wise master knows the killing god Bai Qi?"

As soon as he heard the name 'Killing God Bai Qi', a figure appeared in Liu Ji's mind.Although he has never met Bai Qi, who in this world, as long as he hears the word Bai Qi, doesn't see a figure standing in the sea of ​​​​blood in his mind?

When Zi Baiqi killed 40 Zhao troops, his reputation was enough to stop children crying at night!

Some people even say that Bai Qi massacred a total of 160 soldiers!
Such terrifying numbers are enough to make anyone who hears it subconsciously hold their breath!

When Liu Ji heard Chen Sheng mention Bai Qi, the God of Death, he felt chilled for a moment and said:
"Who in the world has never heard of Bai Qi's reputation as the God of Death?"

"Some people say that Bai Qi killed too much and was punished by God, so he suddenly died of illness."

"Otherwise, on the way to Da Qin's attack on the Six Kingdoms, I'm afraid half of the entire world will be slaughtered by Bai Qi!"

Chen Sheng looked at Liu Ji with a smile on his face. After he finished speaking, he revealed a shocking secret:
"Bai Qi did not die of illness due to some divine punishment."

"He had a previous confrontation with my farm family and was severely injured by us with the Dize 24 Formation, which resulted in an incurable disease, and he died suddenly in vain!"

"The 24th place comes out of the land, where all things are born and die, and even the god of death can bow his head!"

"How can I be afraid of that mere black ice platform?"

"No matter how strong Zhang Han is, can he still be stronger than Bai Qicheng back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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