In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 168: Fei Xiong Jiang Shang, the ancestor of military strategists! ! !

Chapter 168 Fei Xiong, the ancestor of military strategists—Jiang Shang! ! !
[When this young man introduced his 'adoptive father and mother' to Daji and me.Not only was Daji's eyes rounded with shock, but even I, who had spent a long time, was so shocked that I couldn't recover for a while. 】

[Those beasts that seemed extremely ferocious to mortals actually regarded this boy as a cub of their own race and took good care of him as he grew up.This also allowed this young man who grew up in the wilderness to understand the words of beasts. 】

[What surprises me most is that the words of the beasts actually include the words of the current human race.When I asked the young man why, he said that he was a woodcutter who occasionally went up the mountain to cut firewood and taught him the language of the tribe. 】

[The woodcutter originally thought he was pitiful and had thought of adopting him.But the boy's ferocious 'adoptive father and mother' really couldn't bear to part with this adopted son who had been brought up since childhood.After all, the woodcutter is just an ordinary person, and no matter how hard he fights, he can't compete with these beasts in the mountains.Under the threat of the brown bear that was more than ten feet tall, the woodcutter had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​adopting the boy. 】

[I asked the boy’s name and he said his name was ‘Flying Bear’!In his opinion, his brown bear adoptive mother is the most powerful in the entire mountain forest.But even the strongest brown bear adoptive mother cannot fly.When I was young, I thought that if a brown bear could fly, it would be the most terrifying existence in the world. 】

The fairy book described this strange young man in this way, but when the First Emperor saw these descriptions, his eyes only showed a look of extreme surprise!

"Flying Bear?! Is this Jiang Shang, the founder of the military strategist?"

"I didn't expect that the ancestor of the military strategist who was like a god in his military skills was actually a young man who was abandoned in the mountains and forests."

"And those ferocious beasts that cared for their hair and drank their blood also raised him as a cub of the same kind."

"This childhood experience of the ancestor of the military strategist is really bizarre."

After the First Emperor learned about Jiang Shang's past, he felt that the childhood experience of this military ancestor was not only absurd and bizarre, but also seemed to be protected by God's will.

Otherwise, an infant, just abandoned in the mountains, would be eaten by jackals, tigers and leopards as blood food.

This Jiang Shang should not have been raised by a hundred beasts, and it was by chance that he understood the words of a hundred beasts.

Later, I met a heavenly being again. This was an adventure that made people crazy with envy.

After suppressing all the emotions in his heart, the First Emperor continued to read the fairy book, hoping to find out how this savage-like young man grew up to become the ancestor of the military strategist.

[I looked at this boy who was raised by beasts, and asked him if he had ever grudged his parents for abandoning him.He replied, "I don't hate it."My parents gave me life, and I owe it to them.And if they hadn't left me in the mountains, he wouldn't have had the chance to meet these 'adoptive parents' who treated him like their own children. 】

[Looking at the young man's clear eyes, I knew that what he said at this moment was all sincere.Under such an ups and downs of fate, this young man could still maintain such a pure heart, and I suddenly had the idea of ​​accepting a disciple. 】

[After I showed off my skills in front of the young man, the young man immediately knelt down and worshiped me, treating me as a god walking on earth. 】

[After I briefly explained my origins to the boy, the boy became more respectful to me.I think his name is somewhat unpleasant.So he was given the surname Jiang, a single name with the character Shang, the character Ziya, and the nickname Feixiong. 】

[From then on, I took him with me, and I could do some chores on weekdays.Naturally, I have no unnecessary objections to Jiang Shang following me and his ferocious 'adoptive father and adoptive mother'.Even when I took Jiang Shang away from the mountains, all kinds of beasts in the mountains and forests brought various farewell gifts in their own way. 】【Looking at those 'bizarre' gifts, Daji and I were a little unbelievable, but Jiang Shang was moved to tears. 】

[For the rest of the journey, I have another disciple by my side.Jiang Shang looked very dumb on the surface, like a piece of wood. He was far from as weird as Da Ji. The two of them were like two extremes.But due to the same childhood experience, the two of them don't get along too badly. 】

[Although Jiang Shang's face is dull, it can still be seen from his shining eyes that his mind is very agile.It’s just that I have been living with ferocious beasts in the mountains for many years, and I am not very good at expressing my emotions.Moreover, Jiang Shang also has a habit of spending most of the time with his eyes open in a daze. 】

[I asked him why he was staring blankly with his eyes open instead of lying down on the bed to sleep.Jiang Shang told me that he likes to form troops and often squats on the ground to watch ants fight.While standing in a daze, he was simulating the scene of a battle between two armies in his mind. 】

[After hearing Jiang Shang’s reason for being dazed, not only Daji looked at him like a monster.Even I was speechless for a while. 】

[But Jiang Shang’s peculiar hobby made me think of something I should teach him. 】

[I first took out a Go board and taught Jiang Shang how to play chess.And told him that the two armies fighting are like the two black and white pieces on the chessboard.Opposing each other contains thousands of changes. 】

[After Jiang Shang understood the rules of Go, he quickly became obsessed with the game.He no longer squats on the ground looking for ants, but stares into a pair of bull's eyes every day, studying the black and white masters' fighting skills. 】

[In the process of Jiang Shang's study of chess, I instilled in him the essence of military strategism bit by bit through chess games. 】

[Seeing Jiang Shang so obsessed with chess, my mind moved even more, and I handed over all the top ten endgames I knew to Jiang Shang. 】

[Jiang Shang, this apprentice who looks dull on the outside but is extremely smart on the inside, was instantly locked into the top ten endgames I laid out.Apart from eating and sleeping throughout the day, he would squat in front of the chessboard and study the top ten endgames I gave him. 】

[In the following ten years, Jiang Shang devoted himself wholeheartedly to pondering the endgame of Go.And as time went by, Daji gradually grew into a truly eminent queen. 】

[The stunning beauty of her appearance directly gave her aura a sense of charm.Of course, those little temperament charms have no effect on me.Jiang Shang studied chess games all day long and paid less attention to Daji's beauty. 】

[Slowly, Daji began to have her own ideas.She planned to go out for a walk and see the outside world. 】

[I know that Daji longs for the prosperity of the world, although I took her with me because I didn’t want her to be involved in the whirlpool of Chaoge.But if she wants to go out, I can't stop her. 】

[Moreover, Daji has been following me for a long time, and I also taught her some methods of establishing a destiny.Let her walk around the world with this beauty, and she will not be afraid of those young people. 】

[Perhaps due to the invisible pull of fate, history is still on the right path. Without my obstruction, Daji returned to the world again]

(End of this chapter)

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