Chapter 167 History owes Di Xin an apology! ! !
[In the face of the civil and military admonitions of the Manchu Dynasty, Shang Zhou never thought of taking back his life. He was solely focused on pleasing Daji and resolutely went his own way. 】

[After all, the majesty of King Zhou of Shang is still there. The civil and military officials in the hall saw that they could not persuade him and no longer persisted.All kinds of criticism gradually subsided.What's more, I'm still curious about Daji's appearance. 】

[King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty used his whole country to build wine pools and meat forests, which finally aroused Daji's expectations.I took Daji to Chaoge to observe the starting point of the downfall of the Shang Dynasty. 】

[One day, Jizhou Hou Suhu came to Chaoge and attracted the power of each other's blood.Su Hu recognized Daji as his lost daughter many years ago. 】

[Under the excitement of his heart, Su Hu verified Daji’s identity with his bloodline magical power, and then he thought wholeheartedly about taking Daji back to Jizhou to make up for the lack of family affection. 】

[Daji knew that this magical power of blood cannot be faked.Although it was clear that Su Hu was her biological father, Daji was still unable to accept this sudden appearance of her biological father.For a moment, she fell into indecision. 】

[I also verbally rejected Su Hu’s behavior. Su Hu was afraid of me and knew it was hard to use force, so he had to leave temporarily. 】

[Looking at Daji’s confused state, I couldn’t help but tell her about the various fates in the future. 】

[I have spent countless years in this world.Although there are slightly different changes in some details.But the direction of history generally has only one path, and what is supposed to come will always come. 】

[But after I told all the things that happened to Daji in Chaoge in the future, Daji was completely confused and froze in place.She couldn't believe that she would do something to bring trouble to the world in the future. 】

[I know that she will definitely not be able to accept her fate for a while.But now if you want to change this situation, you can only take Daji out of this whirlpool. 】

[Just when I was about to take Daji away from Chaoge, another young man came to see me the next day, and it turned out to be Xibohou Jichang. 】

[Jichang did not come to Chaoge because he heard about Daji’s beauty, but simply came to pay homage to me and ask for advice.I didn't want to teach him anything, but Ji Chang's diligence and studious reminded me of Fu Xi back then. 】

[When thinking about the progress of the human race, the most important thing is the shining stars in the river, not time itself.I then gave him all the works such as the "Huangdi Neijing" and "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" so that he could understand the above knowledge on his own.After all, these things alone are enough for him to study for a lifetime. 】

[At the same time, I told Ji Chang that in the process of studying and studying classics, he should also leave behind his various insights.So that future generations can enjoy the blessing of this knowledge inheritance. 】

[Time flies, Ji Chang is talented after all.In the process of continuous study of classics, I came to understand the 'Book of Changes'. 】

After reading this paragraph, the First Emperor suddenly raised his head from the fairy book, his face full of shock!
He murmured unconsciously:
"It turns out that Ji Chang's inspiration for writing the Book of Changes actually came from ancient books handed down from heaven and man."

The First Emperor was deeply shocked, and at the same time he somewhat understood why the heavenly beings still taught him knowledge despite knowing that Ji Chang was the greatest force in overthrowing the Shang Dynasty.

Presumably in the eyes of heavenly beings, the progress of human civilization is the most important.

Since the long river of history cannot be changed, we should work hard to make the fish living in the river grow stronger.

After the First Emperor somewhat understood the good intentions of the heavenly beings, he continued to read the rest of the fairy book.

[While Ji Chang was perfecting the 'Book of Changes', Emperor Xin led a large army on an expedition to the North Sea.With unparalleled strength, he wiped out all foreign troubles in the Shang Dynasty. 】

[Under such a great victory, the entire Shang Dynasty's subjects were filled with excitement.During the court song, every household was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations to congratulate King Zhou of Shang for his achievements.No one in the entire Shang Dynasty had any objection to his previous depletion of national power and the construction of wine ponds and meat forests to please beauties. 】

[I took Daji around the capital, quietly watching the prosperity of the world from the perspective of a bystander.Looking at Di Xin who was so lucky, I was somewhat surprised. 】

[Today's Emperor Xin is even more wise and brave than Shang Tang, the founder of the Shang Dynasty.Seriously speaking, starting from the Yellow Emperor, it is rare to see an emperor who can be as outstanding as Di Xin. 】【For his achievements, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is 'one emperor through the ages'. 】

[At the same time, I became more curious.Such a powerful Shang Dynasty was led by emperors throughout the ages.How did it come to the end of collapse? I don't believe that Daji will really cause trouble, and I don't believe that Ji Chang, who developed the 'Book of Changes', can surpass Di Xin in terms of reputation. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his entire expression changed instantly.

This time, his expression was neither shocked nor confused.

Rather, he prefers the kind of competition for favor among concubines in the harem.

When the First Emperor saw the heavenly being's description of Emperor Xin, he was somewhat disgusted.

"One emperor through the ages? No matter how good Emperor Xin is, he is still the king of the country."

"Well, Tianren's description of one emperor through the ages must not have included the era after the Shang Dynasty."

"If the gods saw me, they would definitely not praise Di Xin so much."

Although the First Emperor was also surprised by Emperor Xin's excellence, no matter what, history cannot be changed, and the Shang Dynasty was destroyed in the hands of Emperor Xin.

Although the gods have also left mottoes, the Qin Dynasty will also perish in the second generation.But even if it does happen, then he is not the king of subjugation.Emperor Xin pacified Beihai and Dongyi, and Yingzheng also slaughtered the Xiongnu.

No matter from which point of view, I must be better than Di Xin.

While the First Emperor was undergoing intense mental activity in his heart, there was an obvious look of confusion on his face.

Li Si on the side looked at the various expression changes of the First Emperor, and became more and more confused.

He didn't know what the First Emperor saw in the fairy book.Only then could he have such a changeable expression in such a short period of time.

After suppressing the unwavering emotions in his heart, the First Emperor continued to read the fairy books and explore what happened to Ji Chang after he realized the 'Book of Changes'.

[After Ji Chang realized the 'Book of Changes', he integrated all his knowledge, but he took a completely different path from Fu Xi.After he accomplished his studies, he said goodbye to me and returned to the land of Xiqi. 】

[After teaching Ji Chang, this human sage, I know in my heart that the Shang Dynasty is one step closer to destruction invisibly.But at least the entire Chinese civilization is showing a state of progress. 】

[In order to prevent Daji from suffering that tragic fate again, I took her away from Chaoge, a place of right and wrong. 】

[Continue walking on the land of China, looking for the earth’s magnetic field nodes.During this long process, I met an extremely strange young man in a barren mountain and old forest. 】

[His life experience is similar to that of Daji. Both of them were homeless due to various reasons when they were young.Perhaps due to the influence of destiny, Daji was adopted and raised by a group of foxes who were humane. 】

[And this young man, in this dangerous mountainous forest, was actually raised by a group of jackals, tigers, leopards and other beasts.The boy's closest friend was a brown bear that was more than a foot long. 】

(End of this chapter)

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