In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 147 A miracle from heaven appears in Daze Mountain! ! !

Chapter 147 A miracle from heaven appears in Daze Mountain! ! !
[Yao’s actions were opposed by everyone in the tribe.But as the leader of the tribe, Yao had all the soldiers and warriors in the tribe in his hands.Going his own way, all opposition voices were suppressed. 】

[Yao finally got so crazy that he invited me to the tribe to discuss follow-up measures to prevent floods.I couldn't help but sigh at how corrupt power is to people. 】

[When I arrived at Yao's palace, sure enough, Yao did not mention anything about discussing the flood.Facing the many weapons pointing at me around me, I smiled. 】

[I can’t remember how long it’s been since someone dared to be so presumptuous to me. 】

[I faintly pronounced the word 'kneel'.I taught them to pronounce this word, and I also taught them to read it! 】

[When I uttered this word, all the surrounding tribe soldiers subconsciously put down their weapons and bowed to me.Yao, who was sitting on the high platform, uncontrollably knelt down towards me.No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't stop his body's actions. 】

[I said to the young man who was successful in controlling the water, that chair is yours, and you will lead the human tribe from now on.Your name will be 'Shun' from now on! 】

[Looking at Yao who is struggling but unable to resist his body’s instinct.I said to Shun, what are you going to do with Yao? 】

[Shun was also a kind-hearted man. He said that Yao had led the tribe for decades and brought prosperity to the human race, and he was prepared to ban him forever.Externally, it is said that he voluntarily surrenders himself. 】

[In Shun, I seem to see the shadow of the Yellow Emperor.At that time, he also had a bit of a holy mother's heart.But it is undeniable that only this kind of people will not be corrupted by such great power after taking control of the world. 】

In the Zhangtai Palace, the First Emperor realized what Shun had done to Yao in the end.

"No wonder. No wonder later history books record that Yao voluntarily abdicated the throne of human emperor to Shun."

"It turns out that this was Shun's benevolence back then."

The First Emperor changed places, so naturally he would not do what Shun did.If it were him, he would definitely eradicate it and make it impossible for Yao to turn around!
But the ancient era where Shun lived was somewhat different from today.

At that time, when the gods were still in the world, even if Yao turned into a demon, he would not be able to cause any trouble.Shun was so kind that he would not have any worries.

After putting aside all the thoughts in his mind, the First Emperor continued to focus on the fairy book.

[Although the leaders of the tribal people have changed, the monstrous flood will not calm down.They were only temporarily suppressed. I knew that it wouldn't be long before the monstrous flood would spread again. 】

[Looking at the continuous heavy rain in the sky, Shun also frowned, worried about the next flood, and asked me about various measures to control the flood. 】

[I told Shun that flooding is a natural part of the world.All the human race can do is to arrange the habitats and water sources of the earth together. 】

[First of all, we must observe in detail the various terrains where the human race lives.Be prepared to anticipate where there may be flooding when heavy rains continue. 】

[In those high-risk areas, dig artificial rivers leading to nearby low-lying lakes in advance. 】

[Then, try to arrange the area where the human race lives in a higher place.In case of floods, all tribal houses and fields will be flooded. 】

[Shun was very obedient and carried out my plan strictly. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment in his mind!
"No wonder, the many lakes in Daqin today seem to have traces of inhabited by humans in the past."

"It must be a human race that migrated out in ancient times."

"I will have to take a look at the current layout of Da Qin someday to prevent that monstrous flood from coming again!"

In the Daze Mountain area, since the First Emperor ordered it.

Wang Ben led an army of [-] men and marched here with a fierce look on his face.

When the Mohists were annihilated and the Huns were conquered, Meng Tian stole the show.

As another famous general of Great Qin, Wang Bi, he looked envious in his eyes and felt envious in his heart!
Full of ambition to serve the country, it has long been unable to be restrained!This time the First Emperor ordered him to attack the peasants. When Wang Ben received the order, he was so happy that he laughed wildly on the spot for more than three breaths.

After obtaining the military talisman, he continued to urge the army to advance with soaring vigor along the way.

In a short period of time, he could lead an army of [-] to the Daze Mountain area.

Looking at the continuous Daze Mountains not far away, I couldn't help but feel excited and felt that I had nowhere to vent my pride!
"This time, I really have to thank Zhang Han! If he hadn't been seriously injured by the Dize 24 Formation, I might not have had the chance to show off my glory this time!"

"Well, when I return to Xianyang in triumph, if Zhang Han is not present at the celebration banquet, no one else will be able to move their chopsticks!"

Wang Ben's face was full of pride, and he did not think it was a difficult task to wipe out the peasants and take Liu Bang's head.

The deputy general next to him heard Wang Ben's straightforward words and couldn't help but persuade him:
"General, we must not be careless."

"The farmer's Dize 24 formation seems to be very fierce."

"General Bai Qi, who was dubbed the 'God of Killing' in the past, was seriously injured under this formation at the height of the sun."

"Now, General Zhang Han was seriously injured by the formation again. General, if you are so careless, I'm afraid you will suffer a big loss."

The lieutenant general's face was full of confusion, and he just wanted to persuade Wang Ben to be more cautious.

Wang Ben heard this and said disdainfully:

"Tch, this general naturally knows how powerful the Dize 24 Formation is. Do you think I am such a careless person?"

"No matter how powerful the Dize 24 formation is, can it be more powerful than the Shenwu Cannon?"

"First kill those cunning peasants half to death, and then our army of [-] will attack them!"

"I don't believe in that big formation, you're not afraid of cannons!"

Wang Ben's face was full of cruelty, and he had already imagined in his mind the scene of those vulgar people in the farmhouse being continuously bombarded by the thunder power of the divine cannon.

No matter how high their martial arts are, no matter how mysterious the formation is, they will never be able to stop the power of this heavenly weapon!
Just when Wang Ben was about to lead an army of [-], he marched completely into Daze Mountain.

Sudden!The endless Daze Mountain suddenly seemed to have come alive!
The huge and narrow mountain range is constantly shaking!
It's like the giant dragon that has been lying on the ground since ancient times is suddenly about to wake up!
Thousands of rays of light, accompanied by huge mountain vibrations, diffused from the depths of the mountain forest.

The colorful rays of light even illuminated a large area of ​​the sky into a rainbow of colors.

Like a peacock's tail that covers the sky and floats in the sky.

Such a monstrous vision directly made Wang Ben freeze in place.

Wang Ben had also seen the miracles of heaven and man, and immediately realized that there must be a sudden change in Daze Mountain!

"Stop! The army stops advancing! Rest where you are!"

Faced with this monstrous vision, Wang Ben did not dare to move forward rashly.

Several spies were selected from the army and dispersed into Daze Mountain. After the situation was ascertained, the next decision would be made.

(End of this chapter)

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