In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 189 In the age of great strife, all the heroes of the world rise together! ! !

Chapter 189 In the age of great strife, all the heroes of the world rise together! ! !
What excited the First Emperor the most was not the number of available talents, but the proportion of students from poor families among them!
If most of the people in the court come from clans, then over time, cliques will inevitably appear.

But students from poor families are different. Before they enter the court, they are just a blank sheet of paper and have no complicated family relationships.Only such people can be more useful to the court!
Immediately afterwards, Li Si presented the examination papers of those who performed well in various subjects to the First Emperor.

And these candidates who are the best in various subjects, without exception, all come from poor families!

After reading the examination papers of those poor students, the First Emperor felt more and more that the future of the empire was promising.

Scholars from poorer families had an advantage in farming, which was what the First Emperor had long expected.After all, if these poor students want to survive, they have to deal with the fields.

But he also had outstanding insights on the art of war, which was completely beyond the expectations of the First Emperor!

You know, military books are rarely circulated among the people, and people from poor families have no chance to come into contact with military matters!

But even Wang Jian was shocked by the various devious tactics proposed by the student with the highest score in the art of war.All the generals jointly elected this person to be the number one.

After the First Emperor put down all the examination papers, his face became more excited and he said:

"Li Si! From this imperial examination, we can see that dragons and phoenixes can come from poor families!"

"There will be more schools built in various places in the future."

"I believe that after the full name is enlightened, talents like this will definitely appear in an endless stream!"

"In terms of money, you don't have to worry. The empire will now open schools and make it the first priority!"

"I want to make China a place where everyone can read and write! Create a dynasty for all generations!"

Li Si heard the words and respectfully accepted the order.

After Li Si retired, the First Emperor continued to think about the future of the empire.

The First Emperor also thought about why the previous kings had never done this kind of act of enlightening the whole people.

After the First Emperor carefully considered various situations, he came to the conclusion that it was not that the previous kings did not know the benefits of enlightening the whole people.

Instead, there were two major difficulties that stood in front of the previous kings, which prevented them from carrying out such a great policy.

The first difficulty is the monopoly of knowledge by the domestic clan class.

Once there are signs of full name enlightenment, I am afraid that it will cause an all-out counterattack by the clan class in the country, and eventually the country will be in a precarious situation, and even the throne will not be stable.

But this difficulty did not exist at all with the First Emperor!
Since the last clan group headed by Wei Wuji was uprooted by the First Emperor.With the prestige of the First Emperor, no one dared to raise an objection anymore.

The second difficulty is that the king himself is afraid!If all the people become wise and have their own ideas, they will inevitably be dissatisfied with the king.

This creates a huge wind of public opinion, but when this wind blows hard enough, if someone raises their arms and shouts.It is very possible to shout and let the sun and moon change from the blue sky.

But with the courage of the First Emperor, he was not afraid of rebels in the world.

The implementation of various major policies in the empire is beneficial to the country and the people!
The First Emperor believed that the people's hearts in the world would never lead to such a situation where the whole people complained.After thinking about this matter for a while, the First Emperor took out the fairy book again and watched the next footsteps of the heavenly beings.

As the era described in the fairy book got closer and closer to the present, the First Emperor's mood became more and more nervous.

[My disciples, using the world as a chessboard and all living beings as chess pieces, demonstrate the great path they have inherited. 】

[Although they are both disciples under my command and are brothers in the same sect, when they discuss the level of their own Tao, they fight very fiercely. 】

[The dissatisfaction between each other became even more intense after the world became the battlefield! 】

[When they are around me, they don’t fight each other when they argue with each other. They just argue verbally.But after changing the battlefield, they began to become less gentle. 】

[Among them, Zhong Ni, who has cultivated his body to the point of being almost indestructible, has a great advantage in frontal combat! 】

[When I was listening to sermons under my command, Zhongni always used a self-compiled "The Analects of Confucius" to explain his disputes with his brothers.But when he got outside, Tiantian exposed his steel body that was so cultivated that it glowed like gold, and chased several junior brothers to explain the real "whispering language". 】

[Li Er is not afraid of Zhong Ni’s iron body, and none of them can do anything to the other.The person Zhong Ni liked to bully the most was Mo Zhai. Mo Zhai favored the creations of institutions and tried to place human thoughts in the creations of institutions. 】

[Zhong Ni just wants Mo Zhai to understand that the body is more powerful than the creation of the machine.Facing Zhong Ni's body of steel, Mo Zhai's mechanical creations had no choice.In the beginning, I was chased and beaten by Zhong Ni all day long. 】

[Finally, Mo Zhai found Gongshu Ban, who shared the same concept of ascension.The two relied on each other and used various creations to force Zhong Ni away. 】

[As for my other disciples, they all have their own preferences in martial arts attacks.After the first few battles, they also realized that they could not differentiate themselves by fighting alone. 】

[They began to pass on their own great ways, trying to use their own ideas to gain the support of all living beings to distinguish themselves. 】

[Now, these disciples of mine have finally entered the right path. 】

[I watched everything secretly, but I was still somewhat dissatisfied with their performance. 】

[Even Zhongni, the most outstanding among them, only wanted to limit his thoughts to his Confucian students. 】

[For this change in the world, it is still too small after all. 】

[The techniques they used when they came down the mountain were still the ones I preached.There was no progress at all on the basis of my preaching, which made me very dissatisfied. 】

[My disciples never understood the real purpose of my sending them down the mountain.If you go down the mountain, your own path will still stagnate, and you will ultimately be constrained by small skills.Not to mention making the world move forward, I can't even make progress myself. 】

[After some time passed, one of my disciples finally appeared that I was quite satisfied with.]

[That is the most withdrawn disciple under my sect—Wang Xu.After he came down from the mountain, he did not contact any of his brothers.Instead, he founded the Guigu sect on his own, and he called himself the first generation Guiguzi.The way of escaping from the world and studying one's own inheritance is extremely strict even when accepting disciples. 】

In Zhangtai Palace, when the First Emperor saw the record here, his eyes were startled, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The First Emperor never thought that the disciple who satisfied the gods the most would be the first generation Guiguzi who founded the Guigu Zongheng lineage!
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, countless celebrities emerged.Among hundreds of scholars, there are not many who can be called sages.

(End of this chapter)

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