In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 169 At the end of the Shang Dynasty, a time when gods and men emerged in large numbers! ! !

Chapter 169 At the end of the Shang Dynasty, a time when gods and men emerged in large numbers! ! !

When the First Emperor saw this place, he couldn't help but sigh.

"This Daji really doesn't know how powerful her beauty is."

The First Emperor thought of the various records in the history books, as well as the charm that came from Daji's body through the fairy books and the words of heaven and man.

It was immediately clear that the rumors about Daji's "disaster for the country and the people" were not necessarily all groundless.

"It's so good to stay with the gods. With the protection of the gods, at least you can get stability for the rest of your life."

The First Emperor's eyes flickered, thinking of Daji's fate in the history books, and also thinking of Jiang Shang, who was still beside the heavenly being at this time, studying the chess game of military art.

For a moment, an extremely strange feeling arose in my heart.

The Shang Dynasty, which was at its peak, suddenly entered its final chapter. Even if the heavenly beings took Daji by their side since childhood, they still could not stop her from entering the human world.

There seemed to be an invisible big hand fiddling with something.
"This Daji is completely the key figure in the downfall of the Shang Dynasty."

"It's just that she has followed the gods for such a long time. What was her purpose in the end to do the things recorded in the history books?"

The First Emperor continued to observe the subsequent contents of the fairy book with a puzzled look on his face.

[After Daji entered the human world, I also secretly paid attention to some things about her.With Daji's appearance of being shy of the moon and the flowers, it is true that wherever she goes, she causes shocking waves. 】

[The fluctuations she created were even greater than those of Chang'e back then.At least in terms of attractiveness to men, even though Chang'e had reached her limit in dancing, she was still no match for Daji's natural charm. 】

[Sure enough, there are many people like Hou Yi who wanted to forcefully take action against Daji because of her beauty.But none of them can compete with Daji who possesses magical powers.But there is still an endless stream of people who are ready to move because of Daji's peerless beauty. 】

[Finally, Di Xin, who was far away in Chaoge, also learned about Daji's entry into the world.He directly led the army out of Chaoge, and with the supreme majesty of the Human Emperor, drove away the forces from all sides who were ready to move because of their beauty. 】

[Daji has always had a vague impression of Emperor Xin, who built a wine pond and meat forest for herself.Perhaps she came into the world this time just to meet Di Xin. 】

[Drawed by invisible fate, Daji and Di Xin still walked together.The love between the two seems to exceed [-]% of couples in the world. 】

[Di Xin returned all the favor he could to Daji, and Daji also slowly passed on some of the knowledge of world governance that she learned from me to Di Xin. 】

[I am also looking forward to this.Daji has followed me for so long, and whether unintentionally or intentionally, she has accepted from me a philosophy of governance that is far beyond the current era. 】

[I don’t know what the consequences will be if Emperor Xin implements those methods of governing the world that span the ages in today’s era. 】

[After receiving Daji's methods of governing the world, Emperor Xin was also overjoyed.This kind of knowledge that far exceeded the limitations of the times made him feel like a treasure. 】

[After Emperor Xin knew that these methods of governing the world that transcended the times came from my hands, he no longer had any doubts.All kinds of advanced policies were promoted bit by bit within the territory of the Shang Dynasty. 】

[Because of these efficient policies, supermarkets have ushered in unprecedented glory.The entire Chaoge is much more prosperous than before. 】

[But in this paradise on earth, due to the promotion of various subsequent policies, the root of the disaster has been quietly buried. 】

[Di Xin pacified Dongyi and Beihai. These achievements made him extremely dignified in Chaoge.But in the places controlled by other princes, Di Xin's power of human emperor was not so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. 】

[When Emperor Xin decided to adopt poor families, abolish slave sacrifices, and other measures were enacted.This caused serious dissatisfaction among other princes because the matter was directly related to their interests. 】

[At this point, not only the surrounding princes were unwilling to implement Emperor Xin's measures.Even in the Chaoge, many veterans raised objections. 】

[Among them, veterans of the three dynasties, headed by Grand Master Wen and Bigan, severely accused Emperor Xin of violating the laws of their ancestors. 】【Di Xin suddenly fell into a dilemma because he chose a poor family as an official and abolished slave sacrifice.Not only did the princes and states in the world begin to secretly disrespect the orders of the great merchant emperor.Even some veterans of Chaoge began to distance themselves from him. 】

[But Di Xin is Di Xin after all. Relying on his strong authority as the Human Emperor, he firmly believes that he is doing this for the benefit of the people of the world.We must strictly implement these policies. 】

[At this point, the Shang Dynasty fell into a state of turmoil.If it survives, the Shang Dynasty will enter a new era!An era where everyone can be a dragon! 】

[If it does not survive, the dynasty will collapse and the new dynasty will continue to rule the human race]

At the end of the last paragraph, the First Emperor slowly raised his head, with a look of sadness on his face.

When we see that Emperor Xin also dared to be the first in the Shang Dynasty, he abolished slave sacrifice and selected scholars from poor families.

In the eyes of the First Emperor, it was feasible to praise Emperor Xin's actions by saying, "The world is for the common good."

What impressed the First Emperor even more was that he also implemented such measures.

Moreover, those old clans entrenched within the dynasty even joined forces to threaten them with military force.

It's just that compared to Emperor Xin in the late Shang Dynasty, the First Emperor was too lucky.

From the beginning to the end, the First Emperor never regarded the old clans who had committed treason as threatening opponents.

The disparity in power between them made it as easy as squeezing an ant to death for the First Emperor to destroy them.

But at the end of the Shang Dynasty, it was an era when gods and men emerged in large numbers.

What kind of terrifying existence will Di Xin face?

The First Emperor knew that since the history books recorded that the Shang Dynasty had collapsed, Emperor Xin must have experienced a defeat in the end.

But King Zhou of Shang, whom the world called a tyrant, still resolutely implemented an advanced system for the sake of all living beings in the world, knowing that he couldn't do anything.This kind of courage made the First Emperor admire him.

"This Emperor Xin is truly worthy of the praise of heaven and man."

"With his courage, he is also the biggest opponent for us to compete for the title of 'Eternal Emperor'!"

"It is indeed the right path to select men from poor families in the world to join the dynasty and cut off the clan's monopoly on power!"

"Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, I must go on!"

"Although Di Xin lost! But I won't!"

The eyes of the First Emperor burst out with divine light as bright as stars.

From the diary left by the heavenly being, the First Emperor knew that the real Emperor Xin was far from the one depicted in the history books.Even Daji, who sent Emperor Xin advanced methods of governing the world, had nothing to do with the harm to the country and the people.

The history books compiled by the victors used quotations out of context, or even made up fabrications to discredit Emperor Xin and Daji in this way.

The First Emperor was extremely angry.

(End of this chapter)

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