In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 146: Expanding with heavenly beings?court death! ! !

Chapter 146: Expanding with heavenly beings?court death! ! !
As soon as Fan Wuji said these words, all the family heads in the hall were shocked.

Some people even fell to the ground in such panic.

Since the First Emperor wiped out Liuhe, the majesty of the emperor has become much stronger than that of the previous rulers of the country.

Jun Xinhou just said that he wanted to change the emperor?

Isn't he afraid of being killed by the nine clans?

Even the head of the Li family, who was the most nervous, looked at Jun Xinhou in bewilderment. His fat face turned pale with fright at what Fan Wuji had just said.

"Master Hou, isn't this a little too radical?"

"We wait. We don't have much military power, so what can we do to the many generals under His Majesty's command?"

Fan Wuji's eyes suddenly flashed with fierceness, like a wild beast that chooses people to devour. He stared at everyone and said viciously:

"I'll wait, but is there any other way?"

"Either the next generation will become common people!"

"Either that, you have to commit this act of heavenly punishment!"

"His Majesty has many powerful generals under his command, but it is impossible for him to be with you all the time!"

"If I wait, I will eventually find an opportunity."

After Fan Wuji finished speaking, the heads of each family frowned again and fell into deep thought.

The current situation is before everyone.The First Emperor was determined to implement such a system, which pushed them to the edge of the cliff.

As long as they take a step back, all the glory of their past ancestors will be cut off in this generation.

It seems that committing such a treasonous act is the only way to survive now.

The heads of each clan were in great tangle, and gradually turned to the strategy pointed out by Jun Xinhou.

Zhangtai Palace.

After Li Si retreated, the First Emperor took out the Immortal Book of Heavenly Beings and continued to observe the deeds of Heavenly Beings in ancient times.

[For decades, Yao strictly followed my system of selecting people through examination, and many outstanding talents stood out from the tribe. 】

[With the joint management of so many outstanding talents, the breeding area of ​​the entire Chinese human tribe has been expanded several times by the expansion of the number of tribes. 】

[Many outstanding talents perform their respective duties and manage the entire tribe in an orderly manner.But Yao, the leader of the tribe, became more relaxed.Of course, I am the most relaxed one, after all, I am half a passer-by.】

[But it is not as good as God. Under the sudden change of the situation, the flood came, and the disaster in the long memory still ravaged the land of China. 】

[When the flood came, it rained continuously for several months.The entire Yellow River seemed to be angry, unleashing monstrous floods. 】

[Many of the places where tribal people once lived have been submerged by floods.The fields where lush crops grew were all covered by the torrent of water. 】

[Having learned from previous experiences, I choose not to use my own strength to deal with such a disaster now.God knows if I showed my extraordinary power to intervene, would this flood turn into a world-destroying disaster?I'm afraid that it will not be the Yellow River that will be angry, but the Milky Way hanging in the sky. 】

[What disappoints me is that Yao, the leader of the tribe, is also too mentally inflexible.Facing this huge flood, he still used the vigor of his youth to block the flood with his head covered.Wherever there is a flood coming, just ask people to stop it. 】【Can't he keep an eye on the flow of the flood?As long as I can think of changing the course of the flood, I won't be too speechless. 】

[I told Yao that we cannot blindly block floods.Instead, we must work together to evacuate the flow of the flood and let the angry water of the Yellow River return to calm again.It is better to open up than to block, this is the truth. 】

[But what I didn’t expect was that Yao, who had been a tribal leader for decades, didn’t agree with my point of view.Our opinions differed for the first time.I was surprised. Where did Yao, a tall-headed man, have the courage to question me? 】

[After so many years, he has only developed courage, not brains.After holding on to power for so long, has even the once steady young man become arrogant? 】

When the First Emperor saw this place, he couldn't help but have a look of anger on his face, and said loudly:

"This 'Yao' is more courageous than that elm head!"

"To be so ignorant of current affairs! Humph, with such ability, can he be recorded as an ancient wise emperor by future generations?"

"I'll have to find out later where these rumors came from!"

"The method spoken by heavenly beings must have its own truth!"

"Even if I don't understand for a moment, I will think carefully about it. I will definitely not argue directly like Yao."

The more the First Emperor thought about the people's praise of Yao's wisdom, the more funny he felt in his heart.

If he hadn't read the descriptions of Yao in fairy books, the First Emperor might have believed those ancient legends.

After suppressing his anger, the First Emperor continued to read the fairy books left by the gods, wondering how the flood from the sky calmed down.

[The floods are getting bigger and bigger, and the blockage is becoming more and more unstoppable.But Yao still went his own way and ordered the tribesmen to use various methods to block the raging flood. 】

[At this moment, a young man appeared in the tribe. Under his call, a group of like-minded young people responded.They followed the method I told them, carefully studying the route of the flood and observing the surrounding terrain.Every effort was made to release the floodwaters from the grooves to divert the spreading floodwaters to surrounding lakes. 】

[Their efforts have shown a lot of results.The flood, which was originally like an angry beast, was temporarily contained.When Yao found out about this, he became furious. 】

[Xu Shi felt that this young man was good at making opinions, which affected his prestige.He was so stupid that he ordered that this young man who had contributed to the tribe be arrested and punished.What's even more stupid is that Yao actually got so big that he even wanted to do something to me. 】


When the First Emperor saw the words that Yao was going to attack the heavenly beings, he suddenly raised his head, his face was full of disbelief, and two rays of shock appeared in his eyes.

"Can this be considered a wise emperor from ancient times?"

"Which emperor is so stupid?"

"You still dare to attack heavenly beings? I'm afraid King Chu Huai of the Seven Kingdoms period doesn't have such a stupid head as Yao."

The First Emperor was immediately stunned by Yao's operation.

This way of expansion reminded the First Emperor of the city-states in the late Mayan civilization.Yao's actions seem even stupider than those of the Mayans.

This made the First Emperor begin to consider whether to overturn all of Yao's records and re-narrate them in the empire's history books.

After being shocked for a moment, the First Emperor turned his attention to the fairy book again.

(End of this chapter)

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