In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 188 The governance of a powerful country! ! !

Chapter 188 The governance of a powerful country! ! !

The students who had gone through so much hard work to come to Xianyang to participate in Enke burst into tears of gratitude.

In terms of food, it is naturally easier to solve.

In the fields around Xianyang, more corn and potatoes were harvested than the people's granaries could contain.

The excess grain was spontaneously donated to the court by grateful people.

These students from poor families had to eat dry food for countless days before arriving in Xianyang.Needless to say, everyone is excited when they eat the novel corn and potatoes.

I just want to show off what I have learned in Enke and have the opportunity to serve the empire.

And those students who were originally members of the clan class, since Wei Wuji's last fall, have completely understood that their privileges have become a thing of the past forever.

After knowing that the imperial examination system could not be changed, some of them still had the courage to do so, so they made every effort to study the classics.

In order to pass the imperial examination and continue the glory of his father's generation.

The night before Enke arrived, the entire Xianyang City was silent to the sound of reading.

All students, regardless of their previous status, are working hard for tomorrow's Enke.

On the day when Enko started, countless students started the exam in front of the palace according to the four categories drawn out.

The four major categories are literature, water conservancy, military science, and agriculture.

The literature examination papers were naturally compiled by Confucian scholars headed by Li Si.

Among them, Xunzi and other Confucian and Taoist masters were naturally indispensable for reviewing.

The water conservancy and object examination papers were carefully compiled by the Gongshu family led by Gongshu Qiu and combined with some Mohist classics.

Originally, the Gongshu family had a huge advantage in water conservancy and object research.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, Gongshu Chou did not let the children of the clan refer to it.

As for the military examination papers, they were naturally compiled by military generals headed by Meng Tian and Wang Ben.

The test paper on the art of war does not test personal bravery, but examines the strategy of using troops.

As the saying goes, there are many warriors but few counselors.Strong generals are easy to come by, but wise generals are hard to find.

Having enough strategies to deal with various emergencies is the most needed talent in the Qin Army today.

As for Tianshi Agricultural Science, the seeds left by today's people have been promoted and planted throughout the territory of Qin.

The number of agronomy experts required is naturally a large number.

Ordinary people may be good at farming, but when it comes to crop care and weather control, they don't have that much systematic knowledge.

Moreover, potatoes, corn, peppers, etc. are all new crops, and the people's inherent farming experience is not very useful.

Therefore, the selection of agricultural experts is still an important project for the imperial court.

The examination papers of Tianshi Agricultural Science are naturally compiled from the seasonal agricultural orders combined with farmers' classics.

After the peasant family was destroyed, all the essence of knowledge accumulated by the entire peasant family for thousands of years has been transported to Xianyang.

The vast amount of exquisite knowledge directly made Da Qin's achievements in agriculture even higher.

Students from all over the world naturally take one of these four exams based on what they have learned.

The First Emperor stood in Zhangtai Palace, looking at the examination room that stretched like a long dragon, and felt deeply in his heart.

If it weren't for the immortal book left by his mentor, how could the First Emperor have imagined that he could select the talents needed by the court in this way?
I saw those students from poor families, wearing clothes full of patches, writing furiously at the desk.The First Emperor felt more and more that the great imperial examination system had made great achievements through the ages!
Behind the First Emperor, Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi were also watching quietly.

In such a big world, so many students gathered together, it was a prosperous time they had never seen before.

It is foreseeable what the world will be like after the Qin Dynasty breaks the clan class's monopoly on knowledge with the imperial examination system.Everyone can read the books of saints, and the unique knowledge of the saints will also last forever in the world. It will be an era when everyone is like a dragon!As long as there is a will and a perseverance, one can pass the imperial examination and transform into a dragon.

After the First Emperor had a panoramic view of the entire examination room, he said to Li Si beside him:

"Li Si, I will leave it to you and the people to take charge of the grading."

"Remember, this is the first imperial examination in the Qin Dynasty. There must be no fraud!"

"If someone does anything disrespectful to the law, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Hearing this, Li Si quickly said respectfully:

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that all candidates are taking the exam with temporary numbers."

"The marking officials will never know which candidate they are marking the papers for!"

"Weichen will also monitor this matter at all times until all examination papers have been reviewed."

After hearing this, the First Emperor nodded slowly.

He looked at the rising sun again, imagining what the Qin Dynasty would look like after undergoing the imperial examination.

The entire imperial examination process lasted for two hours.

Because this is the first imperial examination, there will not be so many questions in the exam that it will take a whole day to answer them.

Next comes the tedious marking process.

The examiners who grade the papers are also the ones who produce the papers.Generals such as Meng Tian and Wang Ben were also surprised to get involved in this literary matter this time.

After all, students who take the military examination are eventually assigned to serve as staff officers in the army.

As the military commanders with the most military exploits in the empire, they are naturally the most qualified.Even the general Wang Jian came over to join in the fun.

As for the literature examination, it was naturally even more lively.

The literature test paper is all-encompassing, and it is far more than just a discussion of the merits of the article.Among them, it even involves ideas.

Moreover, the number of students taking the literature exam is the largest among the four categories.Therefore, there are more corresponding marking officers than other categories.

As the examiner of the entire imperial examination, Li Si mainly played the role of supervision and overview of the overall situation.

With the order of the First Emperor, Li Si naturally did not dare to let any scandal break out in the empire's first imperial examination.Throughout the grading process, Li Sidu kept patrolling all sides.

At the same time, the students with the best scores in each subject were recorded and prepared to be presented to the First Emperor for observation.

Late at night, in Zhangtai Palace.

It was not until the moon was high that the full results of the first imperial examination in the empire were roughly obtained.

Li Si selected the most outstanding ones from each subject, hurriedly came to the First Emperor and reported:
"Your Majesty, there are a total of [-] students from all over the country taking part in the imperial examination this time!"

"Among them, excluding some clan members who are just trying to make up the numbers, there are about three thousand students, all of whom have met the standards required by the imperial court!"

"Moreover, among these three thousand students, more than two thousand come from poor families."

After hearing Li Si's report, the First Emperor's eyes immediately lit up and he said excitedly:

"Okay! In this world of few people, it turns out there are still so many talents available!"

"If it weren't for the imperial examination, these more than 2000 poor students would have been buried!"

"This imperial examination is indeed the government of a strong country!"

"Hmph, this time those clan members and poor students are competing on the same starting line. With such a huge gap, who of them dare to be arrogant?"

(End of this chapter)

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